Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/723

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1911. 1709 ‘ to said National Forest certain lands ' ‘ omg, xgich are_in covered with timber 4:-1 t1lId!der~g;·oth° Sgthzolif .tl·1tansfernng to said ational Forest certain lands hereto ore embraced in the Klemuth National Forest; and by transferring to theCrater National -•*·M**¤· gtgzteertam lands heretofore embraced in said Siskiyou National ~"Mm' Novi therefore I, William H. Taft President of the United Sta ¤¤¤¤·*•¤••¤¤<¤¤¤¢ of America, tg virtue of the power me vested by the Act of Cot: v°l'°°'°’°°` gress apgov June fourth, eighteen hundred and nine*y·seven, entitled Act pnat¤0ns for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the dyear ending June tlurtieth, eighteen lumdred and ninety-eight, an for other urp0ses," do roclaim that on and Jul§ first, mneteen hundred and eleven, the boundaries of the Siskiyou r ational Forest shall be as shown on the diagram formmi;. part hereof. _ e withdrawal made by this proclamation shall, as to all lands,,§',,"{"**¤ W •*· which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land laws or reserved for any public purpose, be sub`ect to and shall not interfere with or defeat siallcrights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such u purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such aéppropriation isllegally maintained or such reservation remains m orce. This gsroclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of ·¤°*• any lan heretofore opened to settlement and entgonénder the Act of Congress appfroved une eleventh, nineteen hun and six, entitled ‘ An Act 0 provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within forest reserves." The lands herein eliminated from the Siskiyou National Forest are ,,,§§_'}'}g$•;;Pm*Qh*g· hereby_withdrawn for classiiication under eAct of June twenty- •¤$°L ' fifth, nmeteen hundred and ten (36 Stat., 847), and will, when com- °°"""‘ patible with public interests, be restored to settlement and entry under the laws applicable thereto on such dates as shall be lixed by title of e Interior and after such notice as he may deem visa e. _ It is not intended by this proclamation to my land from """‘°'°“‘· reservation except the areas indicated on the diagram as elmunated, nor to reserve any land in the State of Oregon not heretofore embraced in a National Forest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have heenmto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to _ Done at the Citky of Washington this tlurtreth day of June, in the year 0 our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven, [san,.] and of thedlndependence of the United States the one undred an tlurt -fifthh y Wx H Tan- By the President: Hnsrisorou Wmsoit Acting Secretary of State. Br rim Pansmmrr or mz Urrrmn Srarzs or Aumuca ___L¤_;¤¤_;_g_¤};_ A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS an Executive Order dated June twenty-sixth  ?•{gjj,;_*'·**¤·* teen hundred and Qght, consolidated parts of the P?ette, Wager, ’°'r=¤»¤xa and Sawtooth Nzgxnal Forests under the name o the Payette National Foren; _ wHEREASit thatthe blicgoodyullbepromoted

 certaidplands from the glyette National Forest, and lx