Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/368

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SIX’I`Y·SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. III. Ch. 127. 1913. 1383 'I‘he name of John Gordon, late of Com y E, Fifth R ent *•¤°*‘°*· Massachusetts Volunteer Cavalry; and pay a pension at Ee rata of$24permonthinlieuofthat eisnowreceiving. 'l`he name of Jackson Truit late of Com ny D, ixty-eecond Regi- "“"‘°°""' ment United States Colored Volunteer Inlrntry and pay him a pension at therateof $30£ermonthinlieuof thatheisnowreceiving. The name of Josep Antram, late musician, band, Fifty-ninth ’°"*’*‘“‘“"· Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the . rate of $24 pea- month in lieu of that he is new recei . The name of Martha Ann Harve , widow of George llarvey, late ¥¤¤¤•A¤¤¤•¤•v- captain Companly I, Thing-first Kegiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay er apens n at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that she is now recei . . The name of Johnvlagenoweth, late of Company B, Twenty-iirst 7·¤¤ ¤¤!¤¤*•¢¤- Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and pay hun a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that e is now _ The name of Joshua Eckman, late of Company K, evanth_Reg1- ¥¤•¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤· ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, an_ pay him_a_pension at the rate of $24 muah in lieu of that he is now receiving. _ 'l‘he name of les T. Howard, late of United States ships Qhio, ¤¤•rl·•’1‘·H¤v•6. Massasoit, and North Carolina, United_States.Navy, and pay a pegsiion at the rpte of $2} pei month wei; 0tf°thi;•e is now B c uc , a o m any oprteentli llhggiingnt Iow:.uVolunteer Infantry, and paylhim a pension °°°' at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. The name of Emma C. Palmer widow of Luzerne A. Palmer, late B¤¤¤•¢>·P•\¤¤·. of Company C, Fifth Regiment Chnnectxcut Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month m lieu of that she is DOW I'BCBIVuIg. _ _ pandom Th { Henrie' tta P. Cowgill, widow of Thomas J. Cowgnll, emma r. am. late Zing; Qany C, Forty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer "“· "";.}"""· mJ;P§:l1h“s°E?‘n°mu "° if L".?} ‘££.l$£.‘2?'i€‘i¥am°‘h‘ ne mram e name o en . , W1 0 - » · f `ted S shi N rth Carolin d Satellite, United States Iéigyrjiland phlyiclier apension at the mhemdf $20 per month in heu of t eivm . ‘ t This hgmzohlrgcorrielig M. Ilale, widow of Nathan Hal? late of °°'”°“* "·“*"· Company K, Seventeenth Regiment Connecticut Volunteer nfanttgy, a£d_pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of at s ers now receiving. . . mm, H-__ Th of J J . Hasson late of Company E Nmetieth · Regixiieiitmznd Co%.p?ny it, Elevehth Regiment Pepnsylvama Veg; unteer Infantry; an pay hun a pension at the rate o $30 per mon inrgeu of that)! Hs ¤¤Wt1‘§¢8¤g1¤§Qms hu of O pmy D Eight _ camaarama. GDC!) . · 1 ’ second nlling t New York Volunteer Infantry, and Company C, Seventh ent New Hampshire Volunteer I¤f;nn£··y, and pay him_a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu o t is now ¥'°°°wmg· , · rnaum w. cup Tb f F kl W. Chapman late of Company B Thirty- ramii iieuéaiigat llli1noi;1Volupw9l’ I¤i£¤¢·ryi__·¤zd 1>·:v 1¤¤¤.·{.v¤¤¤¤¤¤ M at the rate of $36 per mouth in lieu of that is DOW receiving. mmm Ln-. The name of Elizabeth A. Fisher, widow of John K: Fisher, late captain Company G, Sixwepth Rgnent Pennsylvania Vglunpleer Cavah·y,hand pay her a pension at rate of $20 permon un eu d'l'li:txia:mlasdlf°}'mm Smith, late of Company AhNIinth ’·¤··¤¤¤· West Virginia Volunteu Infantry, and Compan , nut R¤8*m9¤ Welt Virginia Veteran Volunteer Infantry, pay him a_penaicn at fhnmtr oftfwgiermonthmllou of thathe1snoWrec¤1m¢·