Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/391

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1406 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sus. IH. Ch. 135. 1918. §{,,,¥"*§",,;,,,,,_ The name of Sena Shuster, widow of Smith J. Shuster, late of CompenIyfB, One laundregerand forty-nintthilollegirntszxit Indiana Volunteer an ,an a pension` at to 812 th. I&;.".‘,¥.¥"...";ff1‘;'.:‘L’.i me mms :»7Adolp£ugD. rims, late ot cemrlimy H, ospgrsiisrilrea and fifty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volrmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month inlieu of that he is now recei . W¤•¤¤KR¤¤¤·¤- The name of Wilson H. Richards, late of Company E, Sixty-eigha Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pemion at the Pun rate of $30 per month m hen of that he is now imp»•c.n.1>¤y. The name of Margaret C. De Puy, former widow of Joseph W, Roberts late of Company F, Twenty-seventh Regent Massachusettstfolnmteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at rate of $12 per mon .

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_ pension ra per mon m is now receiv- °°°""··‘*'*•"“"·m§llhenameofGeorgeL.(}rnighton lateofoompan C Sixteenth Regiment New Volunteer; Infantry phy a pension at t.herateof§2 permonthmlneu ofthathemnowreceiving, °“"’°°"""""* 'llieéiaiafme 0%r\‘6f onesIu'l;resse, lateff Company I, Eighth men orma o rmteer h ,_,¤_ rate of $24 per month in lieu of athiiltylieeili n¢i;y immwn at t ""’“""""“` {>.}.L’§§’.2§‘Z ié...r;I"»1’“R.,,.¤...J* K“?f1.1‘f2».`§.2€r‘E°r?LE‘ar.;.K&?;'15'i.°.§f ,,,,,,,,,mm“, an pay era onattherateof$l2 Janome ani. me name of Jamlsrngavid Rich, late of Second Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Mounted Infantry, and pay,him a pension attherateof$24permonthinlieuofthatheianowreceiving.

      • °· ¤··*•· m Tléepname of Alpu$ of Ooxgpany H, Eighteenth

en onus vanra o un ‘ Pmdm, rateof$30germonthinlieuofth`:lh’2i:rI1noi)r·r{ch;a!ll'·, ·t 0 °°"¤ "·"¥**· The name of George W. Tyler late of Com lo 'l‘hn·ty’ - Regiment. Illinois Volunteer Infantry and pay pension atstlht rate of $20 per month in lieu of that he is now ’•¤¤·¤·¤ The name of Jesse Brown, late of Company A Seventeenth B, '- ment West Virgmra Volunteer Infantry, and pay 8 pension at Ee rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now

      • 7 A- "¤¤¤¤•· The name of Mary A. Williams widow of Richard F. Williams late

of Compgfny C, One hundred and seventy-third Regiment ()hj0’V0l_

 af  grpgdnrgg her_a_pension at the rate of 820 per month

r¤¤¤ Mak am. The mine of Joll;r°£;lGai: and dependent child of M inmey, .§‘.l’$‘2.§» him .°%..Il°“r ‘“ri.é’”.I.£°.'}?‘i’il.$ on |¤er@sd. °°°’¤°*`·“'¤•**· ThenameofGeo F. Wheel la · ment Illinois Volunlggr Infan ef,aud°p‘fyOl‘iilrnP:u ;`ttllr R? amen of $36 per month in lieu of thattrhe is now Q n u,,$;,,‘}' *"'" P The name of Roxana Mansfield, former widow of Orris C eebles, late of (bmpany G, l¥mety—£fth Regiment Illinois Volunteer ¤,¤,, I”I“¤’.Y» md P¤5_l1¤1‘ ¤:§¤¤sion at the rate of $12 pq month divine name o be _ Oanady, widow of Robut W. Canady, late linpany H,_ Tweet;-sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry and cnergsgnm P·;h°1'*P°¤$l0¤ 8l$_ orateof$12permom,h_ ' e name of Caroline Knorr, former widow of Jonathan Kenned {pt? of Comlpsny H, One hundred and fourth Regiment Penns va¤£ m•;>”:1:lteer antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of H2 per