Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/558

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 191. 1914. 539 For purchase of hose, $15,000; For ue], $15,000; For purchase of horses, $10,000; For orage, $32 250; For repairs and, improvements of Hre boat, $800; For contingent expenses, horseshoeimigngimiture, Hxtmes, oil, °°°“¤¤°“’°‘P°“°'· medical and stable supplies, harness, blac `thing, gas and electric lighting, flags and halyards, and other necessary items, $26,000; For regrading and aving driveways and approaches to engine houses and other building? of the fire department, $2,500; For purchase of car tic ets for strictly official use, $650.; °°'“°*°“· In a , $128,200. Pnnuariznxr rmaovmmnrsz For hoplse, site, gprniture, and fur- N" ’*°‘“°'·°*°· nishmgs` or an engine company to re 'eve num er twenty engine company, Tenleytown, District of Columbia, including the cost of necessary instruments for receiving alarms and connecting said house with fire-alarm headquarters, $40,500; For house, site, furnitrue, and furnishings for truck company numbered one of the fire department of the District of Columbia, including cost of necessary instruments for receiving alarms and connecting said house with fire-alarm headquarters, $55,000; For fire engine, motor driven, $10,000; N" ‘m’°"°“" For combination chemical and hose wagon, motor driven, $6,000; For two tractors, motor driven, $9,200; In all, $120,700. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. H°"“‘ d°*’““"°"‘· Health officer, $4,000; assistant health ofHeer, $2,500; chief clerk °°""°°· and deputy health officer, $2,500; clerks-·one $1,400, five at $1,200 each, four at $1,000 each, one $720; sanitary inspectors-chief $1,800 eight at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each two at $900 each; food inspectors—chief $1,600, five at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; chemist, $2,000· assistant chemist, $1,200; skilled laborer, $600; assistant bacteriologist, $1,200; skilled laborer, $720; messenger and janitor, $600; driver, $600; poundmaster, $1,200; laborers, at not exceeding $50 per month each, $2,000; in all $64,540. Not less than twelve o the sanitary and food inspectors above pro- qjg}m¤gQcd¤*¤ *¤· vided for shall be employed in enforcement of milk and pure- ood ' lavgs and rpgulations relating thereto and m the inspection of dairies an darry arms. For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to prevent the espread of ,,,§f,$°__,§,°f*“¤¢ ’P'°°"°' contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, apfprov March yy 322.p- 2383 third, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and an Act or the preven- ° 'p‘ ' tion of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, and typhoid fever in the District of Columbia, approved February ninth, nineteen hundred and seven, and an Act to rovide for registration of aH cases of tubercu· ,,,'*Q‘,},",;'°“'°°" '°¤“· losis in the District otp Columbia, for free examination of sputum in V¤1-3¤.1>-1¤¤~ suspected cases, and for preventing the spread of tuberculosis m said District a proved MK thirteenth, nineteen hundred and eight, under the direction of e health officer of said District, and for the prevention of other communicable diseases, including salaries or compensation for personal services, not exceeding $12,000, when ordered m writing by the commissioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, and for the prevention of such other com- H municable diseases as hereinbefore provided, purchase and marnte- °”°°’"““°“"°“`" nance of necessary horses, wagons, and harness, purchase of reference boolm and medical journals, and maintenance of quarantine station Pm; and smallpox hospital, $25,000: Provided, That any bacterrologist srereriibgsarmm. employed under this appropriation shall not be paid more than $6 per *¤*“°¤¤ °* ¤¤m=·¤*¢·