Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1142

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 ..1]§’{’eS°"“0f `ifféffed fil °”f§Z; iE§.(;`$i1S§`§.3“1§$?Q!2?.§fe§°mmlSty §§§°'3$’Z.E.?.E‘.`l

sioners on the part of the Unite States, with the approval solely of the Secretpug lof itate, mcluding rental of ogces at Wasilhmgtipn, D`trito oumia,e enseo prin` an necessary raveng anlii other expensi_es,han<Il?or one-hzglf psf]-Iei§,13a0asonable and necelsisary ' t t t tion in mmission incurre unlitell thdqtgrililigs ol) thee treatymbetween (the United States and Great Britain concerning the use of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, and for other Hpurposes, signed January eleventh, ,e,_P'°P“‘"°“ °‘ °“”’ nineteen hundred and nine, as we as not to exceed the guém of $5,000 for th ent o necess ezcgenses inc an or services renderidpnilnyclldr the directionadlrthe ecretary of State the examination and preparation of cases involving the use, d1stribution, or giviiapn of watersfaaid other qgilestiopls or cg digleggnce plovered e eat o anuary even nme n un an nme, bgtween the {lnited States and Gredt Britain, and in representing this Government and the American interests involved in the presentation of such cases before the International Joint Commission constituted under that treaty, $55,000, together with the unexpended $.,'2‘§,E$•§‘§Y‘ balance of théargpprotpgtion mage for tlzas obéicgigcar the fiscgl ya;

 $.?f€§.'I.*$¥“a. Se;:nemr;8:?sl:1w:axi>1::»nmedt?That no pm .‘I?e$§ .p.

propriation shall be expended for subsistence of the commission, counsel and secretavi}r, except a sum not exceeding $10 per day each, when absent from ashington on official business. °°¤¤¤””°°”*°°- sA1.ARxRs or Tm: coNsULAa smnvrcn. j1',‘,,'§f,,,5_ For salaries of consuls general and consuls, as érovided in the Act PMN approved February fifth, nineteen and teen, entitled f‘An 1.,,, 8,;.,,,, ,,,, 1,,,,, Act for the improvement of the foreign B81'Y1¤8,” $1,069 000; Pmmded Ame. p- 451- That the amount appropriated for salaries of consuls general and consuls contained in the ct entitled "An Act making éaxppropriations ger the Dipkilmatic and Segvgzp for ,the fis Myelar endihxlig une thet nineteen un an teen approv une t - tieth, nineteeii hundred and fomteen, is hereby made available for salaries of consuls general and consuls at the rate of compensation specified in the Act entitled "An Act for the improvement of the for- Mdmml M yw eign service/’ approved February fifth, nineteen hundred and fifteen; mg and that there is also hereby appngpriated for salaries of consuls general and consuls from February th to June thirtieth, nineteen undred and Efteen, both dates inclusive, to be expended in accordance with thekprovisions of the said Act of February fifth, nineteen hundred and teen, the additional sum of $13,333.35. °°“’“’°’ ‘“"’°°‘°”· For salaries of five consular inspectors, at $5,000 each, $25,000. ` _ EXPENSES or CONSULAB msrzcrons. w'*`g•**¤¢» ·*¤·· ·¤- For the actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses of consular inspectors while traveling and ms ting under instructions 1g¤’°;,,,e,,,,,,""” umm from the Secretary of State, $15,000: Providzlli That no inspector shall be allowed expenses for subsistence in excess of $5 per day. sALARms or c0Nsm.An ABBISTANTS. °°"°"’ “'“°‘“"* For forty consular assistants as provided for by law, $46,600.