Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1389

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—1Nmux. oxliii Eeider, A. 8., _ _ hn La Pointe Indian Reservation, Wis.-Contd. W9- deiiciency appropriation for contested elec· sales of timber on allotments; distribution K _ .;:1;: expenses . 1153 of submimion of contracts 0 , to n ians ...,. 606 payment of Coxgt g Claims Endings to ad- 984 distriblxltiion of timber moneys on hand to 606 ]II1111Bl1‘8 r . . ottees .,,,..,.., , ,,,,,_,,,,,_ "Kroo·nl4md," Steamship, _ sawmills authorized if adequate price not thanks of Congress to captain, officers, and offered for timber ... 606 crew of, for services to burning operation, etc.; limit of cost . 606 ld st?1mer`;‘Voltumt¢‘·;(; . . 6 ... i) - 769 townmte forgfnliiaris authorized on W go wat to e resen to aptain a alplprussl ts •patents .. H.dKreibo£m, and medals to officers 769 etotgndians of gmervuiion; proceeds, 607 an crew. . 0 ... K approlpriatizon for . 769 preferzxce rights to occupants; unsold 607 er, aa . 0 Z. , K1dl:§%;ncy appiopriation for sisters of . 326 igxtqmcants ]:11oh;b1t1jl . m ryo 1 , gronn se asn e .,... Kzziegrw list .. . 156 reservtztiou for public uses, fair grounds, 608 , Ernest, e a raisement of dam es to property of, La Sal National Foreet, Utah and Colo., PP **8 . . . . . giagge of grade, Umon Station, 685 L;ng}§Zp1}ls;1onf<¤mamt1enance, etc., of. 427,1097 appropriation I l I 686 s ropriation for public building .. . . . 10, 825 Kvéhn In-igatwlm an? Canal Qompemy, t fm 860 La llyergncz of C'};-•¤.•¢_, to 986 eposit req ° or irrigation projec m. 0 0 Claims dings K , G Frederick, . idgzpoincgdc member of North duty on cotton, etc., ior garments, etc . 140 K _ Indian Memorial Commmnon .. TI7 htbcgmphncally printed - 145 u Lab Ul Y 1 gginierch list ..,,,.,.,,,,... 158 of a human bdng not a commodity or arti- Kywum, Eazy; for informefs fw 877 B cia of commerce .-.- T -.-.-. 731 0 . . , . . . . . . . . appmpm deficiency appropriation for miscellaneous L, exgenses .. 231 I ’ 1 11 r 1 r r L·A me Ryu- Tan 0 ours o employment o e- przgniuar; eiamimtion, etc., of, to be males, etc -. 291 made . 1060 Labor, Dggtvrwrat of (see Department of La- L C , W h., , - _ abri(dng:Aez;.·uth¢‘;`grized across Swinomish Slough 309 Labor (see also Antntnist Actl, _ 738 __________________________,__, ,_ onson in unc ions e c.,1n. La Gross? Wis., ¤<?l¤¤_¤0t p!'0hibi£g_ _. ._.] 738 condemned cannon granted to Grand Army 1201 Lab0;)1 s, liorncélmtwn pjkodi uc d t .. up 01} 0 0 a u an La Fayetl)g€Ga., First Baptist Church, Conciliation . 628, 840 pyrment ga Court of Claims findings to 967 for cgpmonm of, under Departmetsiét 1045 L , ., _ _. .: ... ,. .

iaIti)¢§i fo1}p61ggi;_ liilgllding lg); 612, 825 deiclegfy appropnatnon for commmionergzg 325

a, oom 0, .. La Mildw gc 0 Q Labor Ofyonizahbrw (see also Antitrust Ace, ' payment of Courgof Clair;1%li;1l;lings to 975 ti 191:), D t mt ed to { b_d _ La , .,ynodw' o e, an lawsoco ru or1,1n- L pgxxggt cog/)LC71;urt of Clallms findlings to 986 glltgtutéeggg 1;1tut1;all:elp,?!ndt1;a1w;1,g . nta, ., c oc 0 con uc or aapgropriattion for public building 10, 612, 825 profits .. _ _. Z 731 condemned cannon granted to Grand Army 1205 membgg ;1so:hr:ls•t•r:;med from legitimate ob- 731 umn Ji°.;-»té£i1iéiéa},$,'{,i.B1ié`1§{1i1`d1`·`¤g"iil no not c¤¤¤¢¤_1e.1¤11123§£i&2,H.i§1}iA£aE¤{1§ La Pointe Band of Chippewa Indians, Wu., _ stnunt of trade 761 enrollmergdand isgue of fpatentg gy Rugxab m¢0l¤€ taggclggvgzd on ... , , _ 112 ver , ·, ggservsnggg. fj -’. $1. . . 605 use of antitrust appropriations for prosecutsales of timbendistribution of proceeds, 606 L Mqsairggfegbxd an ...----..----.·- 53.652,866 . . ...-. ¤ 7*9 1 _ La Pointtztlndwhn Reservation, W13., appropriation for, Ifensnon Office 490, 1032 appropriation for improving sanitary con- may be exchanged in part payment for new gitions% etc., among Chippewa In- 607 L bm-Sa¤v?;;hE;¤‘i52;0p1g>0r:i€% . . Z .. 1161 inns 0 -.. 0 , , ll { unall tted members of Band on, to appropriation for urclmse,etc . 299 to O be majie. . . 605 Labor-Smring Maciinea, Treasury Departall thents, exc u ingmerc ta e - _ _ _, _ 0 gz; to b¢;1made.i;é .. ... appmpggign forpurchase,etc.,'I&easure1‘;[?.1 1013 ' ° _______ C -. ...-. 1 ,

 giloliiublited   .. 606 for purchase of, supplies, etc . 474, 1016