Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1261

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A1:my—Continued. _ _ Pew- ,An•g—Continued. _ _ Pose- """""’F’“"°".r,.{r.i..-..‘°'g 5.‘£“?.?.7‘...r."" *‘tL°“°?s» wm "°"’§“ll.ra°“ ‘°‘ ‘°°"*°’ "“"“°”’ “"" ““‘§‘§6 1078 10:35 percent, oiHcers on aviationdutgé ’ 359 Robert L.  :: ... , 366 forlennie Carroll and Mabel Lazear.. 9,1010 expenses of officers on Alaska road for John R. Kimnger.-: .. 359, 1070 commission allowed ._ ... . . 366 for mr, Porto Rrco Regiment of In- _ for sheltermthe Philip urea., . 366,1078 ,,.*"..."a.;";.; ‘ 11;;,1 ‘m..; ‘‘=‘= rea ?2”’ "”° *°‘6...°.1‘ £.?§.`£‘°§.,m ai ""‘*"’“‘°“ “"" mg

 Insfxntry; statins, otcéég   { for clothing and camp`   10 8

' 'p ine outs . . _ . equipage. - 7

 acgounted as Pay of the r indemnity for destroyed cloth` ..  1078

Arm ,, . 359, 1071 regulations oi contracts for su gies. . . 1078 _. crea o su services transpgrtation of tems to national fund ted i lies P and muh ,_,.,.., 1071 . transportation. F? Y 1 ms for encam menu of Organized purchases of supplies for future issue. 1078

 Army..,., ,. hk 359,1071 mlgscrg articles to Navy and Manne 1079

or manenva-mg un in . . ..·. _. . Tennessee or A1abama...§? ... 359 for post hospitals, construction, repur, annualmilit:iaal)1totmentsr§tricted--- 360 mgm . umgpormu porarycam sc., ospr m,;u;h_ _ ji'? _,_,_____,,.,.,...,.,.. 1071 for guarters for hgipital stewards 367; 1079 ‘°' °""i"0?...“‘°“”.°,§,1°?»£‘r'1.’r1’}"‘"°" “““°" sm ¥°‘ Am“‘“¤t,?‘é$“ii,g,“ °““ "“g°“‘ ‘ ‘ “S2? $3 ,,_,.,, , ,,. or y . rm ci: or ones, etc., Organized Militia forrest, Quarfermaeter Corps, D. Q- 367; 1079 pjdd Ayyjllgy _____ , ,_,,,,._,,,. ééo MJ; for quarters for officers and en11ste3<%7 mm f bsistence sup lies . 1 11101} ··---···----·- ; --·--·--·- ·· Ormsgals tip competgtomjn national ritl3g0’ lm for payxxélgccdamage claims, etc., ta1g§g7’l1079 u ,.. . .. , ... --·--·-·---··--· _ -----· ‘°‘ ;;““°“"" °°‘““““'“°‘°” “ “‘“°“§a’ lm ‘°' ,$“€,.&'.l"i,'2*é,;'}‘.lL‘§},‘r°£ °°° 363}% mm••4~••••·••·•••••••"*·•• Y l °°°' ’ ··*,,,,,¤·~*-·P¤”¤·*°"·*"J*“d""*‘;z1 rm sm¥‘;;,% ······ ······· 38;%% 'i"°"’€"""""""""• ° _ ’ ~ !.""" purchase of sup lies from Navy-.. 361:1072 sale of supphes Ygmxmerxcan Red receipts from safes of supplies, etc 361 . Gross . . .. 1080 tx Qum·w¤na¤¢¤·` Corps, regular sugél 1073 payment to; accounts with other bu- 1080 lies ···.,..~.. - . reaue, e . . ._ .. - . . hgt liglnt to_quartersLg4:. ui; 361; 1073 for payingmhospxtal care, Canal Zone 1080 ° RISC @‘ ull- -..-.,.. .. P°:·1tries...?fB:. ... ’ 361, 1073 for Museum, library 368, 1080 · pmt and oEcers’ schools .,.., , .,,_ _ 362, 1073 for care of msane Fxhpmo and Porto orage, etc.; stationery, etch}; . 362, 1073 { xldnelgsg Ext. .-éi5éx;sé·l868, 1080 prgxnpeggetgf .?..1f:g .l???. . Z. .. 362,1073 etc., of depots , 368, 1081 for incidental expenses . . gg, for sggool, Washington, D. C.; rostngég 1081 [mad _________,_ , __,____ , ‘ P __,,__ _ , _ _ _ _ , , ___________ , , lggrse eggerxltvniresé . .1;. . .é§sb_362, 1074 for eqmpmengtgf trgppgrb. .1;]},;,}. bydigil, 1081 ' ‘ to r 1 - pur .,

 ganriggks, ei;. fat ..   1074 autlmrlzed, Z z  . .   1081

‘°‘ "°'°°“ “‘%‘ ‘ ‘ gi; ·‘‘‘‘‘ t z ‘ *323 $3 2%',¥?§?g§§§Z,“§?ra 1»1n1g,g,;e.;,;,‘ 369* {32} WB; 6 -1 • . , . . . r ’ $g§3g?:1?lan(:lr?`;·em(:>11nt depot, Front 1075 mmxbgr chem, outside Distnggg 1082 sm 1§$°£li¤§:h'4&té1yié£1éZ I I I ZZZZZZZ`gg, 1376.; setgllerénslpst egg 'skééums an other 369 tawuree oe ------ , » · ·--· · -·---··-···---··

1lio of San Francisco, Cal 1.. 364 for Ordnance Department, current ex·

Fort Leavenworth, Kans., service penses. . 369, 1082 schools ... . .. 1364 for t ammumtion for small arngég 1082

   ..-.364,076 ec . , ... ,
n$x%ggt?>;i’ h ... 1076 limit oi amount for experrments. . 370

‘°’f.,‘,,,,,,°"°"“"g°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 223;}%* ‘°' °"‘“‘l ‘§.F'§‘r?,iZ“'§$},é§'“£,'i'é‘°°’ mats 1082 ° ___________ ____ I ID8DB· ~ I y --·- ···· 1 mlm 1¤nd;grt¤?;1€l:oads dt . gg? {gg? lggrrigh t:S61;¤¤u;;;t¤;<ém, etc- ·------.-- 370, $1e`:£te rt sefdge, Z: 365; 1377 for l£1an;1facture,_etc., tgt arms ... 370, 12% shi " ofli ’ ‘ to unts ., 65 _ torexper1:me11_ .

 ofiegirggvgmtgo . 365 xssue of magazme rules, etci, to 111111-

sale, etc., transports "Seward" and 365 gtrytsschools, clubs, etc., requrre- 370 ow · yr ____ _ ___________________ en, . _______________ 1 ____________ paymgmgglfor loss of personal baggage. - 1077 for repairing and preserving ordnance I for reeds, walks, wlwrves, and drainage stores .-·- - .--.--.. 370, 1082 at military posts . . 365, 1077 for ordnance stores, etc ... . 370, 1082 land donated at Antietam battle field. 1077 for Infantry, etc., eqmpments . . 370, 1082 for water and sewers at military posts. 366, 1077 for annual ride contests. trophy, medals, water supply, Corregidor Island, P. I. . 1077 etc 370, 1083