Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/929

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xmmx. 1871 Engineer Department, Army, Pan. E nd Prinli B iharwy Pass. appropriation for pay of enlisted men; lon- ngmmn$e;a*rtrn¢rw—C:¥rtin1:•'¢gY’ geviry ... _ 572, 706 ap riation for new building ... 425 for pay of officers; longevity .. 573, 708 mama . . ... 425 for expenses of depots . 587, 719 authority for special engineers, •t4;_, for instruments for othvers . . . . 587, 719 ed . ,,,,.,_,,_ 425 for maintenance ol school, Wa.shingt.on, for ° power plant ... 425 D. C .. ‘ ... 587, 719 authonty or plans, for equipment, etc., for equipment of troops: . 688, 720 repealed ... 425 for pontoon shed, Waslungton . 588, 72) for salaries 430 for service of survtiyorn, etc ... 588, 720 for wages .. 430 for con Lingencies, hilippme Islands. . 588, 720 for materials, etc ... — 430 for expenses of fortifications under 125, 671 use of roceeds from work . 430 for expenws of fortifications, insular for cnstosy of dies, rolls, and plates . 432 pomcnaions under . 128, 673 deficiency appropriation for salaries ... 47 for investigation, etc., of Great Falls of forwsgss, . 47 _tlre Potomac, water power, etc .. 155 for matenalp. ._ ..,. 47 for nverand harbor unpmvements. 201, 445, 801 for plataganntang ... : . : 618 for etcqatschool, icrriverand 233 for iris uiglon oacvgglts, linings, and 914 or twn .. . .. e ec pro for anll grounds, District ot M3 hand rpollerhpres requlirgments n? tgggply um 1a.. ., ... C ¤¢ BU NI 0 for rivers and harbors, contract work 445 bonds, eu;. . .. .. . .. 430 for publication of maps .. . . . 447 backs and trnts of bonds and paper money dehciency appropriation for rivers and 619 tohbt: prrntgd;-mi presse operated by m ... p prin . . ... fords rs ,,,_________,,,...,,,,,_,,,... 623 backsofpapermoueytobeprintsdon deta.clmi:)nt. for Military Academy service four subject plates .. 430 authorized ___________, , _________,,, 254 faces of internal revenue stamps by hand, parks authorised in Ikistrict of Coluurzgia or_powv;:r preses operated by plate 430 rg tion [ Iqggd Q _ Rtlll ...:... I f%;},•¤gg,eq;___R _________,_, 179 reshmctwn on replacing hand by power aw

 ’ of tm I mw••••·•¤•-··•--•••••••·•`•..

apgrgpriatigns for clgg, etc tl _ . . 387, 765 application of motors to hand roller presses dr=f¤¤¤¤¤¤. ew. t·<>l>¢1¤¤dfr¤m¤v¤r¤ _ _ allowed .. ,.., .. 430 addi ass harbins, etc. .. } .. 887, 765 lumt of cost of new bmlding r¤r;34’ 869

  • · was mind - co ..

u0E:1:ci3•=?t2» be from UBB oi unexpended balance for vaulta,.. 869 bor appr0pna¤¤¤¤ -·.. . . 233 Enlarged gogmérédr, dw _ dai. E..,..‘°"°‘.£‘3..;:.2‘1>··zs··.·,..., ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···‘‘‘‘‘ ’“ """°"..’2.“...¤°“¤‘”"‘ "“".. seem appropriat.ion’for. building {or library, etc. 233 additions to incomplete regular homestead Kar equipment and maintenance .. 587, 719 enmesallowed; limited to320acrss. 666 maps, charts, etc., ol National Waterways area ol cultavatwn on making tlnal proofs, E °°“““‘E*°“ '°"°"i§“°‘* °'°'&°··> m ········· % ngineering perimenc tatwn, cw _ _ _ ¤’yman.. Academy cornbmauon of entries owed .. 667 · · ’ ,.,, sos d ent . sev ‘”lZ.i°§.§‘.?i‘$?$’.$$Js‘¤%’°.l1¤m."“" .. ?‘“¤» ...’2'$rZ'.h°.‘3.’2'i‘.‘$LT'.2‘;,..l..¤ 4.. .¤... m for sea wall .. . . . ... 901 entries technically . 506 deficiency appropriation for... Z. . ._ . . 620, 938 homestead entries of 8 acres of nomrrlgy Engineering Expat, Heating, Vmtslating etc., ble, atc., authorvud rn certain ‘ om or u - Sums ,... 132 °‘“"‘°"“"..“,§E.‘£."¤.".?2"?r.‘°..· i' www mm- md Non. mm. ..n..¤ m rn — . . ····• izing etc. public buildings., .· .. 888 designation oftlands to be made 183 civil service llsws, etc., waived; present pwfewlxgs o entry to settlers on 207 employees not eligible .. 888 _ b su gect to"; .. _ ·- 267 .>.3,,,.,*"""}Lf’“".2 '°*“‘" °""°°‘°’°° ········ “““ 3*%*23 »2“.’§.d.r;"”..';fi..-·;;.a.;.: , Canadian, farm .. 5 ·_ vation, etc., required ... 267 regzilarizalcal duty in Qanada on, farm ... 7 Enlisted · I vity 572 706 E;l,g% (WL MG"'? Bn“m)` lor bat:tslion; 572; 706 pension increased 1126 ger Department; ongevnty; , or uartermsstsrsergeau ; longevr . EMM !”iud’ ... . 1304 for q ssrgsants; longevity. 572 pension increased ... . _ fm vity 572, M Engbi hh"' ..., 1153 eo; swam; longevity , 512, 707 Peuluuéunmqusdg Q"' ih" for Quartermastar Corps• longevity 707 Ewkm inqegel . . if ... 4 . 1404 fordpa of retired .. I . 575, 7M

0;mR " ou{lecreditiorf¢¤eig¤servicenotto{
   .. .. . .--··--·-·· 1307 be `ven future enlistmants; accrued
 Bwm. Mew I herein not iurisited., ...---... - gg:

or allawmee cn dssclurge .. . · · bins ,adhn etc"378,756 forundnwnclotluj ondiscbugs 576,7N

 rsstrigdnrm. 378. 756 lu interest ou deposits  576, 709