Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1293

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umnx. xlvii (Hmbclivery, Postal _ P•s•· Cla£ma~C·onti:nued. _ _ _ _ P•¢¤· owancgurn cas; cgpngury, etc., to earner 301 delicie;1g1appr1;pr1‘.;31onf‘¢;rALa1r;l>1t:r·a¤ngoutw e on u . ding n an errcan ecucarriers an'ned to collection service and niary 313 _pay reduced tohave grade restored. 1227 for Army service prior to April 13, 1861, experimental combined wagon and city _ notbarred by drsloyalty ... . 454 collectérgn and delivery service au- 300 reinstatement of, I(r;°di£ fdegredatirgn, ... y o launs or City Rcjirsg, C., _ _ _ want of proof of citizenship or for apgiopnatron for diiponl of; night soil. 529, 904 _ al1enage ... 791 _ investigating p ans for collecting, etc. 529 _%tataons  : ... 792

 Elan Y aw BI ualswldkl ·

duty on .. 118 bridge authorized acrom Saint John River orl ... 117 ch between Fort Kent, Me., and ... 581 C.-E ic M! h? income tax not levied on, not organized onfreelist wood ... . 164 Om! S for péollt, etc .. 172 Clarcrgore, gdlrla., md 1210 ‘ ervies ommisriore, con emn cannon to . appropriation for Commisionere, seem- Clark, C'. C.,_1’ndian F_|arm¢r, tag, clerks, etc . 465, 1007 approcpnation for reimbursement to ... 99 for flel examiners, etc .. 465,1007 Clar , lurks L., degliasdgom executive departmen4t;5 mm paym?t_ cgi Court of Claims Endings to ‘ 972 r en .. ur ... . transfer of employees .. 465:1007 Clark, Larhrn, _

 . ...i.3m465,11lY7 payment qf_C0u{(tKg‘f Claims iindings to 966

- or establishing, e ., system o - . .. ciency ratings I _ 465 Clark, S. N., _ _ replort as to administrative needs of 465 payment of og Claims findings to 976 e service . 0 ... restriction onéaay. ...,... 465 Clark, Surah G., _ for Division of Hiciency . z . 1007 payment qi _Court of Claims Ending to apsoinunentofwriei by the President; administrator of . . . 976 · utieg, etc ...,,,,,,,,,.,,...,, 1006 Clark, suplrm D., b _ _ iordgargzlmfg; eels., EVE., 465,1008 mzztment of Cegirrzthof Clarms£ndmgsto-... 972 ments suspended .. · I .. . . 465 I[ultn0mah’ Org, and, may for expenses of examinations, fourth- bridge Columbia `ver at Vanclasspostmasters ... . 466 convey, Wash . 282 for field examiners for local boards, Clarh_Fork Rwer, Idaho, etc .., . 466,1008 exammauon, etc., of, to be for contingent expenses .. . ... 492, 1033 6 .. . - . 1062 for rent ... : L .,.. 493,1034 W: Wl., d girprurting and huidingfior ... 69, $72, 880 Ctlsrms cor; ati; ..·. F Z. ni.: 2 702 e crenc a propna ion or expenses o bbw; . a., uhodwt pueo exgmiiiations, fourth clam poet- 208 éuvgclé Soxlhi Chim an _ to pa 994 masters ... . GR 0 0\1 0 s dung! for traveling, etc., expenses .. 312, 795 Cggnug, W Va., Pmbyunim Church, im- stationery .,.,. 312 lglggaent of Court of Clauns findings to 994 for printing and binding . 328, 1154 C lc, _ _ _ (yp;] Sgrmbg Lqwg, gm, apmpmhon ioipublxc burlding .. 7, 610 collectors of internal revenue, and mar- Clar lc, Ark., uhodust Epweopal Churda shale may_ appoint, etc., bonded South, _ _ C` I W deppties wrjtlggcut regard to .. 208 Cgggzt o§_Court of Clnnlzgnimgzym 965 " ar,e·mzno , , erm.,C'umbcr murum' gzeflciency approygiation for memorial Church, _ _ building in isuict of Columbia, to lppzrnnrtgut of Court of Clamm (indmgs to 986 commemorate services of 233 C lg T¢¢·, _ _ _ personnel of Commission, erecting Monu· apprgujratron for public building .. 7 Them meg: to . . .,.., 326 Cigar; mus, 126 L mas ., u y on .. appropriatidg for new fish station. 665 UWM, _ Chu gzle Ofloldogigh liptghgry gf? pyioceedg 665 duty 01;, button, uon, or steel E8 'ms see a so mni` ct ¢0!¤€ -·-···-··-·~--·----·--··-··.-.-... 5 appropriation for expenses, defending Cld88‘l_#0Gl1377I·Dl1)l!t0II, Port Ofc: Department, suits in ______,________,______ 52, 652, $65 appropnatron for supenntendent, etc. . 495, 1037 for defense in French spoliation . .. 52, 652 C'laLsIl:an_ re Rover, Orcg., _ for defensein Indian de redation- 52,652,865 prehmmary examination, etc., of; to be for arbitrating outstaudiing British and made . 1062 American pecuniary ... 449 Clay Comm , Mo., deficiency appropriation for paying judg· may bn-xc Saint Francis River at Saint; ments, gourt of} 228, 328,%;: may Francis ,,_,,,,.,,.,,,,_,,,_,,,_,___ 764 for paying nd.vm` ep! 11 ····-·--·- , 3, ` 329, 576, 1154 duty nchina, r kaolin . 120 for paying, certified by accounting nffi- unvgmught, nat speciagyl pmvieea sm., me cers . 229, 330, 576, 1155 wrought, etc., not spec y provided for- 120