Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1496

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eel INDEX. Special Agents D-irrision, Treasury Department, Pest- I Spokane Indnms, Wash., _ Pace appropriation for awistant chief of divisiopég 1 0 S appropriatron for fulfilling treaty with. . 100, 604 etc ,,.. . ... , 01 ponge, Specwl and Select Cornmittees, House of S on free list, platinum 161 R tatives, ponge F‘nsherws' . appmpdgiihsririor expenses of . . 462, @74 appropriation for expenses, protecting 664 S3, ` f n or ex .. , , 76 e Clancy appmprm 10 pauses 327, 1153 application of appropriation for protecting, Special Assessment Office, D. C'., to all expenses . 797 appropriation for salaries ... 520, 897 Sponges, _ Special elim-y, Postal Service, _ duty on . _ . : . . . 119 appropriation for car fare m emergency 29 manpfactures of, not specially prov1ded 11 case .. . 9 or ... . 9 for fees tz messengers . , .,,.,,... 299 taking, in Gulf of Mexico, etc., under specideliciency appropriation fo1é2i*ee?p33trg71§1•¤?’;8 1151 I _ Hedtsme, ._ ... sengem ,_,,,,.,,, , , andmg, e c. ro 1 e §1Z6,_l1DlRWfI]l. . . allowance in castle of igjury, etc., to nies- , 1 facie1·$vi)dencplofv1olations. ... senger w e on u 30 e or v10 ion; co ection .. Spechzl Taxes, Internal Reveityue, jurisdiction for prosecutions . . ... 692 imposed on dealer, producers, etc., of enforcement; details of employees, etc 692 opium, cocaine, etc 785 former law reépealed ... . . 693 not imposed on vintners selling their own, Spool Thread, otton, tgtc., wines 893 S dutzlorzzig 138 a ecaries in reparing med1cm' es 893 pot ar ,_ otton, mlsnuiacturing ghemists, etc., recovering determination of, by Secretary of Agricultax aid alcohol from dregs, etc 893 _ ture .. 695 Specimens ojp Natural History, etc., Sprzgs, _ on freesmlist, for public collecuons, not for 1 S on free list, gp]: .. . ... 160 e .,. 62 pring (hem, as., Spectacles, condemned cannon granted to Grand Army duzecén glass, and frames 122 post. . z . . .` 1207 on list, glass plates or disks, rough cut, Springboro, Ohw, _ for- ..,,,,,. 157 condemned cannon granted to, for sold1ers’ Speed, War;enfF., f C _ _ to Spr; .. 1202 a en o Court o launs findings ngiic rum , ., P ym heir of ..,..,,.,..,. . ...,..,, . . 985 appropriation for street improvements 629 Speir, R. J., for coal bins, etc.; repairing streets .. 841 Sipjiiciency appropriation for .. 228 acceptpnce oflfleed of land, from Edward ter, ngerso ... 568 duty on iron or steel sheets, plates, etc., Springfield, yo., _ _ _ S coategavgith 124, appropntuon for public building .. 14 peneer ., or ren 14 paynient of Court of Claims findings to . . . 977 receiver of public moneps, abolished 371 Sperm Oil, register to have charge o land office, etc. . 371 duty on . . 117 roadway to national cemetery conveyed to; Spermaoeti conditions 31 S on free list, oil of American lisheries . 160 Springfield, glp)., Firs;CC£l;lr1Zst·i4gt ghurch, piles, payment 0 ourt 0 `ms n to 979 appropriation for physiological pndkgr- S pringriegd, go., Methodist Episcopuh€¤Church mentation investigations o ts ou , d t ... 421, Ugg S oéglotm of Claims findings to... . 979 u y on groun . ng , n. not speciplly provided for . . 13; S appmpldatrépn {pi pp):-ilic buildigkg gl 14, 614 ungroun ,... . . 13 prin , . a. es terian r Spiegeleisen, payment of Couri of Clliims findings to 995 on free list ... . ... 158 Springoalley, Ill., Spike Lavender, deficiency appropriation for public buildduty on, oil . 117 564 Spikes, S prinklcr ops, on free list, cut iron or steel .. 160 dutz on ... . ..,... 130 Spinach Sud, Spun , _ S dnt; (Eiga; ... - .. 133 S on freed . ...,,... 162 ` e `ng pur: a _ ts, duty on, cottoii, etc ... 140 on free list, for manufacture of earthenware, Spira Nut Loch, etc ... . ..,.,., , . _ . 162 duty on ... . .. 126 Square Iron, Spirits, duty on, rolled or hammered ,,... 123 duty on, distilled, not specially provided for 135 Squirrels, Ground, compounds or preparations o .. 136 appropriation for destroying, etc., on nabreakage allowance .. 136 tional forests, etc ,, . , 434, 1105 S packages oi bottles; duty on bottles ... 137 Staf Colley? Ar;ny,_ ti 352 1063 pantuous Iaquors, appropna ron or mstruc on ex uses,. duty on; determination of proof .. 135 Staj7PCorpg, Army, General, pe ’ Splwe Bars, Railway, appropriation for Army War College 351, 1062 duty on iron or steel . . ... 124 or military information section ..,.. 351, 1062