Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/231

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212 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 32. 1913. _r1;gd¤v•¤¤¤¤* '¤¤¤·> comrmemwr mxrnrrsns, mnnrmunnnr rnmsunr. ¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¢ •=v¤¤¤¤· F tmgen' t xpenses Independent Treasury including the sam(¢;rol:j)el;ts specifizd under! this head in the sundry civil Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, $35,000. ¤T¤*¤¤‘¤*¤,,°:lf’¤¤¤¤°° INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. °,¥¤{¤,@. mmm To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to carry out the V¤|·37.1£70r objects of the Act entitled ‘:An Act ets alrngnd an Act entitlec%11;An Act to regulate rov e ru 0 e1g een hundred hty-se$¢;]1i:ma(i1r<tl6aH8.g<i)ts amendatorytrghereof, by providing for a :§ua.tion of gap several classes of proplerty gubjecg thereto urmg' ormationconcerning eirs nsan other sec&3ri€il;cs," approved March first, nineteen hundred and ’thirteen, of which sum not§g15,000 may be expended for rent of buildings in the District of lumbia, being for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $300,000, together with the unex- =···~—=···=""""' ’”'° *’°“‘*°" bti}°“°° °f ih3¤‘i:‘L¥§§§'“§l°‘}0‘§fsZ£2’§’a°°l’c€°2§’,§,r£°$.3hi“M£.‘2i vn av, .¤1a. pose m e era P ourth, ninetegeamil hundred andythiliigeen, which is reappropriated and Eagle available for theglscglc year nineteephhuadred and fourteen gd ' appropriation s charged W1 a expenses necess y rmm. med, on and after Jul first, nineteen hundred and thirteen: Pro-

 ltiiged That no person in the classiiied service of the United States on

March first, nineteen hundred and thirteen, or emplcéyed therein since t“*§“””°°i°’ as with {§h° I'£.‘i?“°°“ °°"i"°’°° ‘%“°1’i““5}‘$§’r §h““ o er teoroterwiseote " ·- ice Bggmgimiosrgguby · fr(o£in other branches of the public

 gt a rate of compenilatioxg eggeeding that Eeceéyeél froén ltge

ni tates on or since arc t, nineteen un e t - teen, nor the rate of compensation of any person aapxpointed hereunder be increased withm twelve months after such appointment. hgswlgmmr rn- To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission, at its discretion, 1¤{·$°§£i};¤u¤¤s¤a¤e- to investigate and report in regard to the use and necessity for P°""°"°““‘°· block—signal systems and appliances for the automatic control of ¥§‘.}'§Z¥LJ§»‘“J?°maw*”d.,?‘2»’ °"%01“$13E.’gS“°mSm”‘m°°“?5dt‘°t§"?“°°§ pera en es o suc systems and appliances as shall be furnishiifin completed shape, to such commission for such investigation and test, free of cost to the §’g};§g·gg,Q Government, in accordance with the revisions of the joint resolu- ' tion approved June thirtieth, nineteengnmdred and six, and the sun·· ldry appropgiptgon (Aocga approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen un an eig , 25, . ,§¤_yt*j,;*u*{,¤°¥_l:*';_y_ No money appropriated by or any other Act shall be used for l¤¢· the compensation of any publicity expert unless specifically appropriated or that purpose. .,.%°a.€‘;,,:*i£.2$.°,‘;‘***‘°° Umrnn sraras BOARD or mznnmon AND CONCILIATION. §.§:p.1lB. To enable the United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation to carry out the objects of an Act entitled "An Act providing for mediation, <ionc1l1at1o51, land arbifration in controversies between certain empo ers an their em ," ed J I fift th nineteen huncged and thirteen, fg1‘0)tli:£fiscgl)l;*Ie(;.; uinellegn huthagrecl and fourteen, $10,000.