Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/605

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EXTRADITION GONVENTION—HONDURAS. Januar 15, *9. 1623 heard and examinedasherein- laformadhpn1estaendiehoartibefore provrded, it sha.l1_ appear culo, y resulte que el mandathat the mandate or miento ii 6rden glreverntiva de arwarrant of arrest has issued resto han side 'ctados r virm pursuance of a request or dec- tud de requerimiento 6 ldoeclaralaration received by telegra h ci6n del Gobierno que pide la exfrom the Government asking Eu- tradicién recibidos r telégrafo, theextrad1t¤on,1tshall becom- el juea 6 repetent for the judge or magistrate tener al acus o r un periodo at his discretion to hold the ae- que no exceda deiioos meees para cused for a period not‘ex que dmho Gobierno pueda pretwo months, so that the d sentar ante el juez 6 magistrado mg Government may have op- ldadprueba de la culpabilidad portumtyto lay before such judge acusado;s1 al expirar el gerior te legal qvidgucg of odo de dos meses no se hu ieee the t of the accused, and if at grsentgdc Nite el juez 6 magisthe expiration of said period of 0 ¢l1¢=l19· Pmebe legal, la {:1*- twe mouth; meh Iggy] evidenee sonadetemda sera puesta enh r- shall not have been produced be- $¤d» ¤¤°mP'° 900 6 le 89160 110 fore such judge or magnets, the 0¤*·§ ¤·0¤ P0¤¢l1¢§¤¢0 el exémen de personarrestedshall released l0¤0¤‘8°¤0<l¤¤d0¤00¤¢f¤ell8· mvilded thetéhe examination elf c arges agams' tsuc accused person shallnot be actually going on. Airnout XHI. Anrfouw XIII. In everycese of areaziest Siempre que se presente una ’“""'““""· ? either of the two ntracting recLamaci6n por cualquiera de arties for the arrest, detention, las dos Partes Contratantes para or extradition of fugitive crim1- el arrest0,_detenci6u, 6 extradinals, the lei;} omcers or fiscal ci6n de criminales evadidos, los mime of t country where the funcionsrios deejusticia 6 el min-

 of extradition are isterio fiscal d pals en sue se

, shall assist the omcers of the sigan los procedimientos e ex- Government demanding the ex- tradicién, auxiliaran 6. los del tradition before the respective Gobierno que la pida antridlos 'u and m trams, eve respectivos jueces mag1st' os, legrimmeaus theii? or por todos los medics legalesegue power; and no claim whatever for estén 6 su alcance sin que pu an cmpenun. compensation for any of the serv- reclamar del Gobiemo que pida ices so rendered shall ge made la extradicién, remuneracién alagainst the Government emand- guna por los servicios prestados; ing the extradition provided, sin embargo, los fnmcxonarios del however, that any officer or om- Gobierno que concede la extracers of the surrendering Govern- dicién, que hayan prestado su ment so giving assistance who concurso para la misma y que en shall, in the usual course of their el ejercicio ordinario de sus funduty, receive no salary or com- ciones no recxban otro salario ni pensation other than oapecific fees remuneracién que determmados or services perform , shall be h0n0ra¤0¤ por 0s servicros presentitled to receive from the Gov- tados, tendran derecho 5. percibir ernment demanding the extra- del Gobierno que_p1da la extradidition the customary fees for the c16n los honoramos acostumbyy acts or services `performed' by dos por los actos 6 servicioe realithem, in the same manner and to zados por ellos, ein igual forma y the same ammmt u though such proporc16n que B1 aetos 6 actaorserviceshadbeenper- servwwshu sidoreahaados