Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1314

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1XV111 INDEX. Dacuir, Antoine, sr., _ P¤€•· Dxifickncy Appmpr·&1t*io¢w—Contiuued. P¤s¤· paymemt of Court of Claims findmgs to or Defsyrtmeut of Commerce; Bureau of heirs Of _________ , _,,._,,_,,,.. 972 _ xghthousos .. 224 Deeds, etc., Real Emu, Fmhemes Bureau .. 380 stamp tax 011; minimum value ogproperty. 762 for Department of Labor . 225, not a plicable to security for cbts . 762 _ _ _ _ 325, 380, 574, 797, 1151 Deeds of grunt, etc., U.0I1 servmc .. 225, 325, 797 income tax to be withheld from interest Naturalxzatwu Bureau . . .. 380 on _______________,,,_,_, , .,.. · 170 for legislative . . ... . . 226 pup CTM}, Van Mgzhodig Epigwpal Clnuch for Senate . . . 226, 326, 574, 1152 South, for House of Representatives . 227, pa out of Court of Claims findings to 990 _ _ 327, 575, 798, 1153 Dwme Nambnal Form, Mont., for Govemmcut Prmting Officc ... . . . . 228, a pmpriatiou for maintenance, ctc., of. 427, 1097 _ _ _ _ _ 327, 381, 575, 1153 Dejgnding Suits in C'la·im.v, K . public prmting and bmqmg. 228, 327, 381, 1154 a propriation for expenses . . 52, 652, 865 for judgments, Cougt of Clmms. 228, 328, 576, 1154 Dejyance, Ohio, Indian deprcdation claims.: 228, 329, 575, 1154 Dcagproprigtion for_pqblic building .. 7 for claims certified by accouuting 1%*522, 7 I 7 or Botanic Garden .. . . . . 208 for Commission on Industrial Relations. . . 318 for Civil Service Commiiou ... 208, 312, 795 for State, War, and Navy Department for Department of State. . 20Q, 312, 559, 795, 1138 Building .. . . . .. 319, 1145 di Iomatic and consulaxservxco- . 559, 795, 1138 for Botamxic Garden .. . ... 327, 1153 for 'igeasury Department .. . . . 209, for judgments, United States courts ... 328, 313, 379, 559, 795, 1138 575, 1154 public buildings. .. 209, 314, 379, 5§i9, 1140 for Panama Canal 329 site requirements in small cities modt- for Capitol power plant .. 574 fied . . . 565 for Department of Agriculture . 797, 1151 internal revenue . 211, 316, 796 Animal Industry Bureau ... 797 Revenue Cutter Service, etc 211, 565, 1138 Plant Industry Bureau ...,. 797 collecting custom revenue . . 211, 565 Forest Service 797 Iudepen ent .. 212, 316, 565, 1139 for Federal Trade Commission . ... 1140 Engraving and Pnqtnng Bureau .. 315, 379 subsistence allowance to officixls traveling Pu lic Health Scrwpcc, ctc . .. 315, 379 outside of District of Columbia grevcuting epideimcs- .. . . 796 limited ..,.,.. 318 cast Guard. . ... . 1138 personnel of Commission on Monument to mints and assay offices- . _. . : ...-··-. 1139 Women of the Civil War . . . . 326 for Interstate Commerce Gommu-umn .. 212, repeal of ap mpriation for fiscal history of _ _ _ 379, 1140 Five givxlized Tribes . . 335 for Board of Mediation and C0m:1112.t10u.. . 212, use of appropriations for pay of experts, _ _ 318, 1140 etc., to change business methods for Diptnct of Columbm. . 316, 565, 796, 1141 forbidden ___,,,,,_________,_______ 335 paving madbeds of street yvays .. 565 unless specifically provided for . 335 payment to Treasury from District revo- compensation restricted . 335 nues, interest on bonds 1877 and Librarian to act as superintendent of Li- 1878 ... , .. 1142 bmry of Congmss building and share of Washington Market Company grounds. .. 798 rentals 1879 to 1914, inclusive .. 1143 Panama Canal fcrtiiicatio balances of for War Department. . 214, 318, 379, 567, 796, 1143 appropriatious 798 Army . 21% 319, 379, 568, 796, 1144 uucxpougedpbalances when resppmpriswd river and harbor wmk, . 318, 567, 1144 construed as new appropnztiom 1161 Volunteer Soldiersf Homes .. 318, 1144 exchange of typewriters, etc., in part ay- bac1: pay, bcupty, atc .. 1 .. 319 mont for new machines, allowed? . . . 1161 fortxficaucus, msukr possesmcns ... 568 report of, to be submitted annually . 1161 for Navy Department 216, 319, 569, 1145 desert land entries, final proof time ex- Navy ,,__ _ _,_,,,,,,.,,..,, 216, 320, 569, 1145 tended ,.,_,,,.. . .,.,,,_,,, 1161 Naval Academy ... 570 Dggms, Marine Cage ,... . .. 570, 1146 duty on 117 for Intgrior apartment. . 217, 321, 570, 796, 1146 Del Rio, Ter., gubhc _1a¤ds ... 217, 322, 570, 1148 appgrzymdon for public building . S `9010g1C&lSl11’;’i¥ ... 217, 322, 570 Delaji , Wis., suqveyors gene ... 796 condemned cannon granted to 1209 bmldmgs .,... . 347 pezam, mu, Al¤·¤k¤_ . . -. 47 a cnt of Court of Claims 6¤dmgs’ d- mtwmxl parks . 1148 P ym ministmtor of . 972 fo€TDe_p2}rtxue11t of Justice 218, 322, 571, 1148 Delmyan, W13., ¤d¤¤$~l ~··-··- - -··-·-·-·--·---·—---··~ 219 8 ro riation for ublie b il _____ %0 1é29 Cm, mushed, €mi.ééi.é. my p€z££.»E Bw, P “ ding “· “‘°# 824 m mms courts 22 , 72, 1149 inland watgrwg fr forPostOfficeDepartmeut. 222, 324, 573, 796, 1150 right of wyzly f postal Servici- .£ & 222, 324, 573, 796, ]é]é350 to be egndempgd ____ _ ____ _ ________ 1051 OY 611 0 IHIDGICB ..· » -·.. , Delaware, M land ,,9,1,,* *,1 · 325, 380, 573, 797, 1151 Comzzlny and V Bureau oi Foreign and Domestic G¤m· right of way tlénugh tracks of, to be cou- Om ?d°*§°¤ ?m ·········· - ·····•-······· 223 démlléd for Rehoboth-Delaware ° www --··-·-·-—-·-~··-·--··· 224 B¤y¤ w¤#>¤rw¤y -..-- 1061