Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/422

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 130. 1914. 403 nnnmu or SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. m{*,°_g’g•g;}u;{&S¤PP¤¤¤ PAY or rim NAvr: Pig and allowances prescribed by law of ,I{’\’§‘Z{€E§§§‘?",,; officers on sea duty and o er duty, $10,287,744; officers on waiting °m°°·¤°°· orders, $500,000; officers on the retired list, $3,099,433; clerks to paymasters at yards and stations, general storekeepers ashore and afloat, and receiving ships and other vessels, $320,520; two clerks to general inspectors of the Pay Corps, $3,625; one clerk to pay officer in chaggeof deserters’ rolls, $2,000; not exceeding ten clerks to accounting o rs at yards and statrons, $17,355; dental surgeon at Naval Academy, $2,400· commutation of quarters for officers on shore not occupying public Quarters, including boatswains, gunners carpenters, s akers, mac ° ° ts, pharmacists, and mates, naval constructors and assistant naval constructors, $499,000; and also members of Nurse_Corps (female), $14,120; for hire of quarters for officers servrnal with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to e Government, and where there are not suiicient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, or commutation of quarters not to exceed the amount which an officer would receive were he not serving with troops, $1,000; pay of enlisted men on the retired list, $359,127;_ extra pay to men reenlisting under honorable discharge $964,812; mterest on deposits by men, $34,568; prpy of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and apprentice seamen, inc udip-g men in the engineers’_force and_men detailed for duty with Nav Militia, and for the Fish Commission, forty-eight Numb, M mmm thousand men, $23,027,777.40· and the number of enlisted men mea. shall be exclusive of those unde oing imprisonment with sentence of dishonorable discharge from %e service at expiration of such confinement, $283,854.60; and as many machinists as the President M‘°mm”°" may from time to time deem necessary to appoint, not to exceed twenty in any one year, $200,000; and three thousand Eve hundred apprentice seamen rmder training at training stations, and on board training ships, at the pay prescribed by law, $275,808; pay of the Nurse orps, $116,580; rent of quarters for members of the Nurse Corps, $1,000; in all, $40,010,724· and the money herein specifically -‘·°°°“"“”*- appropriated for "Pay of the NIavy" shall be disburse and accounted for in accordance with existing law as "Pay of the NaH," and for that pumose shall constitute one fund: Provided, at Quqgtgh m,¤g,,_ hereafter the num er of enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps ¤¤¤¤¢r¤•<1· provided for shall be construed to mean the daily average number of enlisted men in the naval service durilrpg the fiscal {ear. The grade of acting chaplain in the avy is here y authorized 6¥§*5`§§2§`¥’$3l"°‘ and created, and hereafter original appointments shall be made by °PP°*“" the Secretary of the Navy, not to exceed the number hereinafter provided, in the grade of acting chaplains in the Navy after such examination as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, and while so serving acting chaplains shall have the rank, pay, and mm f b allowances of lieutenant, unior grade, in the Navy. After three www ° ° W years’ sea. service on board ship each acting chaplain before receiving a commission in the Navy shall establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy by examination by a. board of cha lains and medical officers of the Na his physical mental, rnoraii and professional fitness atlodipexiorm the duties of cha Iain in the Nag, and if found so qu ed, shall be commissionedpa chaplain in e Navy with the rank of lieutenant, junior grade. If any acting chaplain shall farl on the examinations herein prescribed he shall e honorably discharged_from the naval service, and the appointment of any acting chaplarn may be revoked at any time in the discretron of the Secretary of the Navy.