Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1436

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cxc INDEX. Palisade National Forrest, Idaho and Wyo., P¤8¤· Panama C'¢maZ—C0utinued. Pagealppropriation for maintenance, etc, of. 428, 1098 no waiver or relinghuishmeut of right¤ under Pa ladium, treaties wi Great Britain or Pan- 011 free list .. . 158 ama, with respect to sovereignty Palm, over, or man ement, r 1ation,etc. 386 88 egu on free list, nuts and kernels . 160 foreign vessels Eassing through, for Panamaoil and palm-kernel oil . 160 Pacific xposition exempt from tolls 394 Palm Leaf, _ applicable only to official representative duty on braids, laces, etc . ... 147 of Government ,_,_,,.__,,,,,,,,_,__ 394 hats, b0!1119tS, and hoods ... 147 forma.] opening expenses to be paid from manufactures Of ...-... 150 construction, etc., funds 330 on free lift., fans, common, plain, etc .. 157 military and naval service appointments Datum --.·-···---.. . -·-·-. 157 authorized ... 330 Pagwzg 133 salliaies to be additional to regulari . 330 11 011 -------····----·--------.-------.- HMC ery, eqmpment, etc., no ouger Pflmphlviff, needed, to be used in Alaska mild¤¥g’6<é¤1igE·-_·-} Z- - ~---··------·- roaaid cgrxstructiou, etc .. 306 0¤ _ , 111 <>¥61g¤ ¤¤g\1¤8€>¤ ·-------·~ Wage sc c 0 construction employees cou- Pan Amerwzm Conference, Fqfth, tin d during k _________________ 334) P ¤p%mpri¤¤cz3;$_p%rgcipa¤on in .. 450,1126 m ceasglgune 30, 1am; ,,,.,,,_,...,_ _ , , _ 330 an Wnmn @0 _ <m9'¢·‘F3, longevity and la. -0ver claims I‘€8t2l'iCt€d... 330 dclegagtqbc muted to attend, at San 1127 attorney versed 51 Spanish law authorized. 330 DCISCO. . ... . ; _ _ ______ _ _ ____ _ __________ 330 appwprimion for entertaining ... 1127 msgaugiuch *·};0u1¤g·* used in comme. Pan Awww Sanitary Conference, tion oi, presented no France . 709 ’°§’°”f.?*?i“§°° ‘§,}’° d°°“§"°" f°’ ‘‘‘‘‘ wg $3 "“"""" °‘·%M’ ACM . . . Pom Emp P 2§3k,.t$%°W,r”“,;4·s‘%m.d ‘‘·‘‘ ’ ‘ ¤¤¤·¢g*;;;,¤m;v*¤» §·**4m1*¤¤,Egi,.;¤,~1¤¤· appropriation for participatiouku . - . 450 pcalgg h)___IH?l:1?T1_ _____ _ _ I ff 698 · ’°P’°S°_,{‘f_f‘8‘§’c‘;_“n {fc (jg}’i“m“mm§§t;?d °f *1*** 450 Panama cmu, Fi.scalYears 1914, 1915, Pan Amamm Union P '``‘ appmpriatioujor salaries of officers, ctc., in appropriation for expenses 447, 1121 _ f .th?dU“gid Sum ·············· · 71» 674 P or printing and binding for ... 70, 673, 882 °r IE5; eig th§§’:i';“€$1°%;;;’;:¤ Supp esvn 674 avumuz, . v . ····-·-·- » aptpropriation fo? iniuistcr be .. . 442, 1116 adgmml t° Audm fm War D€P&"‘71 674 or secretary 0 cgatiou. . . :Q ... 443 ···························- » dc&cie;]1§’yta%>pmpriution for annual payéig 795 for ggsggibzgcemv md 9mP]°Y°°S on 674 n o . , -——-·-·····---·----···· exemption of vessels of, from Panama Canal for lab"` Qu Phe Isthmus ·-·----·--·-·-·· 71» 675 tous _______________________________ 386 for commmsiianierzilofficem, and employ. · · · pam- · · xposg · ecs on t c s mus .,..._ 71 mvlmtgggatga 8cc§;pt;£_??_ E _____ 11é7 for gnaterials for construction, ctc; . 71, 675 appyopriation for expenses, em .. mv d¤¤v¤¤¤1 Qi ¤¤¤¤¤¤<=¤¤bl<> ¤¤¤¤<=¤¤¤ ----- 675 no wmver or relinquishment of rights under mmtmmon of tw" °°u1°” -·--·····- 71, 675 convention with, to discriminate in P*·lYm€m for d’·m$8°s W P?°P€!'tY» ff)? favor of American vessels and cit.1- *mdP» °*·°- ---···-···········~-·-- 71, 675 me in me or Panama cmx ... ssa Wheelms MM ¤¤<i F<>¤¤<1ry 0¤¤¤p¤¤y 675 sovereignty over, or management cf, Ca.- 38 2; {:‘1°;‘:ii;t¤gim'¥‘;¤°§ °_¤ ggtisirxsét 7L 675 na etc . . . 6 » · Panama Callifomia Exposition Company, m°¤t -·--····--· _ -----~··-----~- ; · 72. 675 deposit required from, to cover expenses of °X£:??°°» C‘;¤8Y°§¤0¤d r¢pr¤¤¤¤w¤<>¤ 676 mg;m¤c;’¤$t§6Hd iiélf Z Z I Z ZZ 35 for ggblic wx, `=£:32fi’>l:·i£>i¤§ Panama CC¢;l@fm··nia .E::p0a·it*i¢m, Sem Diego, f 1 bii; !'€Yi1§1€¤- --;--_ -·-. . . . 676 aw or 20,Cl admxmstra 11 epande 't re uixed from Exposition Compau meiit ·---··---·-·---—-~--- _ -·----·. 72 pomto c%ver expenses of awards, etc...Y 3 for CQBPHEQHE QXPQUPGQ ¤“PPh€$» mic-, acceptance of bond in heu .. 3 CIVI} Sdmllpstliatxou department . . 72, 676 exhibits; fiom abroag may be admitted free gg; i¤·}b:¤9;£;1%:§·?¤0g d€P¤1'¢m€¤t ·-·.. gg, 0 uty; con itious 3 3 F»_ 109 €P¤¤’¤¤€¤ ·---·-.. , sales for delivery at close of Exposition, {OY m¤“?¤°J¤» €Q¤t¤¤8€¤* 9XP€P¤€§, quu- 0;; pgygngni; of duty_ _ _ _____ _ _____ _ 4 BIIUIIB St3·t10HS, €tC., S3.I11I§8f,10I], deassessment of duty 4 Piftmefit -----·-------· ; . _. . 72, 676 detail of Am officers for duty with, au- BUIFB avadable for cpprymon, organizamama! ,,,___,_,,,_,_,,,,,.._,_,__ 122] uon, teymmal facilities, shops, em, 73, 676 Panama Caml (see also Isthmiau Canal Com- P¤'€S€1'V¤¤0¤ of !’€€0!;d¤, etc _ . 73 , 676 mission), total amount available mm.! cxexemption of levyiug tolls on vessels in pendgd . . ._ 73, 676 coastwise trade repealed . . . 385 €XP€¤d1E11!‘9S fol' coustruchou, etc., basis of mus on net; mmmgg modified ssc fyvm prvceeds of bonds; excepexemption to vessels of mama ... 386 ¤0}1S; ---·.. . . 73, 676 no waiver or relinquishment of rights 1\‘?¤t1’1]3¤0¤ OH employees and compenunder treaties with Great Britam or B8¥110¤ . . ... . .. 73, 676 Pamnpa, to discriminate in favor of ten peg cent exchangeable for emer— American vessels or cmzens .. . 386 geucxes .. . 73, 677