Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/568

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 191. 1914. 549 States and the District of Columbia in equal arts, to refund such erroneous paytlments, wholly or in part, inclu e refunding_of vous W fees paid for uildinggiermrts authorized by the trict agproprra- ’p‘ ‘ tion Act approved arch second, nineteen hundred an eleven, Prom $1,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary: Provided, That this ram yam. appropriation shall be available or such refunds of payments made within the past three years. ANACOSTIA RIVER FLATS. Flgtgeccstia River For continuing the reclamation and development of the Anacostia '°°"“"’ River and Flats, from the Anacostia Bridge northeast to the District line, to be expended under the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, upon plans heretofore authorized to be prepared; said sum to be avarlab e for the {preparation of plans, the prosecution of the work, the employment o personal service, and for such other purposes as may in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers be neces- ms sary to carry out the purposes of this appropriation, $100,000. In ,¤$,°§H,0{;E*§;’2,§§0l?'£r‘l§ connection with said reclamation and development of the river and p’*g’g1§',;{,p'{_*§_°’;f°Y ““" Hats from the Anacostia Bridge to the District line, the Secretary of War is authorized to acquire by {purchase or by condemnation, for ti highway and park purposes the ee sim le and absolute title to the D°°°dp °`”‘ land along the Anacostia Bfiver on botli) sides thereof between the high-water lines of said river, as determined_ by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and lines following approximately the contour of ten feet elevation on each side of said river above mean low water at the United States Navy Yard, from the Anacostia Bridge to the northeast boundary line between the District of Columbia and Maryland; and also all land below the high—water lines on each side of said Anacostia River between the limits named that is not now owned bgltlhe United States; and the appropriation herein Peymfar rar sx. made for the rec ation and development of e Anacostia River Exim? °°°d°°°” and Flats from the Anacostia Bridge northeast to the District line, and all appropriations heretofore made for said purpose are hereby made availiibiis for the purchase or condemnation o said land and for the payment of amounts awarded as damages for said land and the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings in the event that it is necessary to institute such condemnation Prorvwkled, That if said land or any part thereof can not e acquired made?. by purchase from the owners thereof at a price satisfactory to the ,,,,°§§,,,{"”‘"°" P"' Secretary of War, the Commissioners of the_ District of Columbia, upon the request of the Secretary of War, shall institute condemnation proceedings to acquire such land under the provisions of chapter Vol.34,p.151. fteen of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia. There shall be assessed as special benefits for the reclamation and d;}”,g';';gg* 0;*3: development of the Anacostia River and Flats from the Anacostia c•¤t.¢t¤·,pmpe¤¥· Bridge northeast to the District line upon the aforesaid plans, such sum or sums as the jury hereinafter rovided for may determine, on such lots, and dpieces, or parcels of land abutting the area of improvement, and a jacent thereto, and any other lots, pieces, or parcels of land in the District of Coluinbia that such jury shall determine are specially benefited by reason of said reclamation and develop- _ ment, in the manner following, that is to say: It shall be the duty of P’°°°°‘1“‘gS· the Secretary of War, for the purpose of said assessment, to divide into sections, in such manner as he ma deem best, the entire area of improvement; as soon as practicable afster the reclamation and development of each section is completed, he shall furnish to the sroners of the District of Columbia Eplat of such section showing the area reclaimed and developed, and ereupon it shall be the duty of said commissioners to institute in the Su reme Court of the District of Columbia, sitting as a district court, gy petition, a proceeding in