Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/971

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INDEX. 1913 Indian Rr$cngali¢m1•—Cp¤§in¤ged. P•¢•· Indian Suppli¢s—-Continued. Pun. gpproprumon xc-r nrngsmou, Blackfeet, deficiency appropriation for wlegnphing, .Mf>¤*. --------——--------·-·-······- 526 m¤¤p<>r¤¤g, enc. . .. 621,624,ssc

or nmga¤on,bF
>1r(;._Pcck, Montwihigé. 526 for mnsponing ., . .,,_ 621

Of MY ¤' 11188. dv-. , for urcb¤·¤mg` and tnmp¤r¤ng` ... 938 { §:“‘1iwm+a;m4a‘m"; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 233 """""‘ R'“”* of ,4 M or ¤¤W=¤¤ , e .. , on .·· neionn to survivors ‘ .,,,,__ _ for ggation, Modoc Point, Klamath, Ingsana, 679 28 ... 534 a purtioument. of Re yggggtgqjvgg ,___ _ _ _ _ ] for irrigation, Yakima., Wash 538 Iv£rm Harbor, Ind., P 3 for expenses of opening; reimbursable. . 456 appropriation for improvement of . . 217,818 deiciency appropriation for survey and made subpart of entry and delivery.; 133 { allotment? . . . . . .. Indiana, Pa., or irrigation, crt p, on . . acquiring site and erect.:] public bui]dmg' for Colville, Wash., surveying and allot- sz, authorized .. . 876 ting. .L 621 Indiavuzpolia, Ind., for Yalnma, Wash., sales, cbc 621, 936 appropriation for cue of Confederate nn- Blackfoet, Mont., sale of lands in Midvale tion, Greenlnwn Cemetery . 441 towumbe ... _ .. : 64 Indian; (su also Lands in Sevgnhy w withdrawal gon- Glslnger Natiiniznl Park. . . 64 Indians), Che enne an Am Oc, ., time ex- s ro riaticn iorsu preqmg` l' uor¤·;$c Y tended for payment: for ceded lands pp pamong .. . . 519 of . 530 use of wines for sacraments! purposes Colville, Wash., reudéluxmentof conflicting allowed . , , , 519 riights of wng ugh ... 634 authority of special omcers , .. 519 gale o lands to knungxn . . . 197 for prevention and treatment of dinugg error in description corrected 595 among ... . 519 Crow, Mont., sale of undisposed of ceded for egaminqtiou of prevalence of contalands m, directed .. 1759 {mus diseases among _ , , 519 Flathead, Mont., sale of land to Ronan for for cgxl expenses, in allotment and school, etc., uses . . 192 prupcrtfy sluts .. 520 townsite lot, reserved in . . . _ 1730 for asylum or msaue, Canton, S. Dak-.. 537 Fort Berthold, N. Dak., surface of claamhed deficiency approgriation for prevention, coal lands may be allotted in In- etc., of trac oma amon 621 disms on .. . ... 631 for suyxmressing liquor tmiiigc among 936 ceded lands open to entry .. . ... 1693 lands an prrzverty of Osage Indian allot,. Fort Bidwell Indian School, Calqgnnt of tees, O lnhoma, disposal, em., ¤{__ 86 lands ou, for cemetery, to e0ple’s may dispose of trust allotments, moneys Church Association . . . 652 e¤c.,_ by will prior to remove] oi Kiowa, ctn., Okla., deferred payments for restrictions 878 ceded timber and pasture lands ex- not valid until approved by the Sectended and subdivided . 91 _ remry of the Inwnor ... 678 Omaha, Nebr.,di.§l of unallottnd lands. lll scuou may be before or after dead; of Pino Rid and bud, S. Dak., coded testator . _ .. . 678 lan§; 0 u w entry ... 1691 cancellspwn for fraud wizhm s year. . . 679 S¤md` Roof S. Dak. and N. Dnk., sale trust restrictions may be continued 679 l;¥p0ygj°¤ _____ _ __. . ... 675 not spghcsble to Fxve Tribe; Umatilla, Omg., sale of lands to Peudiewu- 186 or ¤s¤¤.., ----·--.-...-·.-·.·· 679 unnllotted an umeserved lands of, to be payment per ca5·1tn_ to Winnebago, of Neclassihed, etc .. 125 _ Wmcomun ... 187 Indum River, Fla., relmqumhment. requested of lands in nil- A pm riatjon for imlpmvement of ...·. · - - 810 wafgranto occupied by . : , , , 1007 Inagzn giver Inlet, Dc ., 0 equal azesmd value to be gxven prelimimrz examination of, ¢¤ be m¤d¤--- 22* nn return ... _ ... . 1 008 Indian Schoo , use of trust fundnpf Knows, Commcbe, and appropriation for support of .---·- ; --·· 519 QPBCIIB Tnbes m Oklahoma, authqp employees of, allowed oducsuoml _ . _ 33 leave .. . ...----- - - · 51* Indwu, 4mq·w¤n, educntion of children oi leg than ono- appropnstxon for ethnolugical rusamhea mm. xmim blood pmcwd ·---- 519 _ pmcng .. 436 f¤¢ b¤¤di¤s¤ ¤i¤¤¤· ¢¤= ··--·------------ W !¤¢¤¤q M AMW. , , . mowmm for gpecised . ...·-- 520 dgiic1encL?ppmpnmm for pmaecuung. 622, 625 {Oy uumpqnipg upiln, ctc: . . ; -- _ -- 5m Indngmt Qc _ era uc., Q. (1, _ secu;-ing empgoyment nn IIIIUWII spproprgauup for buns.! at Arlington, atc. , 440 umuxts ... 5N bugmls un Confcdenw socuon; condi- Algakapugib . :.._ . , .. 520 _¤0¤-l  : . H0 no ..--- B-- g _ _ of m for c t sxpenmon -· • pnauo ormvemgnuon ... . . . Jgglunt. -... -··--- cg? D. C., In NB d,_5c,·£¤L~y N yigupn. sup .. » •p pnscmu or expgnsm  : . ... , spp P 6%, 936, 938 deggencésppropriahon for muntmance. . 599 for buildixgs 621,936 Indusbial one Sdnalfcr Coluad Clilba, Indian Supggoiaklr ul A _ · Q. for In sm ·pPm n, etc. .: j 520 dgggency appropriation im- maintenance 699, 917