Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/917

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INDEX. 1859 DFW, Pd!. !••l· Diploonatienl 0o•••ukr8a•€o•-Continued. Pla ponnozi-ltfanod . ‘C.. 128 approprhtion hr lain of dun dylngn ol [ I I •··••••••••••••••••••••••• y ponnonmcnaod 1122 Iorbnj homonmainoofodconn. 00,01 D•e»u¢,_Ano'u¤, um {or guroouggvleiglnta 00, O1 WI ~•.•···•·~•···•••••·-••• 0T IHUI11 .••·-···· D•••.R¢>U§·¤§¤U"¤|•.U•€¤J$¤¤¤$X'i¢€¤. brloxicsn Boundary gpgroprnauonforeuxeodyof ... 432 brboundarylino,AIa•knand&an1la.. 00,02 Duo-mg, Ayredb., l,O2 ponsonmcmaaod ... .  : ... 1158 Io¤BunauforR•pningA!rn¤n8lav• D•ga¢qf§t•Iy, Ho•a•ojR•p•¤m¢at••, Tnde ... ; ... IM, aggugprnnhnniur . 005,748 brInt¤r¤ation•lPrhonCommii¤n.. HXI,02 _ uency hpopodq . 2 adhmnooumombudochand IM Degmorefor uq! _ p, brl’n6¤rna¤onnl6•odoticAnoda¢i¤a. 1III,U2 ut_yon0•n•d¤g.n1:o¤or•tool 0 Ior1’mAmoriomUnb¤ .. IMM rec: duty1n(hna•houh<nw¤••l.. 8 Iorpo•·mmont¤ourtof•abi¤ntion;... 1II},® ' Oobem, for lntorpuliamentary Union, humo- D·En•oniner¤aao<l._ .. . . . .. IGN ti¤nofI¤urn•tionalArbitr•tion.. 101,QS , [Vance l.(••io•), in International Instituto of Agicul- D5?¤non1n¢;o•¤od.H ... . 107 himn 101,08 mgh¤\,` •7b¤l•` ., . nte|·natimnl1Ini11vny0n@¤•... 10 08 pennionincnnaod . . . . 106 iorlntorna6on•l8•nit•ryB¤¤•n @08 Dnlhncn, Jooob, hrUnit•d8t•t••co11rtlnrChi1n . 101,04 ’ inuzd .. . . 11N for Internntionnl 0Boo ol Public o5Z»°Z“5a¤a¤, num .. m,••4 Dsgroninuand .. .. . ... 1233 for Bohologlal Anoch- , C'i'¤¤¤#¢ ·---—--···· - ··--··-········-· U4

 ... ... .. 1158 hr   poumiuy dahnfn

, loam, arbntrahgn ... . ... 102.¢4 nioninaoaod .. . . 107 for interannual Ooqns ol Hygiene o D£m,_JoQ•• J., ’ nndDanugaph .., ... 100

inc:nnd . ..  ..·. ..-- · 1417 iu!   bt than ki "4

Dggujonincznnaod . ..-...· 1270 lo: ilndiotolognphic 0¤·°2' R¢ubmH., Ionnoo . . 102,605 incr¤•od 1150 Iorprinting, etc., compiktionol Chlnoao _Q. 0,, _“ h Public “, hr {nation, atc . , .. 604 gcquxnng n building ntenntionnl Conluonoo on Hari- · outborisgl ·. ,.. 878 h timohaw ... W . 605 Dwnond' ,Ge0ry¢ . · Boundary •t¤¤0¤n|nbpaniouincnaaoti .-- · --··.-·· 1054 ion ... . . 416,U6 Dmeen, John, |¤rl'ha¤•P•la¢»•tTh• Hagan . K pgmmninuuaod .. . ...»·-·...·-· 1117 for International ibnhnnco on Land Dmqun, Henrietta (widow), Linoato Horchant Shipo. .. 606 Pqngionizcsaaod . ··--··-...--·· 1146 {or aolnrqlar nrvico . zngus,696 Dc lovmuic Consular cruel. M ¤¤|»¤¤ 8* 5, printion br diplonnsticaorvipo . 04,688 oomularinqpoctom .. 1@,U5 g‘:Q1$l’QIm1)|£0IUl@lIll!I1#lI· 06.688 forexpenno, connularinspecton .. lIB,N6 for nt, ctc., Cairo _ Z . 06,688 for consular nsitnnta. ... 108,UG i¤;:Eirg€•d’nlni1n•a¢lmt:or1m 06,688 for clerhatcousulates HB,806 for necrotsrion of embansn and logy for inte ter¤,etc.,atco¤•u1nte• 103,698 tions ... , . 06,688 forum, cunoularcourta. 108,696 fm·i¤¤tructio¤mdt¤•¤:i:`q1p•y. . 96,689 fcr n•., . 108,606 for clerks at ombudaa logstxons. .. 06,680 lonohel pmtectm¤olAmerican•e•- for interpnten to ombaiu and legs- men . . .. 104,06 tions _ . 06 ,689 for iomign l1o?>it•l, Capo Torn ... 104, 697 hrd.udeI1¢1¤0•!p!¤\¤!IOOG1¤Dl¤c|$ll1 for Bennett': nntituto, Kobe . 104,697 br ... Gig};. ...·- 06,800 fo;°¢;nl:;1¤g•;ntoxpon¤¤o ., . usrtqn, ., WYPNWUS y change .. . 3; .. - · ·~. gg for Boundary Watgm Com- 478 Tu] ., ... ...·· ··...-· , IIIK$D... ...· ·--... .. ¤texpcn¤n,mEon¤..l.. 07,00 de£¤onc·y' forBritidt·Ameri·

 ... 08,00 cm arbitration.  47

' tingintboDep•r¤x¤•1$¤l8t•tc. 08,600 for1nternati¤nalPr1¤onO¤mmhion 505 why exchuggigé ...·.. _.-H... 08,U0 g;&¤tor¤atipnal .. 595 lorusnsportation c con- n Anoun-' oularodlcen ..; ... 8,680 tion . : ... _ .. 505 Ioroteamlauncb, Coninutmople . $,690 for Bumnn Ropmnng Atnmn Slave hx mn, To Japan . 08,601 ’h-ade., .. sas {gr pputel t,_’l'•ng¤r . ...08,601 brI¤ter¤a¤¤nalCongre¤¤nI.ettee•o! lorbrmganghomogrinnmah .., 08,01 Ex ._ .. _ ... : .. 505 mrlife-svmgtootinmniab, All hr dxplcnanc and on- |¤r unforeseen omergoncaoa; oxpoxnr, alotolos. . : ... .: .. 622,% mutnlityAct.: . 8,601 0t·pu¤:ba••o(lop¤onp|•1n1,01|a· b•kncn ... . ·· H,¢1 htllwpk. .. X