Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/587

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NATURALIZATION CONVENTION—COSTA RICA. Jmm 10, 1911. 1605 tablished by the lawa of. his limitaciones establecidas r las original country and any other leyes del pals de 0 gocualremission of liability to punish- quiera otra remisién do la responment. sabilidad penal. Article V Arueulo V The declaration of intention to La declaracién de la intencién ¤¤¤¤¢¤N•¤1¤·¤¤¤ become acitizen of the one or the de haoerse cindadano del uno 6 °"°°°“°' other country has not for either delotropais, no apmduoe una party the effect of naturalhation. 6 otra_g;rte el ecto de if naturalizaci . Article VI Articulo VI _ The egresent convention shall B La presente Conveucién comen- ¤¤¤¤¤•· into act immediately on t zara regirinmediamente deaexchauge of ratiiications, and in pués de can°eadas las ratificathe event of either party ciones, y en el evento de que una theothernoticecfitsintentionto dot:-apartedé avisoalaotrade terminate the convention it shall su intenciénl de poner in S la continue to be in effect for one Oonvencién, contmuara en vigor year more, to conmt from the date por un aiio mas, 6 contar desde la of such notme. , _ echa de tal avho. ’ The present conventionshall be La glreseute Conveneién sera ¤¤¤¤¤¢•| ¤¢ ¤¤•- submitted to the approval aud. someti alaapmbaciényratiii- _ ratification of tho respective ap- caci6n de las respectivas autori-· propriate authorities of each of dades competentes de cada una the contracting artiee, and the de las partes contratantes, y las ratincations shag be exchsn@ ratiiicaciones aerln canjeadas en at San José or Washington wit San Jose 6 en Wéshington dentro twent?-four months of the date de vienticuatro meses de la fecha hereo . de esta Convencion. Signed at the citjv of San José Firmada en la eiudad de San swaura. ont e 10th day of une one thou- Jose, A l0s_diez dias del mes de sand nine hundred and eleven. Junio de mil novecientos once. [sun,.] G. L. Mormon Jn [snr.] M.umm._ Casrao Qonsana And whereas the said Convention has been duly ratified on both mamma parts and the ratiicationa of the two governments wereaxchanged in the City of SanJ0s6 on the 9th day of May, one thousand nme hundred and twelve; _ _ Now therefore, be it known that I, William Howard Taft, Prem- _ ¤’~¤¤¤•¤¤· dentoi theUnited Statmof America, have caused thesa1dOonvention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clauaethemof ma beohservedandfuliillsd witheood faithbytbeUnitedStates thecituensthereof. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused ne at o mbmgto' n s 0 une m ear “‘i’>.,‘°" °‘ti‘.?é’¤°“°?€’$‘“ “’ "°$’.£;h .1. fJ - th, of our lard one thousand nine himcged and twelve, yand [anu.] of the Ind dence of the United States of America, the one hundrggesnd thirty-sixth. Wu H Tan. By the President: P C Knox Seawzry of Stub.