Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/341

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322 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 52. 1914. Gwlozini Survey- cmonoercar. smzvmr. . M¤¤ ¤i¤¤¤ N- For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of °°°r°°°° Alaska, $100,000, to continue avarlable until the close of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen. Pubns lands. PUBLIC LAND SERVIOE. c¤¤¤¤s¤¤¢ =¤1>¤¤¤¤¤- Cont1§en` thexpenses of land omces: For clerk hire, rent and other %:l?§7°?}i•?I145ti1‘u°d· inciden expenses of the district land offices, $20,000 of the unexded balance of the appropriation for the fiscal year nmeteen heulldred and thirteen is continued and made_ available for the Hscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen and said unexpended balance shall be transferred upon the books of the and placed to the credit of the aptpsro nation now available for contingent expenses of land offices for £cal year nineteen hundred and fourteen. “§,°§.§,“,‘{,,¥§,,,“"{"‘“" oonmmu msrrrurron ron rm: nur. S“m’°“·°“'" For suppggt of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, ks and illustrative apparatus, and general repairs and improvements, $3,000. mrgepumme er Jus- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. _ Ly:} ¤* S¤¤¤¤*¤* °' Orrncn or- Sonrcrron or Luzon: For one clerk of class one during ` the balance of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $400, or so much thereof as may be necessary. msonnnamsous onmcrs, nnranmmur or msrrcm. A};Q;}°¤'·“ °*P°°•'°· Incidental expenses, District of Alaska.: For fumiture, fuel, books, ` statione , and other incidental expenses for the offices of the marshals anyattorneys for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, $25. H°”Y W•°¤°¤· Payment of $66.30 is authorized from the appropriation "Fees of witnesses, United States courts nineteen hundred and thirteen}, covering the difference between the actual expense of $70.50 incurred and paid by Harry Watson of Knik Alaska, in endeavoring to obey a su puma commandinlg attendance at Chicago, Illinois ; and the amount of $4.20 pai to him under the fee bill for mileage. ,,.’5,§¥'°'°‘“‘ “‘°"'“" Enforcement of antitrust laws: Fer the enforcement of antitrust, laws, including the 88.1110 objects specified under this head in the sun— dr§_ civil appropriation Acts for the Escal years that follow: or nineteen hundred and twelve, $42.50. _ For nineteen hundred and thirteen, $4,674.32.

  • "°°°°“"°”°’°’”“°“· Detection and prosecution of crimes: The Attomey General is

authorized to expend for necessary employees at the seat of government, from the appropriation “Detection and prosecution of crimes," for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, not to exceed $2,000 in addition to the amoimt heretofore authorized for this pur·pose. militant attorneys Assistant attorneys in naturalization cases: For ayment of assist- °"°‘“°" ents to the Attorney General and of assistants to llnited States district attorneys, employed by the Attorney General to represent the United States in naturalization and other proceedings, and for other HGCGSSILH expenses in connection with such proceedings and cases for the Esc years nineteen hundred and seven and nineteen hundred and eight, $10.36. Y