Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1375

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ned.,, . , P••¤- bxgpuiwg (!¤·p•¢;_ · * Pmuppmpnstiqn for mnacting nmiury do- my on ueme ... 143

jccum homes of ... . .. 78, 584 . 1;w¤rp1y . ... 143 for improvements on lands ot, at Fort. Injumtiom, _ · !$}y*¤!» Idaho. ---·· : ··--·-·..···· 584 mterlocutory, against orders of Interstate for elgmpgxxeltc. hospntal for, at old Commerce Commision reetric¤od... 220 ¤¥§ 6, ·-·-···· ,..·»··· 584 " ap•plicntion¤tobehe¤dbyd1reo£u¤<(§ge¤. 2%) for erpctging and oqmpping hcaphis for; notice of hearings to Commission Ati 1¤m¤t,_mp:frt, ctc.: , . l .. 555 mrney General . . m _ _ c¤lgt»g1¤¤¤d¤¤¤¤e¤cg¤9¤- temyonry restraining em to prevent ior h¤mngmd¤tock1u¤rng7958s I m;oparabloIo¤allo·1l:(;d» . 23 among . .. , iimlmg, precedence, qgpedi ,, im legal expenses in allounont and prop- · direct appeal allowed to Supreme erty amp": .. 80, 585 Court- ..,. . ..., 220 for encouraging mdnstry md •elf-support . mul heuingzupgeeoduxe, etc ... wb among. . V. 80,586 review by reme Court 220 fund created; uae, etc .. 80, 586 provisions for, UIIEBI Antitrust Act, eu;- ,. 737 repogt§oOongms¤.-.: ... 587 Injured 16146:, eu., · msujnctnon on expendxtum fm any one provision¤nmkinga.llowunee£orimported.. 190 tnbe . : . - . . 587 bsjuriu tu_Go·¤¤·nm¢1¤ Employee, fonsylumformsnpe, Cant¤n,S.Dak.,. 90,606 appropriation for medical examinations, deficiency approprmtmn for suppremug etc 606, 1046 liquor tralijc among ..·.-. , .. 230 Int, r for rehevnngjhatres, etc., un¤mg.._ 331 duty on. . 117 joint crested to mvestnggte powders ... - .. 117 ieunbdnty, etc., of Inland Insurance, tuberculosis ssnituinm for, m New shmptax on policies of . .. 762 We- ‘.§..¤.z...°’°’° ······· 1; ······*········· “’° ’"¤"€,a.f"¤."“‘.;"·t.,¤...i. b ,1. 381 , etc., . ., e ., own on . _ appropriation for burial at Arlington, etc. 81, dredgw, Wrvcking venen, uw., included 381 630,843 Inland Wirterwayc, Indigo, Rehoboth Bay to Delaware Bay, right of ontzeelist nnddyeofmm ,... 158 waytbrsgghrnilmadtraaakslobe I1adw·andEn$a·Wmu, eondem r;..r... 1057 duty on. . . ... { ... 149 meexannmtiondixectedof, NorIo1ktoBes¤· · Induauial uw tc 491’1m3 I foydlzlet, N. C . -.; ... 1(56 a m non or1nve¤tig•' ,e . . ide.: vutzgahm¤' , mate, I mn.c School D. 0., ngggmpriation for expenses of .. 458, 1000 sp ropriation for qniaries and expenses-546,920 de cioncy appropriation for ... 227 degciency appropriation for maintenance. 213, Imam Aay um, D. C'. (scc Government Hos- 1142 Bital for Insane, D. C.), Industnhl Home School for Colored Ckihlren, Imam, . 0., D. C'., appropriation for expenses executing luapproprintion for expenses  : 546, 920 nncy write .. . M2, 916 degciency appropriation for nuuntenance . 566, for support of indigent 547, 921 1142 for deporting indigent nonresident . . . 547, 921 Induurial Imeruu, deficiency appropriation for support of into have regreaentstivo on Federal Reserve digou ... 316, 566 bam board of directors 256 for executing lunacy write .. 213 Induamhl Pvopmy, Inumazumal Bureau for Imam Indimu, Procecubn of appropriation for asylum for, Canton, S. a ropristion for sllnre in expenses of. . 491, 1032 Dsl: .. 99, 603 dggcienc a propriation fqr ... . .. 230 Insane Persons, Alaska, Induurial ylelgdmu, Commutivn cm, _ spgropriaticn for care of . 48, 648, 861 appropriation for inquiries and invest1— e cienci a. ropriation for care of 570 gations by ... . .. 628, 840 Imanitery mggnga, D. C., deiicienc appropriation for expenses; appropriation for condemning .. 530, 905 balance resppropriatod ... 2%, 318 Imeetiadc Act, Infectious Diuaus, . appropriation for enforcement of. . 440, 1112 appropriation for preventing, etc., among Inuctivormu Birds, Migratory, Indians .. . .. 78, 583 appropriation for enforcing law protectsegregation of Indians having. ... 584 ing . 434, 1105 Information Diri.s·ion, Bureau of Immigration, Insects (see also Entonxology Bureau, Departi- Deportnwnt of Labor, ment of Agnculturel, app riation for chief, amistants, etc. . 505, 1046 appropriation for study of, affecting the Ingerslollg Edward, health of man, etc. . 433, 1104 acceptance of deed of land from, Spring- duty on dried . _ ... 116 field Arsenal, Mas ... . . 568 on free list, crude, dned, drugs, not spe- I tg, cially provided for . , 157 ngfity on nickel .. 129 eggs of . . ... 157 steel ,,.. . . 124 Inaertings, ed ,,__..,,.. . ... 124 duty on . . 149 on {me list copper, unmanufactured ... 156 Impcetor Qe·»geml’s Departmmx, Army, _ platinum. 161 appmpnahon for pay of oEcers; lougenty 356, steel cogged, not containing alloys .. 162 _ 1067 steel, not containing alloys ... . . 162 for expert accountant; mnlege ... 358, 1069