Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/374

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srxrrrrninn CONGRESS. sm. II. ou. 72. 1914. 355 nosrrrar. conrs. H¤¤1¤¤¤\0¤rn¤. For pay of enlisted men $950,000. Additional pay for length of service, $179,600. quxnrnnmnsrnn oonrs (ENLISTED 1mN). Quartermaswrcorpa For pay of enlisted men, Quartermaster Corps, $1,000,000. E°“s°°dm°°‘ Proozded, That the enlisted force of the Quartermaster Corps shall §',§"fifZ°t,d mm, consist of not to exceed fifteen master electricians, six hundred ser- ¤’“°°· ggants (first class) nine hundred and seventy-five sergeants, six huned andltwenty-five corporals, two thousand five hundred privates (first class), one thousand one hundred and ninety privates, and ninety-five cooks, all of whom shall receive the same ay and allowances as enlisted men of corresponding grades in the Corps of the Army, and shall be assigned to such duties pertaining to the Quartermaster Corps as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Additional pay for length of service, $208,740. rar ·ro omasxs, 1[ESSENGERS, AND Lanormzs AT HEADQUARTERS or ,wq°‘“* “‘°“°“""’• rim snvniux. rnnsrrosun nnranrmnms, ·rnmu·ror.mL msriucrs, american DIVISIONS AND nmeanns, smzvron SCHOOLS AND omucn or run cmnr or STAFF. One chief clerk, at the office of the Chief of Staff, $2,000 per annum. Fifteen clerks, at $1,800 each per annum. Fifteen clerks, at $1,600 each per annum. Thirty-eigfzxt clerks, at $1,400 each per annum. Seven? c erks, at $1,200 each lper annum. Sixty- ve clerks, at $1,000 eac pier annum. Six clerks (Fil&pinos), at $500 eac per annum. One captain o the watch, at $900 per annum. Three watchmen, at $720 each per annum. One gardener, at $720 per annum. One packer, at $840 per annum. Two messengers, at $840 each per annum. Fifty-nine messengers, at $720 each per annum. Six messengers (Filipinos), at $300 each per annum. One laborer, at $660 per annum. Two laborers, at $600 each per annum. One laborer, at $480 per annum. gliveucharwomen, at $240 each per annum. a $312,320. Additional ay while on foreign service, $9,000. ,1;,;',”`l;°°"i°°P°" Provided 'lghat on and after July first, nineteen hundred and rmuppim emma. fourteen, the pay of clerks and messengers at headquarters of terri- ,,, WY ‘° torial departments, tactical divisions, brigades, and service schools, who are citizens of the United States, shall be increased $200 each per annum while serving in the Philippine Islands, such service to e computed from the date of departure from the continental limits of the nited States to the date of return thereto: Provided further, That the mone hereby appropriated for such of said clerks, at $1,200 p;§§*’1°’m°°t°’ Fm and $1 ,000 each per annum, and such of said messengers at $720 each er annum as may be em loyed and ass` ed by the Secretary of €Var to theheadquarters oi) the Philippinelgxepartment, districts and posts therenn, may, in case of vacancy and in the discretion of the commanding general, Philippine De artment, be expended, m whole or in part, for the employment of Fgipinos as clerks at not to exceed $500 each per annum, and messengers at not to exceed $300 each per annum.