Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/792

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PBOGLAMATIONS, 1912. 175] IN TOWNSHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 4 EASI`, M. D. M.: Of section 20 the south half, Of section 21 tho south half, Of section 22 the south half, Of section 23 the south half, " Segthrons (12.8, 13), 32, 33Land 34. _8Wlt aw e ythisproclamationshal1,astoalIlands P¤¤r!¢¤¤¤¤•¤- which are at this date legally appropriated under the public land laws or hn reserved for an? public purpose, be sub; act to and shall not interfere ~ with or defeat egal rights under such appropriation, nor prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long_as such appropr1Ie;tI1on is l mamtauésgior Eugh reserhggtion remains in fome. ave unto set caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. my md Done at_the City of Washington this nineteenth day of June m the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [emu.] twelve, and of the Inde endeneo of `the United States the one hundred and thing-sixth. ‘ Wu H '1` By the President: An P C Knox Secretary of State. Brr¤nPnnsn>mu·or-nmU¤rr¤¤SrarnsorA¤1uoA ¥¤•¤•.¤¤- A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS an Executive Order dated June twenty-fifth, nine- ,,_§·*·g¤g•‘•;·_¤••¤¤ teen hundred and o1ght, directed that a portion of the Lewis and nukes. Clark National Forest should constitute the Blackfoot National Forest: and WHEREAS an"Act of Congress approved Ms'; eleventh, nineteen v¤•.a¤.;»s•. hundred and ten (36 Stat., 354) reserved as e Glacier National Park that Ipprtion of the former Blackfoot National Forest east of the Flathead 'ver; and WHEREAS certain readgistments are neeesag in the intaforest boundaries of the Blac eet and the Kootenai ational Forests, within the State of Montana; and _ _ _ WHEREAS certain lands should be ehnunatsd from the sud Blackfoot National Forest' · Now, therefore, I, William H. Taft, President of the United {*,:;.}**;**3;*** States of America, bf virtue of the wer in me vested by the Act of ’ ' Congress approved une fourth hundred mnety-seven (30 tat., 1 1-34), entitled "An Act aking agpcrzpnauons for sundry civil ezrhpenusgeils of tlghe Governgient for th: df yeaal ending June thirt1` `e teen undredan ninety ,an oro er ’ do proclaim that the boundaries of-E, the Blackfeet_ {Forest, and ltihe of th; above mtislptigped Ko¢;t,enag Nataonal orest, are ere chang as s own on e agram ormmg_a hereof and on th! diagram form.ii§ a part of the sud Kootenai ***· P- *"’· lamation, which I have also sign this same day; and that the said Blackfoot and the said Kootenai Proclamations are made and are intended to be and shall be considered as one a·ct_to become edective simultaneously; and that it is not intended by this Proclamation nor **••••¤•*· by the above mentioned Kootenai Proclamation to reserve any land not heretofore embraced in a National Forest in the said above mentioned State, nor to release any land from this, the said Blackfoot, nor from the said Kootenai National Forest, except areas shown as eliminations on the diagrams forming parts o this, the Blackfoot, and of the Kootenn proelamatsom.