Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/973

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INDEX. 1915 Inspector Gm¢ral’s Department, Army—Con, P [7,,,,,,,,, pqwmmt P. I, •PP¤>P.¤g\i°¤ for *¤P¤’¢ •¢¢°¤¤¤¤t, apmngfiauon for . 144, 942 rei sx ````` §iii§"`§ZZZZZIZfZZZ avenue ,.,p.,.·,.,°§,33§{ 3 ‘2‘{,j"g,;5,;gg ;1;" *§§ r···p·»¤» @_~»»·¤··o{r·~, v»*$z>w»»»··¢, man. is .i‘§&_.,;7¤¤.,.i..¥.r 3.: Inappropfiagaon jergsrks, stx: . 386, 764 tlurity, etcam isueof license. . 53 ¤1>pr¤p¤i¤§i·>¤ for; ------·-·· , ·-----.-··· gg., .. X; 54 °’ P"' ‘°'“ ° -----·····--—---- f · rsgulstio . Impeccpn ojoafwz mm, D. 0., 7,,,;,;, Sm, uf" 1, . ud,. 5* appoxxatmergiftrz., of, transferred to pub- appmpdnjm mm 553,8w icu IISCOIIIIDIB 987 . . °'' Z"Z' `` '"` Impcd0n·°f·Hull·¤,dBo‘lal:¤ approprumon for salaries of, and lp . htm for IQJM mtg ____ _ _ __________________ _ _ _ _ 785 P!0P1’1·|· . . .. . . . provided for [gg Angeles, C3] , ,,,,, , . 1013 ITIUWT _ Impedors_0f]111¥¢1!um, Indian Depcrhnmt, lPP!°P¤¤¤0¤ {0f $9<!!¤li¤¥, Aulstants, at- •pp;>prgatxon_ or psy, etc._ ... - .. 519 wrqs _, etc ·- . ..· 396, 772 to_ skilled u-ngimou engineers . _ . 5 19 for mspocwn, etc .. . -- 396, 772 I‘¤§¢‘t¢14t¢ ofA.rts and Letters, D. C., Natumal, 660 {gr! Wh, ¢l;¢ ··--·-----·····---·- ; - - · $96,772

 puyggggr 9f,c__________,,,,, mschamcs. W\tChm$¤, GDQIDEZ

Imtztuzwm of Leu-mng, Stale eu. €l·¢ ·---· _ -···· ; ~-·~--···---- - ·..- 772 pmaicir publications 0:, énudea to sec- f¤r clerk ¢¤ ¤¢¤ ¤¤b•1 deeds- ---- _- 395, 772 _ond class mail privileges; conditions. 550 W 9mPl°Y9¤¤» dd PM OEM Bulld- I·nsh·u.c¢w·n Pay, Diplamaticand Cmuular O}? for mi --·· -·-- E ····· ·-·-- ; -· ?6»772 appropriation lor ,. '. . 96, 689 M hmm? G¢¤•;1;!; -···-··-·· 7,77:- - Q Instructors, N I A , upc . 2 » · · emu. of .S$°L',..,.,.., °"d,."3 eine,. w autres *<¤ ¤¤¤e¤··g·¤=;¤;k<j¤¤gc¤* L·¤¤ MMM; performed lay civilians, ·I¤¤¤¤’Y 1: gw ()¤mmi¤{o$i:r of 773 1913, forbid en . 906 swam duh dc · *3,6,773 IWW 47*4** B¤·r··¤·» Ama estimates unéa II I Zf[ZZ.. ses appmyzrérauon for psy of ¤f5¤¢¤¤; i¤¤8¤Vg74’ 708 ia; Gtimaissmier of, Pensions, deputyéw ···· : ·········· . ···· . ····· : :··:· cer ,et.c ... , 774 for care of msane soldiers nn Pluhppmes gm, djsbumiug clerk for Pying pension, ’ md P¤r¤> RM ---·····---——-- _ -··· 58% 719 mem, em .. . ... 774 ”° °$°°' b°l°" ml? *’° M .d°¤“1°d “ for Commissioner of Patents asistants aTLst•pt to Chief of, with rank of 571 enmimm ew ___________ _________ gy, I 775 ¢° ¤° --·—··----·-··---·-··--··--· hr Commissioner of Ed cation, lerh, Imular Ajay: Bureau, War Department, etc. ._ .. rl. ._ .. . , 398, 776 appropnatnon for law officer, clerks, etc.. 388, 765 for Superintendent of Capitol Building Kar rent .. 388, 766 and Grounds, etc .. 98, 778 [,,,,,7,,, Po,m,;0,,,_,_ lor contingent expenses . . . 396, 170 appropriation for fortincations ... 128, 673 YW ¤l·•l»¤°¤°'Y» •*° ·····--···-··~··· ··· 379, 776 Ear seaconst batteries, Hawaiian and purchases for all branches the service Philippine Iala¤ds.-:_ . 128, 673 under the Department included. . 399, 776 for electnc_plants, Hawaiian Islands 673 for law books, etc . 399, 776 for searchlxghts for_ defense, Ha- for rent . . 399, 776 wauan and Philippine Islands., 673 for postage stamps, etc .. _ . 399, 777 for preservation, repair, etc., !0rt.1Iica· for snryeyors general and their clerk;. . 899, 717 {.ioi:; Hawaiian and Plulxp no Is-128 673 (pads . g ra p°°~.em"`ii3L]"£é,§&1}§` 1,}.&Z,` -_torped· `Q 4, ’ rn repau·s' ,_em., reiggfomce `````` i§m"·m` Ang` `Z 453 structures, Hawaiian and Philippine for improvm&e1ectnc-light plant ... 458 Islands .. I ... 128, 673 for Patent O ce, steel book stacks .. 458 for supplies, etc., _ electric lants, Ha- for Ct tw} ... 7 . .., 453 wauanandPhxl1pp1ne ds.,.. 128,673 for _ Capntolgmunds .. 454 for strugtvmeg, etc.l:.or subrmrine mines, for Peppigon , temporary clerks 454 in Philippine Is ds. ._ ... Z .. $33 folglgo ¢_]l¤d¤8l S·· -. . ... 464 r operaungotire-oontml installations- 128, or logic nrvey .. 457 contragts i- seacoast unnon, etc., an- ms gg; Btueggsigilpes. . ... 1 , g for pmnm ni care or mum, anna . I no cannon., . .. 673 {grr e<lu¢&sti¤¤;°i¤AA1ssh ...·. 459 amm ' for sesmsst cannon, rem scr r - .. 460 fm WL ____________,_,,,___ 128, 673 for protection of game in Alaska 459 for altering aeaooast artillery: . 12, 673 for supEremmg_ liquor amtng 4 for installation of sucnast ..-. 129, 674 i}*l·*V¤¤ ····---·---·- · - -··- 450 r¤i·pur¤b¤se¤r¤ubmumemi¤e•,etc... 674 |e•¤¤9fArlK¤¤¤Hots1pr¤perty,H¤t · I¤¤¤~¤~=¢ UMPMM, D- of Mn it lgggdss, ··-··-----------····-- g v·imm‘ ; rgulg names rllh ·. . . . Pm nity, healthttnlgfé, ow I6 expenses nr construction of building mquirements of annual mtums, extended. 2 restricted . 4d)