Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1484

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ccxxxvm INDEX. Seacoast Batteries Pass- Second Assistant Postgnaster General-Contd. Paseappropriation for Canal Zone .. . .. 74 apipropriation for railroad transportation . . . 300 ior constructing, in Philippine Islands. . 390 or reight on postal cards, etc, . 300 Seacoast Cannon, Army, for railway post office car service ... 300 appropriation for purchase, manufacture, for Railway Mail Service ... 300 eu; ___,,_,___,,,_,,,,,.,,_,___,. 389, 888 disability allowances extended ... 301 contracts authorized .. 389 for electric and cable-car service ... 301 for ammunition for, and practice . 389, 888 expenditure for wagon service ... 302 for purchase, manufacture, etc., insular for foreign mails, .. 302 possewions ,,,,.,_,,,.,,,_,.. 391, 890 for trave and miscellaneous expenses- . . 302 for ammunition, insular possessions. . 391,890 Second Class Mail Matter, for Canal Zone. % ... ... 72 S joint gowréimissgn on, continued .. 300 for ammunition or . ... 7 e imh cuit, Seacoast Defenses, temporary service of district judge of appropriation for buildings for .. 29, 629, 842 another circuit allowed in .. 203 ici- accommodations for artillery, Philip- Secondary _Injq;at·a?o·n Projects, _ _ pglnes am; . Z . . . . 629, $$20 approptiinatnon for surveys and mvestiga- 860 for b dmgs or, ppm S s. . . . ons .. for mstall1ng` , etc., electric plants 389, 887 Secret Service Division, Treasury Department, §or operalting fire~contr;>1 installations. 389, 888 appropriation for chief, assistant, clerlzsés 10 or su ’es, e ectric ants, ° etc , 14 selzions . . @91, 889 Secretarka, Diplomatic Service, for operating fire-control installations, appropriation for salaries. 1117 insular pgmessions ... 391, 890 amount for fiscal year, 1915, available Seal A ba, etc., _ for_new ratings , . . . 1117 appropriation for 19, 64, 620, 664, 876 for additional, for new ratings ... 1117 for cold-storage p t, Pribilof Islands. . . 877 appointed to grades and not to posts heredeiiciency appropriation for protecting, after .. : ... 805 etc ... 380 transfers to other posts authorized 805 Seal Oil, assignments to Departmental duty limited; duty czn. .33 . 117 extension.; 805 Seamen see o t su . grades an y 0 .. . .. 805 Seamen, _ _ _ _ additional lgy when acting as chaxgés appropriation {or life savmi testimonials _ d affaues ad mtenm , ... 805 for rescuing slupwrec ed ... 445,1119 subsistence allowance to, on special duty for relief and protection of, in foreign outside of Washington; limitation, countries, etc. . , ... 452, 1125 etc ... 806 deficiency appropriation for relief and pro- Secretaries of Embamka and Legations, tection of, m foreign countries . 332, appropriation for salaries .. 443, 1117 335, 1158, 1160 de ciency appropriation for ... 332 Seamevfs Imtituti, Kobchgapgm, to 453 appointments to be by grades and not to 805 a ropriation or contri ution_ .. posts ... Seai·)5l·ightsfor Ca·nalZo1te Fomjicaubm, grades of secretaries in the Diplomatic appropriation for purchase and installing. 74, 885 Service established .. . . . 805 ormamtenance, etc . . ., 885 Secretary ofllgnculture, _ _ _ Searehhght: for qarbor Dexgegnesekc 889 88 appmprfaggn for, Assistant, Sohcnug,5 1086 a ropriation or purc , e .. , 7 c e etc .. 1 , Seageg, Ark., _ _ _ for exhibits at Exposition of Forest agp;-opriation for public building 14, 614 Products . : 770 b ce of appropriation for office for printing and binding Annual Report site, to be used for bud mg, New- of 69 672,881 S Iportw Ark . 11 disputel under egotton futures Act to he eaton, ay ., etermin y 694 deficiency appropriation for extra services. 1152 duties, administering lands reserved for Seattle, Waslt., Salt Lake City, Utalnwatexsupply , . 715 apprgriation for assay office at 478, 1020 grant for San Francisco water supp y, etc. 242 Seawee , in connection with cooperative agriculon free list, crude, etc., not otherwise pro- tural extension wor .,..,,. 372 vided for . . . . .. 160 member of Reserve Bank Organization Sebeche Itiver, C¢mn.,_ _ Committee . . ... 251 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be may furnish sample of pure sugars, naval made. 1056 stores, etc., to State officers, etc. . . - 1101 Sechrest, Sha¢P·gc0§rt f _ an _ to 979 standaid grades of cotton to be established 9 paymento o dmgs y ... . 6 6 Second Assistant Postmaster General, changes restricted; promulgation of, etc.- 696 appropriation for, superintendent, clerks, issue of certified practical forms 696

 ... 495, 1036 to approve, etc., locations of rigllzit of way,

for division of railway adjustments. . . 495, 1036 Lincoln National Forest, l . Mex. . . 1195 for division of foreign mails .. 495, 1037 to authorize omcial to inspect records of for division of miscellaneous transports- fortification of pure sweet wines 748 tion . : ... z .. 495, 1037 to exchange timber, etc., Sierra and Stanford1visionof1l.ulwayMa1l Service. . 495, 1037 islaus Forest, for additional lands to forpoutal service, office of ... . .. 300 Yosemite Park, Cal . 845 for transportation, etc . . 300 to make exhibit at National Corn Exposiexperimental wagon and city eullec- tion, Dallas, Tex . 239 tion and delivery service . ... .. 300 no expense for transportatidn, etc 239