Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/567

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WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CONVENTION. Novsmsm 8, 1906. 1585 le eertificat. S’il est constaté measures and, ·' the necessi 3ue Pinfraction résulte de l’état should arise, witllfdraw the es garerls ou d’instructions cate. If it is ascertained that donn au télégraphiste, il est the infraction is the result of the Emacs de meme a ’égard de la condition of the ap aratus or of accordée au navrre. instructions given Sie o tor, the same method shall mm- “ with regard to the license . 688 one . cases o re " “ ' 2Dansle dinfracti Zlnwumvf • tedmfrac- ‘°"‘°'°"° reiteréss Q la charge du meme tionschargeabletoth:-'samevessel,‘1°u` navue, sn les _ representations if the repressntationsmade to the fantes a l’Ldl!l1D18l’·!'8l»10D dont wirelesstelegraph tof

 le navrre par une autre the country to which g vessel

_ nrestent sansefet, is subject by that of another cells-cnalafac¤1lt6,_apressnayo1r country remain without effect, donné avis, d’autonser sesstatnons the latter shall be at liberty after cbtieres _1 ne pas acceptor les due notice, to authorize commumcations yigrgvenant du its coastal stations not to accept · navire en cause. cas de_dgf- communications proceeding from férend entre les deux Admmgs- the` vessel at fault. In case of ,,*’,,:L‘{£°‘ °"F'” grationsl la que:tionb the manl; un u§emen ar 1 agementso ess demandle e l’un des Gouverne- serviceof two countries, theeglrnigsments en cause. La procedure tion shall besubmitted to arbitraest celle indiguée I. Particle 18 tion at therequestof eitherof the de la Conventaon. two Governments at issue. The procedure in_such case_ shall be 4·•.p.r••. the same as indicated m Article 18 of the Convention. 2. Duaia nu Saavrca nas Sn- 2. Ho¤asorSanv1oa or0oasrar.. ,,E§,;‘,'f,"{*°‘°' none Couture. Srarzoxs. VIII. VIII.

 des stations_bc£- 1.Theservi?e of eostal stba; o¤a¤••¤ue•.

` , autan e pom , tions shall a ar as , permanent, le jour ecilula nuit, sans eonstant,_•lr , and t mterruption. _ interruption. _ Toutefois certaines stations Oertam coastal stations! how· ¤•a•¤¤-ua. cbtiéres uvent avoir un service ever,may have a service of lnnited dedurée liinitée. Cheque Admin- duration. Themanagegnentof the istration fixeles heures de service. wireless telegraph service of each country sh fix the hours of service. · 2. Les stations eotieres dont le 2. The coastal stations whose service n’est point permanent ne service is not constant shall not geuvent prendre cloture avant close before ha transmitted ’avoir transmia tous leurs radio- all their to the t6l@·ammes aux naviree qui ss vsels are wi their ratrouvent dans leur rayon d’ection dius_o_f scum, nor before havmg et avant d’avo1r recu de ces recexvedfromsuch vemels all the navires tous les wireless of wlnchnouce annoneéa. Cette ' est hasbeengiven. This rovmonm Ggalementaplicable eds likswiseapplmablewgsnvesels navires ignaljsnt leur présmce signal thsmrpresence before the avant la eeuation efscdve du actnalcenataonofwork. travail.