Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/911

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nmnx. 1853 D4 Fw!. WUHMM 5-, Pwr- Dur Island ThorougIq‘¤·s, He. rqa 1>¤¤·¤is>¤ i¤¤¤s¤l, --.-.--. - -. me ‘ { improvemen’ 4 4 ., , , gm Dgggginfw (wtdw). un Dczr Forget, llont., nc or ‘ ---·---- - ---·~--·... propna or maintenance, ., . . 282, 840 D¢L·¤·•i.F¤¤.. 1>¢¢»·a»»g‘ sour cmu construction of public building authorized expenss. ... 4m DG at . _ .. 871 Dpgg o E} .. [EY . .5 ... 1424 Dej•m¤e,IQl•io, fw '°°`° W ¢ _. wm - . nreprntin pu ing . . . . 412 pension .. . . . . 1406 .D¢£cru;App•upr1a¢wn° ‘ ,44 mr; (ku-.; - De MQ, Itanmk F. (widow), reimbursemmt to Univqgsry ol ldslm in, pension increased 1047 _ , . .,.,,,,, 33 De Witt, Qunanus, Dogma; Appmpnetsovu, Dganmon increaseyl: ... 1247 Senate . ..,,..,.. _ .,,,, 2, 60, 615, 634, 929 Letters Dwmon, Post Ofc: Depart- of Reprezentatxvesu 2,51§6ig,3;,:¥g NM. . sr Departmen .. , appropriation for supaintendent, clerks Army . { 3, 601: 910 etc .. . . . 403, 780 mining wreck of battleship “l|s.ine" ..,. 48 Deadwood,8. Dok., back pay, bounty, etc .. 48 ap anzpnation iorsnyolloeat . 884,762 Columbus memsnal .-..4 ... 49 Deaf Dumb basdtuuon, D. C. (ue Colm- Military Academy . 602 bia Institution lor the Deal, D. 0.). Yolunteer Soldiers’ Home 602, 72) Deal Island, Hd., nver and harbor work, damagu .. 603, 919 appropriation Sor improvement of Love fm Interior Department ... 8,49, (D5, 923 D . Z5 lands .. . .. 49, 6(Vl, g cola: m La? , . . Statistics 0 quantity in bands of, to be Geologirnl Survey .. . . :;;:925 published semiannusll ... _ 106 Government Hospital for Innna ..·.. .. 610

n¢m¢rva Evemm (wnlotag, 1275   Service . .  .. g

nm,mm_ '_"·"i?Z[ ```‘°°``‘‘```'‘ `'°'°‘' s¤n¤p.mm_ ¤`Ji3°¤.¤n"°`ZZZZZZZZZ`é§i5§&1o.m penlg? in¢;,ea?ed.. ... . 1247 gonnwd Shun courts . 611, Bug peuéaongméareo I .. L mz ra nepugmem ot SERQZZZZI Z .121112 Z `iij ies, on Domy, _Wd]wm, . foreign mtercourse . . .. . . . - 47, 696, 913 pensnznlzénueased B58 forvhpsug; ...- - - - - 47. 595. 9:;

    1223 Eublic puusgzppgi   . QZZZZZ`. . . `iiioc, og

mgm; vang uresu. appropnriation for’r¤potti§, HOIIM of Hep- Pu Qld: Hospital resentatives, cleri anietance .. 87 Service ... 48, 597, 916 for reporting, Senate, clerk hire . 86 llevenue Outta Service ... . . . . 48, 697, 916 for reporting, House of Representatives. 368, 746 internal revenue . 697, 914 for reporting, Senate - .. 364, 742 collecting customs revenue 596, 916 deficiency appro riation for extra services, for Department of Commerce and Iarepming goose of Representatives 616. 982 bor .·.-.- 49. 614, 929 Dc for eign sergces, reporting, Senate 615,930 ... . ... 50 gg 5,.-.-,, _, s uresu ... . .

 ,_,, ,,_,,, ,.. . . . 1196 B\lf€$|l0!L§bG’ .. .  . . .. W

Decatur, Ala., umm b 2:::11 of Lrghggugs .. 3 num" de;ec4m'g mq an Good nc urv ... .. mq .r?::.*T.n°:-11..4 .. R . cvs rw Pcait omcp Department? ... 3, gg Decatur, Anil, ._ service pension increased . . ... . .. 1067 forplgnstrict of Columbia . 608, 916 Dmuuy, [nd, _ _ for Navy Department ... M3, 921 scquiritgg site for public bmlding at, au- 877 Navy .. . . 6N,% wig.; ,,,,,,,,., , , . ..., Manne Corps . . Deke-, Benjamin 0., fw Department of sgxjiculture .. 014, 929 pension increased ... . .. 1216 for Govemnaent Prmtgng Qihce . 617, 933 Decker, Noah A.·, fu legxslative; consolidation ol etatemnst pe¤gimincr¤»d.. .. 1$ ¢l]7P!0g§l¥?l¢>¤¤f<li!¢l¤dBl3K 615 Dedzu, H., saunas xx Congress ..

 ,,,,, , ,,,,, . 1212 for Eudgr;1‘egts,_ Unger! Shoes courts . gg, g

D laratnbn, _ ·_ ··---·--- · ··---·-··· zrcmpu oremigation dlabmushosn 1509 nig p..,...,;$§:;1:; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ lm 4. .»..·" me t, ‘‘‘·‘·· M peusm ...,.. . ... cen pep cme, ru., to be 2% is Execvgive . ... 01: Deep Fork Dminoga Di¤i¢,‘3H¤»., •¢ $7,5U ·. ·. ... 018 approval and gnat d sneamah of fctInter•tateC0|11mgce0u¤nimi1n...:.. lll

 and Poxallotteesiriy Atlm¤G•.  

emdmons, me . . ... 194 , ceded to Georgaa ... l