Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/202

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1913. 183 be included in such entry, but may be entered subse uentl . That www -¤>*¤m¤· the Secretary of the Treasmy and the Secretary ofqComn}ierce are Tkiigiiiiiliiéiiilittiiiiuseiqdhereby authorized and_d1rected to establish from time to time for °l°”°°°"°°°h°d‘ stat1stical_ purposes a hst or enumeration of articles in such detail as in their judinent may be necessary comprehending a.ll goods, wares, and merc andise imported mto the United States, and t at as a part of the declaration herein provided there shall be either attached thereto or included therein an accurate statement s ecifying, in the terms of the said detailed list or enumeration, the kinds and quantities of merchandise imported, and the value of the total quantity of each kind of article, and it shall be the duty of the consular officer, °°“‘“l°°'°‘*“"°u‘“· to ahem the invoice shall be produced, to require such information to given. "G. That if any consignor, seller, owner, importer, consignee, m§’:¤g¤¤t¤;}°¤:¤t{;*!* gg agent, or other person or persons, shall enter or introduce, or attempt misepiuvensme. to enter or introduce, into the commerce of the United States any ,,dY°L3°*P‘°7*‘““°‘ imported merchandise by means of any fraudulent or false invoice, declaration, affidavit, letter, paper, or by means of any false statement, written or verbal, or by means of any false or fraudulent practice or appliance whatsoever, or shall make any false statement in the declarations provided for in paragraph F without reasonable cause .4»u,p.1a¤. ~ to believe the truth of such statement, or shall aid or procure the making of any such false statement as to any matter material thereto without reasonable cause to believe the truth of such statement, or shall be guilty of any willful act or omission by means whereof the United ttiates phall or may be diprived of the lawful duties, or an P01'li10· n ereo,accruingu n~t emerc andise` ,orany rtion thereof, embraced or referred toigsuch invoice, declaration, aigilavit, letter, paper, or statement, or affected by such act or omission, such person or persons shall upon conviction be fined for each offense a sum not exoeedingh$5,000, or be imprisoned for a time not exceeding two years, or bot , in the discretion of the court: Provided, That {,’0,,"§f‘,;,,_, not ,,_ nothing in this section shall be construed to relieve imported mer- f¤¤¤>¤· chandise from forfeiture by mason of such false statement or for any cause elsewhere provided y law. _ "H. That if any consignor, seller, owner, importer, consignee, ,°,}”‘ ‘}{,,,*°°§,_' agent, or other person or persons shall enter or introduce, or attempt v¤i¤¤•. •¤¤m~¤¤.¤w· to enter or introduce, into the commerce of the United States any imported merchandise by means of ani fraudulent or false invoice, declaration, aflidavit, letter, paper, or y means of any false statement, written or verbal, or by means of any false or fraudulent practice or appliance whatsoever, or shall make any false statement m the declarations provided for in paragraph F without reasonable 4··*·· It 18* cause to believe the truth of such statement, or shall aid or procure the making of any such false statement as to any matter material thereto without reasonable cause to believe the truth of such statement, or shall be ilty of an willful act or omission by means whereof the Unitefu States shed or may be deprived of the lawful duties or any ortion thereof, accruing upon the merchandise or any portion thereof, embraced or referred to m such mvoice, declaration, aflidavit, letter, aper, or statement, or affected by such act or omission, such merclihndise, or the value thereof, to be recovered from Frmt ¤ff¤rf¤¤¢¤¤¤- such person or rsons, shall be forfeited, which forfeiture shall only apply to the wlizle of the merchandise or the value thereof in the case or packag; containing the particular article or articles of merchandise to w `ch such fraud or false paper or statement relates. mm t to mh That the arrival within the territorial limits or the United States of asméymsae. any merchandise consigned for sale and remaining the properg of the hip r or consgignor, and the acceptance of a false or fraud ent invoice gereof by e conszgnee or the agent of the consignor, or the