Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/343

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324 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 52. 1914. , For miscellaneous expenditures in the_ discretion of the Attorney General, including the same obiegzats specified under this head for the United States penitentiary at venworth, Kansas, m the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year mneteen hundred and thirteen, $1,848.61. _ w§,g_N°** m°“d· Fc;]1-Lu support of lfhe United States penitentiary, McN eil Island, W , as o owe: _ %`sor sgilgistence, including the same objects specified under this head for the United States penitentiakig at Leavenworth, Kansas, m the sundry civil a ropriation Act for e fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, ancfgr supplies for guards, $2,000. mflygf °¤`¤°° D°P°*°· POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. W °¤·°·°- ‘ D' ‘ 1 b‘ tin :F th h »··€~"§"‘°"°"’ of“l1aShmgtowninganhvi1lSd;dlvl;t‘s;liiw.):ld•gtx1 P¥3r£a.Y$’., fZLke¥.E"‘§°hBi$? ing, vault e ui ment, and other miscellaneous equipment necessary Removal of dm- gdequip add Furnish coingletely the new Washmgton, District of ,,,,,,_,,,,,__,,,_ umbia, postroffice buil ; and for the expense of removal of such divisions, offices, or parts of divisions an offices of the Post Oiiioe Department as the ostmaster General shall direct (including the Washington City post oiHce) to the new Waslb§ton District o Columbia, poetroffice buildiig, the main Post ce Department gding, and th; Post Oilioe epartment annex, $60,000, or so much reo as may e necessary. P°“"""*°°· POSTAL SERVICE. our or Tm: rosrar. nrzvniwuns. mzfyul-'{§r'§.{?°°d°°x` For temporary and auxiliary clerl§_hire at first and second class post offices and teniporary and auxiliary clerk hire at summer and Hmm om winter resort post 0 ces, $50011000. _ _ · · ‘ II;io1i ho1;4e60h%•60aHowmce, the hmng of drivers, and the rental of ve c es, . c°"°”°°dbi°y°l°°` For car fareland bicycle allowance, $25,000. ,,$“"°‘““°° °""'°”* For pay of substitutes for letter carriers absent with pay, and of _ auilciklizigfyaigcz tle£p0‘1iarg*7l)e;;,1é)e;·0 carriers at offices where city delivery . is e a e . c°m°”'°°w °m°°°` For pag of letter icarrieis substitute and auxiliary letter carriers aglg Oggs where City Delivery Service is established during the e v . year' . . . Smmd H Wy For Special Delivery Service, fees to messengers, fiscal year nineteen hundre and twelve, $6.80. 5 sirfcial delivery fees, fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, 6 , ..5. 9. St°"°°t°S` Feat Otpgnsportation by star routes (excepting service in m€P`g$”$.EiilY mt mg` For ph eiit oi limited indemnity for the loss of pieces of domestic Bums etc regiistereggatter, fiscal year nineteen hundred and twelve, $7,000. ' or £ayment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction of post-·0 ce burglars, robbers, and highway mail robbers, Escal yeais Pom, md; nirieteen hgdrgdrancl niniaalnd xéieggnolggndred and twelve, $7,350. orman ac eo os car , . Mau bm For mail bags including the sanie objects specified under this head in the Post Oiilce Appropriation Act for the Escal year nineteen 8,,,,,,,,,,y_ hundred and fourteen, $100,000. · Slgipgostationery (including tags for insured parcel-post matter),
