Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 2.djvu/997

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mnmx. 1939 Lanberton, N. C'., Pin Lynchburg, Vu., Pun. bridge nutbogized across Riveest. 724 sppmpristion for public building, ¤mt... . 412 hnulis of cozt. m ubl1c building. . . 868 hmxtgi cost increased, public building,. 82,869 Lum um , Lynn uu. sngual exceeding $250,01) sppmpristion forimprovementothsrbor. w1,w2 togiveindetaileachobjectoi preliminsryexsminstiontobemsdeel expeuditum contemplated .. 487 lm-bor ... . .. . . 821 corresponding details oi expmditms Lynn, Michael, made during previous year . . . . . 487 pension increased HN payment . of nlmes from in exc¤ of Lynn, Samuel H., similar for 1912 forbidden .. @6 pension incgeased lll! to persons tmnsfened fmm speciic Lynnbgven Rwer, Vq., _ . snlmee, ntntegreetot thsnnmh pre1xm1.nsryexsnun•uono!,tcbemsd•... 225 sslsries forbidden ... . ... @6 Lyons, James A., heads of execngivo departments to en~ pensionincressed .. . . 1091 ,.,...$?"°.».`”“"“".. ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘· 1,: °“° "’.‘2',‘f..· ·”‘ Ya;. 1.. ,..1,..- 1..,- .., similar during preceding year, for- thorised .. . 878 hidden . 790 Iqtle, {hunk, ugnsfas nutrictod .. . .. 790 pension 1447 not spplicsble to mechanics, etc. ... N0 rutrictgi on nee of nlsriu int services as M_ restncuo' ’ n on tabs. WWE IWW F-- .ppu¢.¤n€°¤» mm mk, ec., }>•¤··¤¤"=¤¢l ~·•·¤B ----·-·······--·----···· 11* for Agricultunl Department 2 . . 854 °6""!v . ·• uw noincxesseofpsythmbumlpewnfc 854 -}“*"’H'z*_‘;,“""dI ·····•·•··· · ············ 1,.., w"% {’, BTEC; ``‘‘‘``‘°``’``'` Q ‘`°°' ¥v$d¤_;__$19¤_}¤¤-¤ ·—···-—~- · —··--·--·-·--- 11*0 apagropmtmn for egpenses ol executing. 167, 963 . v I um cxency appropriation for ... 600 wl és; ···· · ··············· L"""V·-H‘!"’ ·· nlsdsurfscoztnctbf mm ,¤¢;;·•;;,_·;¤,,,¢,_*·;····1 —-—-······-~-~-·--······ ”°* M ..,..»0u:»...i.¢$§?.'@??“» ... 69 pqmigmiucrqsgd ... . .. . . 1048 r. do mich . . u"""“ 422 "“"°'*:.."""°"..,.£;.z. 1.. ¤‘·&¥+?%2?‘w¤?¤·¥·' WT. “"‘“‘

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L °PP'°pr°¤°°;,{"}°’ m°ht°°m°°’ wi" °!" 283}*0 “pouon' incxe••edE` .. IUI pong; im".;] ______________ _ _________ mg ourthr, In (widow), um pensionl ... me l}¤Ar¢1·•·r.@C ```°`````'``'``’`````` ww Hmutuonh l ’ ... ... . . pension mmm mes gw M. lm M, M, .6... . . L P°""i°"° u? ·•‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ `‘`‘' lm www immnd. .2 .. . . 1267 pension ineoscd 1837 **3*% m€'h°· L l W Jmmonnncrused ... _ . 1351 pmnmiuon imiuaing mechanical mnsi- ¤B~£~v. 0¤~*¤•¢ J <¤•*··>· lm cd MPN duction. in copyright Pnvi. [umol . .. . . ... ]gg\°____,,,,,, .. ... . W ¤B'¤€’1•!i¤cU“"'l'· 1227 I N“h¤,la”b·“”d' IBDFOBP _ H.. ... ... •ppmp$¤on' for mimshrfo ..·.- 95.688 °B"‘d'. · F" wt l·• 1192 Lseczetsryoilegstion . _ .. 95. 688 ¤P°¤¤°:l¤F . ················ · ·······

 U°“°`)’ ____________,_,,,__, 1402 Jwnsion i¤¤¤3•d ·-····------ - -·---··---- 1251

m•§bev3rp;¤mtor!seco¤1dlm¤temnt¤(”7 C ,:·~·--·- Mk buf" '‘‘‘' ' `°' °°°`` "" ¤,i¤cre•sed 13IZ pénsionincreseed 1381 '_.€¤¤!L·. ~ uu nk, ‘ incrused .. - .-.--·· · ···- . -—·- 1352 . Daum · pensmnmcxeased lhs wl M E., f., M I W

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pension increased .. . · ------ - ·-·-·--·- 1197 lgcqllixa, Smith,

 H., um   . - · .  IGS

P¤¤¤°¤ m°’°“°d --····· · ····‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘' Heaven, Bud E. ésvidnv), . » “”d7.Jq`°¤ log .. ... ... ·..· IK psnsmnmcmsaed ...·· - -··---··- · ··--··-- I U R1 [ L'”é’·J°» W" 1% ninuesnsd 1336 pgumn mcresnd .. . ...-··--- {R10 ···-······--·· · ·····~·~·