Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1489

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INDEX. Ocxliii Sequoia Pak, Cal., P•|•- Shnddaeb, rage.

  • PPmP¤*¤¤¤ f¤1'fP1'¤¤¤¢ti011, etc. . 47, 649, 863 duty on .,._,______ , ______ _ __________ _ 134

acceptance o lands, etc . . .. 649, 863 Shades, ```` Sergeant at and 5mm, duty on, wood, etc ._,____ _ __________ _ ____ 131 appropgumon for, assistant, assistant door- Shak, ` eepess memengers, etc _________ 999 free list .. , ,,,___ _ _ _ _ goremlployges ioré€Semt•:) B1dlding‘l56’ 457 Shthlllotte River, N. O., - 0 ' 156 orpo ce ree nate ce uildmg` 457 999 rehm1nary' ° xaminstio , . made, Sergeant ag 4rms douse of Representatives, ’ Shldllow Bayou? La., n ew , ubc msg apprnpnetmn for, diputy, cashier etc. _460, 1002 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be for Ponce force, mma Omce made, ______________ _ _____________ 1059 .¤““1i,°’.;i;.;zi·.;;.;·· ·a.;a.;.1‘ea.;azm...‘ "°°* W “"“”""‘· ·°’.;*Z;‘·. ,.,.,.. U M . oun u a ‘ salarlesofllembers 1226 Pmopcrtglurtforllhieilia . 1122 Serwnu, etc., _ _ for prison expenses . 452, 1125 on free;) hst, animal, used for thaapeutnc 153 judicml authoéity, etc., vested in vice $,1,,,,, @__I_;.,r pm, ```` Exiimqlg ```' , ``'``````` sim", a ```'``'````'````'`````````` lm ap}1rmpm.stionfo1t;£11rchase, etc . 42), 1090 duty on imn, rolled or hammered, not or regulating e, etc., of, for treatment special] provided for . ·.. 123 Sa-mh , .. 42),1090 8 @,&r;nsd, sheared or ..., 124 v 0 ap£1;oBgg·ci:;iLgg;¢§ w.l . 443,11ég peylnent eff Claims Endings to . ¤ -··--····-···-·· . -- . ... 994 Szmu Schools, Army, _ Sharp, WZ WC, _ _ pproprmlt:t<gf;::·t1i;strucnon expenses. 352, paymemt of :3; Claims iindmgs to 985 - · ··-·-·-·-·---· Y -. . for subsistence, etc., militia officers ams, lm Sharpsbug, Id., saint Pwr; pmmgmz

  • °¤d*¤8 ·--···-·······--···-- - ~ - 0 pim I Church,

SesameorSesa·m Seed tei(£?utofClaims dmgs' S sue gym ... nr s£%e,,..r 1%,.,,, c.,l_, “" *° *"*" _p_ ees 0‘!lyT68810!|Gl_ , mpm° tionfo mam' tenance, tc.,c!. 1098 appropriation fdr salanm until end of pres- Shleglbngs, I 8 428, ent semion . 774 duty on steel .. . , 125 for salaries for month of October, 1914. . 783 Shaw, Iary A., Seventh Street N W, D. C.,_ _ Igsxrment of Court of Claims iindings to 987 appropriation for repsving with asphalt, S , Vader E., New York Avenue to Q Street . 902 patent granted to, in lieu of lands in Im- Sevier National Forrest, Utah, County, Cal., relinquishedn. 372 appropriation for maintenance. etc., oi. 428, 1098 Shaw! PWS, Sewage, duty on .. 129 appropriation for field investigations of 25. 'Sh3“’:'# W°°k"» S P I la 624,837 S u ... 142 e7n7|,314 , ’ . . . . ' mining assessments for 1913 on, remitted.. 235 Shamppwpgztlfn fm. dlmmi °mP1°Y°° •·*· 94

4;,  d 365 deficiency siipmpmurm sm public mma-

‘ ···~~······· mg ... 564 Sewers D. C. sham apprlopriation for cleaning and 528, N4 duty; on . . 126 or pun1pm$st.ation. . ... 528, 904 Shgquting, fof main $11 P¤P° -·---··-—···~···--·· 528. 90* duty on, copper .. 128 for suburban ... Z 528, 904 paperw _____ _ _ _ Z ___________________ _ _ _ 144 {or assgrzmegtvland permit work .. 23, $*4 Shrzrigee lvisrt, adhesive felt, for vessels . 157 or ng 0 y o , an, ‘ _, for Anaepstie msaizid interceptor; available29 904 condzmnedwcanncn granted to Rhine Center imti e pen - - -··—·-·-·------ 5 C . . 1205 ior_Rock Crfeek interceptor ’ 529 Sheep, emetery deficiency apvreppwcn for nghm of my- 316 appropriation for eradicating scabies in . 419, 1090 for Rock Qreek interceptor .. . .. 796 or importing Corriedale, etc., for breed- S for plniargpmggrwucn ..---·--·-··--·-· ·- 1141 fr .i_ ... EQ nag ewi ng . ine eedles, 011 ee , ive, for 1 d ty on. . .. 127 Skins Of, undrmsedn . . . . 162 Sei:/gpg Machines, Sheep Dip,_ on free list ... 156 OH free list .. . ... . 162 Sewing S ilk, Sheets, duty on ,.. . . . 143 duty On, . . 128 Sgyvrw , C ., cast stee . ...,.. . .. 124 apprlgpriatlrllorix for public building . 828 mpper .. . . 128 S condempxld cannon granted t0. . . . 1204 mu, etc . . . . . gg spprélirisuéiu for public blinding 14, e14,szs ¤;s¤.éi,`£1Eé6£i£é<i BE Z I [ I I I I I I Z Z] 124 limit of gost increased, public building at . . 812 nickel 11233 Spyrnour, 1 , lmC-. . . ... condemnlediacannon granted te. 1203 on free list, platinum ... . 161