Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/714

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1706 TIONS, 1911. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and causedthesealof theUnitedStatestobe_a(Hxed. _ Done at the Cit of Washington this thrrtneth day of June, in the year ol, our Lord one thousand mne and eleven, [snr.,] and of of the United States the one hundred an thirty- wu H TAN By the President: ` Hmrrmerrort Winsor: Acting Secrdaa-y of State. ‘ J¤•••.¤¤· Br rn Pusmmrr or nu Uzunn Suns or Aunnrca O . A PROCLAMATION ¤¤••¤ WHEREAS'tappea thatthe blicgoodwillbe romotedby

 adding to the Siioux National Foresgucertarn   withlfn the State

· of South Dakota,Fwhich are in grit covered with timber and by elimi-

 orsteutain dswithin theStatesof Montanaand

$g',,"f,'j•,f•'*’*· °tNow, I, H. 'ltaft, President) ofththelfgltnfifteélo States Amencsj virtue ermmev e ngress ,*,,4,.. moved ge fourth, hundred ninety-seven, entitled ‘ Act Making appropriations for sundry expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending Jnme-thirt1eth,_eighteen hundred e and ninegglwt, and for other purposes," do proclaim that the boundaries of ux National Forest are hereby changed and that they arenowasshownonpartsoneand two of thediag·amformingapar·t ,;,’,_!°"'•**••*" thisproclamationshall,astoal1lands which are at this date appropriated under the Jsublic land laws or reserved for any pub o urpose be subject to an shall not interfere with or defeat leE:l riéts under such appropriation, nor prevent theuseforsuchpub purposeo!landssoreserved,solongassuch {appropriation is egally maintained or such reservation remains in $§",_"§f§_";,_""'· °mThis glroclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of any -lan heretofore opened to settlement and entiiryodunder the Act of Congress approved une eleventh, nineteen him and six, en- Eitxeg ‘ An Act To provide for the Clit?] of Agricultural lands within o 1eserves."

 The lands herein   from the Sioux National Forest are

gi · v_ W hereby withdrawn for olassdicatron, under the Act of June twenty- ' ‘ fifth, one thousand_mne hundred and ten (36 Stat., 847), and will when eonl1pattil;l?·with puiblig be resgral to eettlemgt and en un er ws a ca tes l;y;tihe`3:~¤etaqofthdJIntuiormdafu(;¤s:n‘chmtice:sehemaydem visa

  • """"•‘- It is not intended by this proclamation to release any land from

reservation except the areas mdicated on the two rts of the diagram as eliminated, nor to reserve an land in the gate of Montana not heretofore snlbraced in a National Forest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and °“‘£" “‘:€£"&’ ***2 %’»-‘“.Lh,..*""&“‘°‘t1,2’t».."°.·r1‘$‘.r.°“· ‘ neae o 'n"`daofJ,'the year ofyour Lord one thousand nine hundred aldlde elgven, [nar,.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-fifth. Wu H Tan By the President: Huurnwgron Wmsox Ading Secretary of 8¤•.