Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/871

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mum. 1813 Boulder, Colo. has. Bowman, Henry E Pan g¤u1t.ofl•¤dfotpublicparkp11rpoeesto... 825 penai incnenod ...,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, 1253 ymcut, etc. . 325 Bowne:} O., Bougy, John R., pension managed ...,...,.,,,_ _ ,,,,,,,,,, lm] pemxonlg? ... 1192 John, ¢* · PGIIIW . ... 1270 pension . .. 1055 Kong A., ma proclana.’ tionreeerj ’ stripoflndalnng, Bossa: lamb, m""."-uu".-•"" hem engryj, etc .. .. 1141 pmalon increased 1888 appropriation Q¤r_•larieeandW»e¤;•.. 478,$. pmdmincxeased _ — 10U Bom•d¤ryCo»r¤••as•1on,H¤1ec•• der, BozO¤syon,8¤»(?arlosIndi¤1Ruarsa4•bn, appmpriatiou for continuing work of 00,02 Ark., Bauvndmybiau, Alash1cnd€i¤n& _ examinaqlcn ordered for dam, etc., in, tu eppmptiationformarveyixg markmg. 09,02 irngatio¤dGi1a River V•lley.. 522 Boundavybine between T¢¤mmdNu lame, BOI_c¤Ifo1\, Wash., edmi¤io¤gfi§l:z:1Me:xicou8¤hmbicctte 39 bndg;acm•Pend01ei1leRiver,l@liaed 18 est; . . .. , B dedciembj appéuprlgtion lor xemuking. . 013, 938 dnt} g onmdmy no · recxpmcal u m an .. appropriation , dz ... 99, 892 hiv, Wfuilll, Boundary, Mmm, poninu increased lm deficiency sp}>mprla.tion for reimburaixgg Boyd, {cna 0., ‘ gags or pstmlling along the Rm wl penngu ... . ... . IQ e Boyd, _ gm, . Boundary _Wgt4ra Commission, Canadian, . pension lgwnlled -·..·· . .. ;.. Nfl appmpna 11 slerlee exp¤¤•¤•.. , _ ., » ..,.1,, _'i° KVI ""‘ _ _ W "’·‘·; ’“£¤;"§7‘,1‘3’&£.n nv

 'O ul; toe lfomntea:  penslun increased  1404
 .. 48, 019 Boyer, Gnome E.,

fm-gg,mgn’5e¤]igtm§nt,, 63),6%,935,938 ])8IllI.0¤.. .-. . IH ‘°5.§.°°°§.‘Q.°"‘.Li‘b‘i‘ °“°‘“.11..L.." ’°“°"1.. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ °“° ..5. D0 ·. . ·•--••••• 0 reenlietingg time of wu; limnt 590 Boya, _Jm1glhcnJ., chime for Civil ar volunteers, in be Bled p¢¤¤w¤ 1¤¢¥¤¤¤§ ------------. - --····-·- · 1238 prior fn 1913. . . 49 Bow, _1f¤y B. (mdw), no fee allowed for ... 49 P•¤¤¤¤ ··--------·--···· · ······-·····---· NU Ba no E¤15_ishme11t or receiving .. 49 -Boylcn, flgomas ll., 1248 B g’.Q.:’oo3§!.té.lod(¤q Joegph Bomgm: ... 1447 B<;y°k. Anmb Eli=¤b}¢1• <»·i6•$5. ```°```' " ` ms ,,.1..;. ., I .. mv mu, an (M55, ````'```'`````' Bovu Nicholas A., penemn increased . . .. 1086 union increased ... 1132 Bvylu, J¤m••D., Bogie Rodul Ann (widow), pension increased 1251 pennion . 1257 Boylatvn, 1'cmm E. (wlow), Bouwkn, Alfred, . pension mcreaeed ... . 1321 pension ... 1031 Bcgrennlgzhlgnuxwl B., lm ”,,..;F.;i.;;,,‘.‘*J.T‘.,..1};r .. .3.. o.;y:.O;_..i.:_._;... F. $..;.1.;..5; ··········‘‘‘‘‘· BW ”‘;‘.1$.".2 ...‘.;."£...;.1.;’ . ...8 o..,.· o..,.,..;.2;‘1s.‘zi.;·.a.;,;;.;.;;.; ‘‘·‘· Bower, Iaroel, , ~ eppropmuou for care end msmtenmce of pension increased ..,, , .,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,_ 1151 ,,..,.,. . ,.,. 171, 966 Bower, Peter, for bmldmgn, etc .. 463 neion increased ... 1128 int slapee, etc 458 Boccnncn James C BNN J4’¤•. “ ' mvion lncreesedr . . . .· ., MB9 pension increased ... . ··~·---·- IW Bxera Javna E., Bmdza, Qlbndgoé., pension increased . . 1 IMO peueim mcxeaeed . . .. 1112 Bowla, Dqnkl G., _ 1262 Brudcql, (undow), Iwo po’..?g:°Ezg`¥;1».»1» <·»·a¤»° ` 3] ````'```'` Y '`````' lm Br¤·¤¤¤·¤. Mn B. l»•·•~‘ in <·¤•·i¤·‘ >. M

 m -•... ·. .•..··»-·...   .·

ponswn incxeesedl .. 1¤ peqsun mcgensed 1125 Bowling Green, OFM, _ _ _ · Buda}, , 5 eppropn-iacion fur publxc bu1I¢*·· ; .. 418 peniasjdncngpd . . . .· 131

   ioreunteetod elec·     ... . ...   . ... 1133

Clegg; zpgpeng ____ _ ____,__,, , ,,,,, _ l m &@q ]'g$gm.@g§, [ja Boumugn, Charles K (son), . ms may b n•ee Blur, Chuleetn to m BP°¤¤'°? ···- ;·; ----··-··--·---•· ···-~· B E ,39. . .1,., ¤ . G pension incrg .. . . . .·: . 1308 pemmn muueed 11 87618°-vcr. 87--rr %-G1