Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1532

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oolmvr INDEX. `Wo0d—Continued. P¤E¤· Woods-Continued. _ PBEM duty on, cabinet, unmanufactured, not on free list, crude, expressly used for dyg-:125 specially rovided for .. 130 or tanning, not specially provid cane, reed and) willow . 131 for . . . 163 casks, etc ,.., . ... 130 extracts of other than dyewoods, not packing boxes and shooks . . 130 specially provided for .. 163 paving posts .. 130 Woods Hole, Mass., poles, telegraph, etc ,,. 130 appropriation for repairs, fish-cultural starailmad ties .. . 130 tion ... 665 skewers . . 131 lighthouse de t, improvements, etc., autoothpicks .. . .. 131 thorizedji) . . 926 veneers of .. . . 130 Woodson, Richard 0., on free list, blocks, heading, etc , 164 payment of Court of Claims iindings toadbroom handles 164 ministrator of .,. 977 clapboards . . . 164 Woodstock, Va., cor , unmanufactured . . 156 deficiency appropriation for public buildfence posts . . . 164 ing .. . . 564 firewood .. 164 Woodstock, Va. Saint Paul Reformed Church, n blocks, rough hewn, etc . - . 164 payment of Court of Claims findings to 993 it-iur .. 164 Woodward, Ohh., handle bolts ... 164 deficiency appropriation for public buildheading blocks, bolts, etc .. 1 64 ing .. . . 564 hopspoles, and hoop poles .. 164 Wool, hu for wheels . . .. 164 duty on, advanced beyond washed or

  . . -   scoureg, not speciallyf provided for. 142

ast oc carpets an carpetmgs` cotton, etc., laths . . 164 and ..., . .. 142 logs .. . 164 combed or tops . 142 oar blocks. ... - ... 164 roving or roping ... . . ... 142 palings ... 164 steel ... . .. 125 pickets . . .. 164 yarns .,. - J -r.». ..’. . . 142 pitch of ... 163 on free list, paper twine for binding ... 164 posts. 164 sheep . . ... 164 pulp . . ... 164 waste, not specially provided for 164 sawdust .. 164 definition of, under Tariff Act 143 sawed boards, planks, deals, etc 164 Wool, and Manufactures of, shingle bolts and shingles .. 164 Schedule K, Tariff of 1913 . 142 ship timber and ship planking . 164 in effect January 1, 1914 ... 143 stave bolts and staves . . 164 Wool Dutch Carpets, sticks in the rough, cut for umbrellas, duty on .. 143 canes, etc ... . 164 Wool Grease, timber round, unmanufactured . 164 duty on .. 117 w?on blocks. 164 Woolen, ` Wood leohol, duty on, art squares ... 143 on free list . . ... 153 bandings . .. 142 Wood and Mamgacturea ¤{L bed sides .. . 143 Schedule D, anff of 913 .. . . 130 belts and beltings ... . . . . 142 Wood, , _ bindings. . 142 payment Court of Claims findings to blankets ... . .., 142 administrator of ... . . . . 987 bookings ... , ,,, 143 Wood Distillatnbn, braces 142 appropriation for investigating methods bunting ,... 142 of - . . .. . 429, 1100 carpets .. , ...,., 142 Wood, George H., woven whole for rooms ... 143 appointed on Board of Managers, Volunteer cloths, not specially provided for ... 142 Soldiers’ Home . . .. 780 coat linings , - ,..,,..,,,..., 142 Wood, John, cords, and tassels . . 142 wpsyment of Court of Claims findings to 977 covers ,,.,,.,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,___ 143 ood Pulcét dress goods, women’s and children ’s 142 on free .. _ . 164 druggets . . 143 countervailing duty on printing paper from felts, not specially provided for ..,.. 142 country imposing export ty, etc., ilannels ..,. . .,...,.,.._ 142 on 144 gloves ..,.. . .., 142 Wood Pulp, etc., sssocks .. 143 certiorari from Supreme Court to Court of hose or half hose ., . . 142 Customs Appeals not applicable to Italian cloths . . ..,, 142 casesinvolving construction of Cana- knit fabrics, not specially provided for. . 142 dian Reciprocity Act relating to 703 knitted articles, not specially provided Woodcuts, for . . ...,.. 142 on free list, unbound .. 165 mats ., . 143 construction of term . . ... 165 mittens ... . ,.. 142 Woods, pile fabrics .,... . .,. 142 , on free list, cabinet, logs, or hewn only. . . 164 plushes, velvets etc .., 142 not specially provided for. ... 164 ready·made clothing 142