Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/897

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nmnx. 1839 0o»nn•tteeonJvdw•a1y,Houuof Reprum-Plas Cou¤••€tt§onPublieB&ng•¤nlGnunb, P-!. payment from oontmgm° t owns; author- deticis a ypropnh a¤stan' iasd tor, Sixty-t.h.ird_ ngrea. . ., . . 932 onbt as chussrela¤ngw,authoriasdmpendang M B' acro¤t.hePoto¤ue _ deicrsnc nppr?r1atjnn Act ,,. 1407 to , a .,,,__,.,...,.,,,, 885

 {Mts, __ twomembers ’ tedoncommisinnta

appropnatmn for indexing, etc., Judncral present connected scheme for con- _ Code under drrection of . . . . 464 struction, etc., ofpublic . 8W Con¤mtteeonLflmrry,Houuof Repruenta- Comm·ittesonPublieHsolthandNa¢ional _ mesa _ ud Norm _ du Qrrara·n5ne,Ssnate&” c mgm on science roriatinn assistantc . 615 _ I¤dian_ emorial Gamminbn .. 45 g£1·&ri¤,Hoaaof Repmer).:kw- Commuue on Ltbrary, Senate rim, . chairnmn on North American with committeeof theSen.ate, tocodify, _ Indran emorial Commision .. 45 etc.,alIlawsapplica.bls toAhska.. . 518 Commeuse on llflitary Afain, House of Rep- appropriation for expenses ... 518 reaentateua, _ Comonattee on Territories, Senate, · seven members to be grwmted b chair- with committee of the Hanes, to codify, nan on Board isitors, etc.,alllawsapplir:abl•toAlaska... 618 Academy ... _ .. 25 7 appropnation for guess . 518 expenses allowed. . 257 Commettee on Ways leans, House qf Commutee on Military Ajfain, Senate, Representatives, tive members to heappointsd by chairman payments from cou ’ thexpenses, etc., on Board of mtors, Hihtary Acad- autlroriasdio:§y·third Gongrsn. 982 emy . ..., , . ... gg C'om•nodit€e•_€n galtgndah Shipment, hr expenses .. app riauon vestnp _,, 787 Commrttse on Afairs, House of Repro- Comnleggn Barney (Xrde, Ding, sentatwes,¤sNos.55and50tobedesigseven members to be appointed by chair- » natsd as ... , .. . 28 manonlloard V`1sitors,Naval Gmmon0errien(sseglsoIntsss¤»te0¢¤n· Academy ,,,...,,. N7 _ msrce Regulations), Committee on Naval Afah, Senate, de1ir:re`n:ly apzaroprration for determining tive members to be a inted by chainmn _ ue o property of . ... 916 on Board of wzitnrs, Naval Acad- phylcal valuation of hs emy . . U7 mg? by Interstate Com- Oommittee on Post Ojaes and Post Roads, mr¤nn 701 Home of Representatives, _ notmeof tentativevaluationtrrbsssntto. 702 ive members to serve on jomt commmss tune allowed for protests, etc , 703 teinquireintoFedsralai<1inoon- rsstrmtmnsosrshipmontsinareasoiphnt, structron of pod mab . _ 561 etc., guarautlne ... 818 thrsememberstossrvsonjointcommrttee C'ommon0¤nqs,_D. .g•eP¤blic Utilities on second clanmarl postage, and Oommmwn, D. p•yformail .. .. 546 CWUBVUPWNQIRGIWRI, ohqtsrrs, to inquire into gen subject of parcel toe . r . . .. . .. 453 past, etc., . · 569 e ncy appro riatron for .. 48 two members to serve on commhsion to chimsfor,to £.ledpri¤rto18l3. ... 49 investigate feasibility of purchase no tee allowed for prosecuting .. 49 and operatbn of pneumatic tube punishment lor receiving . 49 postal service .. · 548 Compensationfor Injuries to Gooermnent Em- Committee on Poet Ojose and Post Roads, players, _ _ Senate, _ approprntmn for medrcal arammation or tive members to serve on joint committee _ persons recei ... . 406, 783 toinquirsintoFedera1aidincon· adm1nrs¤auonn£,mrsdtoBureauot strucuon of post roads . 551 Labor Statistics ... 737 three members to serve on joint committee law granting, extended to Lighthouse Servon second clan mail postage, and ice 230 payiormailtransportation 546 toMinesBurea11mdF<restService . 74 toinquirsiéntogensralmbjectofparcel 559 provisionsf¤r,onParu¤naCarnl,Railmad, $8 post, e ... etc ... twomsmberstossrvsonoosnmiisnto COM}lO|M§0H&|Lt¢I40fH0\}¢€O,_ investigate feasibility of purchase appropnatizm fur, Customs Service 434 andopuatianofpnenrmatieurbe 0omp¢onC‘rql,N..L, postal service . 546 approprhtaon hr improvement ot- . 213, U4 Committseonlinting, Joint (sseJ’oint0orn· _ prelrmmaryexammatron of, tobemade... M mittesonPnn' _). 0os•p¢rolIergftheC‘r¤1m¢g, · Committee an Publi: B and Grounds, aptproprratmn tor, depuhes, clerb, etc-, 377, 756 Home qi Representatross, or expenses, superintendent, etc .. 878, 756 chairman d ted on eummldm ltr fur exammahons, etc . 878,756

 scrum the Potomac Com of the Treasury,

ta a .. . . 2 ._ . 885 approprhtmn far, anstant, law clerh, - two members edgnated on commkon to. etc ... _ .. 375, 753 present connected con- Comstock, john L., •¤·¤¤den,•a¤.,etpuhhcburldmp.. 800 psnianmcrssssd .. . . lm