Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1291

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. momx. xiv CHPOZG Oulu!} FM. hse- Chbnde Lim, - Pure. t lantern ts authorized on . 928 du oz ...,,_,__,,,,.,_, , ,,_________ 1],5

 Milla, ., Chlov·t¢i}orm

bridge tutborized across Chippewa River- 714 dutmé ,,,,_,_,_,,,,,___,_,___ _ ____ 115 a . .. ; .. . ,._.,,... Cilorn Chippewa in giqnvgeaoitgil tc duty on enigagt of us ¤PP!'0P¤¤ °¥' V¤]1¤ , 6 ·, f¤¤¤ WWW, Uhv ., ., ’ tribal funds . ,. 88, 590 reappointed on or Regents, Smithfor purchase of lands for homeless lhlle 9 la somun Institution ...,,,,,,_, _ _____, 769 .. · 5 1 te, for removed from old duty 0nM . ... .· 135 Html lm .. . ...--·--.. 591 oa! and Asphalt for annualgmcelelgrntiou, White hrth _ Lands, Okla., band, from tribal funds .., 88, 591 clamniication and ap ont oi, to be grunt od schoolhouse, etc., to Berra, _ completed by ber 1, 1913 95 f Minn. ._ ... ... - . , . - 591 time exggdedi , . i .. 767 orexten wa systemm . appro onorunfimshedwor from

 tribal funds . » 501   funds.  .    . 767

for higher education of ten boys, from Choctaw Indian; katie also Five Civilised r *“£;‘c£"”?’r¤m ’‘‘‘‘ **5 ‘·`· r.;rn‘m ‘‘‘‘‘ z °° ”""°”‘ 2.. dm mma .n..,.r' or oo c on o a · appropnaurm , ¥$bite Eartb, Minn . _ 590 Okla., from tribal funds 94 lugher educatron of boys eontmued.. . 590 • for comnron schools. .. 95, 599 for expenses of delegates, etc .. ..._.-. 691 °for fulilling treaties With... . . . Q- . . 96, 500 for expenses of general council meeting for monument to Green, doat Egermdir. ... 592 ceased chief ofbfmm tribd funds 97 im- 1103::]; . : ,,___,______,_, ·,, .._, 592 for peying Gabe arker for furniture, tor In councrl hail, Sawyer, lima. . 592 Armstrong Academy, Gtk., {mm for scream Mimimippi Rrvu on tnbplfnnds-.1..- . { ... 597 _ to Cas Lek; gghoo ,,_,,,, 592 for tribal funds r ... 001 comnugiontomakeroll of,allottedlands lnndsogmbr wandgetidoforssnn- 97 uL...····-•···...-.-..-..····~-·-. um--•··•··•·•····•·• $·w·•..~L appropriation for expenses ... 89 time extended for classification surface, _ Clrippemflndnbm. Kent., Rocky Boy’a Band etc. of segregated ood and aqalult — iw o , ·-.. ‘ ti for su etc., { 91 599 appro tion for uufnished w from

 of   1ge•¤·oa¢€on, ’   funills ...   . 767

16*) Idlunlf lu'! ' f for improvmg‘ condi- name of William C. Adams substin ted for "*""°‘1?§¤$$’ém. .. .. .07 menu o. lam., jr., 0.. mh. .,r... m enrollment and distribution of lands to V Cholera, _ _ _ unnllotted members oi .. Q)5 Appropriation for prevention of epidemic. 24, sales of timber on lands of ; contracts .. 606 _ _ _ 624, 837 distribution of proceeds 606 deficiency nppropnabon for prevention of contracts to be submitted to Indiana we epidemic ... 379 distribution of money from former. . ._. . . 503 Chosen, _ _ erection of s?_wrr;1dllls, etc., if adequate price IPPNQHIUOD for interpreters at comnlgtfgz 1125 t e me nn .. . .. . , operggoii, etc . we for marshals, consular coun;. ... 452,1126 C%{pp¢wq Indmns ofLak¢ Saw, fil? GXPGDDM of AIDQTICUI pl‘l&)D0l‘8.. . 452, ll25 appropriation for awww, em, of ____ 4 ,_,, 1 gg 506 for prison expenses .. . ... 452, 1125 Chtppcwa Indians Qf e Jlliuiuippi, Hmn., Chfciwn, Fclmle Nada _ r appropriation for schools 88, 590 peyilwnt Court of Clums Endings to ul- Clnppewa Indians, Turtle Mountain Band, _ nixnmmtnx of . . . . . 971 N Dal:. Chnat Epucofal Church C., _ ap mpyiagjon for support, em, of ___,,,_ , , 92, 595 yment o Court of iindmgs to 981 degcienfy appropriation for support, etc., Clxmwn has gtffou. W U7•¤¤M¢ OM, 156 0 . 230 0 _ ...----··· . -··. Chippewa Indians, Wis., Sain: Croix, _ _ Chrcvrw Brick, appropriation for relief, end investigating . duty OD ·------.- - ------.. 120 tribal rights of . . 606 Chrome or Chromium Metal, Chippewa River, _ duty on- .,.,,.,_,,,.,.. , ..,.,,,.,, _ ______ 13 bndggérighenzed ¤¢¤>¤¤, ¤tG1¤1>1>¢w¤F¤¤¤. m Chrome, Cxyzow, cmu, and qu cvmmrm ammo}! `iio£g` duty ,,,,{°_f’?[ _________ _ __________________ H8

 for ¤!3iDt9D8HC€, Gu}., of- 426,   on   152

twood 0 . ’`'``° '````` `'`‘`'```' ’ ’ · ~ _ Chromnum, P°Yme,§‘,§,§{_,t,.,C°‘”,0,* §{_ _____ ______ *f 9,,2 on me un, hydroxide os, mae ,.. 156 cmamz Hydmo, 5 d th 129 d . . - ··-··--. . ... . ..·-·~ · - - · 11 r ····•~·- · ·—·--— - mzgggons on sales, etc., by citizens in Chugach Mztioml Forest, Abela, Chinn consular districts . 819 , appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi, 426, 1096