Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1409

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mnmx. clxiii Minden, La., P¤¤¤· M' 1 Lam Pm- Magpprggrgaticu fm- public building 826 Mg;nm .. Z . 159 "“’ P.°'!°"“· . . . "W, approprmtwn for mveslugating causes of, allowance for sxlmustiqn of, in income tax M hifi; a.;,1.‘.;;.2‘.¢.,.w· ‘‘‘··‘‘‘·‘‘‘ ‘“*“°·“"“ .1 f°$L“¤““02 ·····=·········=···=······ ***7 8 apprmstion for equipment;] supplies, cbc. 646 P sstums hum: fl.  ????fn§72, 173 or d forheadquurtors s1dmgs,ctc.48,647,859 Mines Bureau., Interior Department, acceptance of donated lands 48, 647, 859 appmpristion for salaries and eral exfor eqmpment, cbc., B A13, , 858 pauses .,,,,. , .,,._,.. 48, 646, 857 for repatus, McA1es\¤cr, Ok]; Z. . . 858 for inveségugiqg mins explosions, mothfor egupment, ew., oxpenment shsuou, ods of mmmg, eu: . 48, 646, 858 Mine Safctt.t4g1 Pa. ... . 858 ;or mine rescue oqpipmants, gg: . . . . 846 seven asfditionsl sutlxorizod to be estab- or Plgsu for phat, tub , 646 1i¤h¤dé% .--·--.---- ggg fw ¤Q1¤£¤»¤¤_g ¥%¤i» 858 _ Faux, emit., for, may be Accepted;- 959 for iiavesngating eta.; ’ Muwral Fuels and Products, estimates of personal servicssn 48,647,858 appropriation for testing, etc., belonging for petroleum and natural gib inquiries, in United States . 48, 647,858 eu; .,,.,,,,,, , _,,,,..,,,___, 647, 858 recommendation for economic changes for minsroscnoststi0u,Bimi¤gham A12. 858 _ ID d8p§l'¤¤6¤f¤, etc .·. 858 for mine rescue station, McA1estm·, 6k1v.. 858 Mmeral Iqdugzncg, _ _ _ for sta:. experiment station, appropnatxon or mvesugsung economic 'ma , ,,,,,,,.,. , ,,,,_,,, 353 development, etc., of 647, 858 for mine ug ;D!,A]8Bk8}P8I'diB1l1 4.8,647, 858` Minerjal Lands, Nmgmztallic, for books, etc ,,...,,, 43, 647,859 agrncuxlutitml entnes allowed on reserved, 509 for land for mine gsC8!'B, sidiugs, etc.; 7 _p .: .-... accepumcc0_ . .4864 859 mming nghts reservpdz etc . . ... 509 temporary detauls of Edd employees; , desedit 1::1:1 entries limited .. f rsstrict.1011 , . ...,. M7, 859 cou 'tio patents to issue . m- rent .,,,,,.,.,,,_ 493, 1034 bond required of proqpgctms ... 509 for purchase of building ew., 1{cA1ggm·, occupanon fzmcr mmmg; payment of 509 {br b01da;., for mms resI<;;1a itahnni. ,.&18, gg; damages,c .. . mldmgsx uses, 'tts urgh, . right to dxspmvc mineral character . 509 deficiency approdgfiatzion for ixxvsstigsing unrestricted patent if successful .. 510 mine acci euts. ._. . . 230, 331, 334, 578, 1160 condmoual Xlsgents for lands subsequent- acceptance of contnbutwns for laboratories, Mm, 2%f£;‘2m £?.Z‘:·65°;;.s ·· “° E.iii.“.E‘$§’.i· *’“·’ M S‘““" W Jlinerag Point, Wis., _ _ _ _- mining experim<;1;¤{2·;zi1d ·st.s; deiicwpcy approprmuou for public bunld- 562 tions to goATg•b1.ished in mining reing 'ons an ka ... 959 Mineral Rewurczs of the United States, to dglssminste information, etc . 959 appropriation forxrepaxiug report on. 47, 646, 857 number limited for my www 959 ion- priming an binding report ou. 69, 672, 881 contributions of lands, b dings, atc., Mineral Salts, _ _ may be accepted for . , . . 959 Mon hgegiegg evaporated;cem.Gcatxe required 159 personal servtiiies 111 District of Columbia ' a tancea, restri ... . ... . . 647 gggroprigtion for investigating treatment, estimswszor all, 00 be submitted ... 647 etc., of, with reference to safety, eiH- Jlinidoka Irrigahkm Project, Idaho, ciency, etc.; restriction .. 647, 858 appropriation for maintenance, ctc. . . 860 duty o? amcles of, not specially provided 121 Mimdcka :Nat·im¥al Forest, Idaho and 173};,427 1 or ap ro nation or maint nance etc., . , 097 Mimral Substames, Metallic, Mingxg Statiogu, ’ · Mdutyloayrude, not specially provided for. 129 ten additional authorized vo be established 959 mera »aLe·rs, ,cbc .. -.. ,... ... 959 duty on .. 137 Bands, etc., for ms boacceptcd . .. 959 m-titicial or imitation, not specially pro- Mining Fam , y _ vided fog .. 137 duty OL _ _’ _________________ _ ___________ 143 Mmsdvvg; Szmmm <zf· . Minister zamzm and com: gmx, 0** "°‘Zm{§?1f‘i‘€ RW?. F?‘¥**°‘i°??: .‘f‘?YFf’f 162 M=>¤p~¤;;¤·»z1 M, vm ——---- - —-·--- M lm Mimmhy ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ mum; _ qmpounmu-y_, on me ug, mae, not Spmuy provided 159 M?5g>~¤m*¤¤¤ fm www --··-·--·-···- ·**2· lm Of ... . . ... . . 1 , , , y- ral _ g dg, appropriation for expenments m msu-mg.. 1.105 g;·f>v·is9i0ns~u for admitting imported, into Minneapolis, Minn., _ _ bonded smelting warehouses, free of apfvropriatriou for post 05co bmlding 11, 612 duty, etc . . ... 198 or mechanicad mm} devices, ctc ..,,. . . 612 Miner? Iaigzmonds, 1 de1sga§•:2nt§m§Qng0d Cogngres of Wor1d’s 239 n rec 1st . -. 57 em ima . . Mgnerf Rescue Appliances, old post 0Ecc designated Federal on {ree ljgt ,,.,.,,.,,..,., 159 office buxlding and customhousa . . . 1220