Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/571

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552 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 191. 1914. may be required exclusively in connection with sewer, street, and road work, and street cleaning, or constructron and repair of burialings and bridges, furniture and equipments, or any general or special engineering or construction or repair work, and to mcur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusrve of {personal servrces, incrdental to c on such work and necessary or the proper execution thereof, said lagorers, skilled laborers, drivers, hostlers, and ruechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriations under wlnc such services are ren- H¤¤¤¤ w¤z¤¤¤» ¤°°· nc. 3. orses , wn v _ es necessary d°i$°d md @°iii ii°m°dtma¤' homers ehicl e.§£°°j° for use in connection with construction and supervision of sewer, '°‘ '“*"" street, sheet wor}? and street-cleaping work, mcludmg maintenance o said orses and ess, and mamtenance and repair of said vehicles and purchase of all necessary articles and spp hes in connection therewith, or on OQDSl1'\l(f;lil0D•8D(l repair of cling; and brrdges,bor any general or special engineering or construction wor authorized y zippropnatrons, ngaéy be purchased, lnred, and mamtamed exclusiv y to carry mto act said appropriations, when specificallp and in writing ordered by the commissioners; and all such expen `tures necessagp for the props; execution of said work, exclusive name. of personal services, all be paid m and ogurtably charged against the sums appropriated for sand work; and e commissioners m the annual estimates shall report the number of horses vehicles, and harness purchased, and horses and vehrcles hired, and, the sums paid for same, and out of what a propriation; and all horses owne or P E maintained by the District shall, so far as may be practicable, be rsmptiuy www rovided for in stables owned or opplrated by said District: Provided, °°°““""“·°“’· That such horses horse-drawn v 'cles, and carts as may be tcmporarily needed {or hauling and excayating material in connection with works authorized by apprplpnauonsmay be temporarily emplo&o·d for suclhdptrrposes un er e conditions named m section two of d Act in tron to the employment of laborers, skilled laborers, an mechamcs.

V¤wr depmmga Sec. 4. That the services of assistant engineers, draftsmen, levelers,

¤»$l`$¤°Z·.e°¤Zi¤m, ee. rodmen, charmnen, and mspectors temporarily required in connection wrtlp wgger-dopartgerpt work auphorézemtl bydappropriations mayi pg em 0 BXCIISIV oc moeec said a roriationsan amt- paiiltherefrom when specvirggauy and in iirdgred by the commissioners, and the commissioners in their annual estimates shall _ report the number of such employees performin such services and {_’,';f,*{j’· their work and the sums paid to each: Provided? That the e enditures hereunder shall not exceed $13,200 during the fisc?) year nineteen hundred and Efteen. “;{°¤P“°*'Y l*b°*°¤· The commissioners are further authorized to employ temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics as may be required in connection with water—department work, and to incur all necessary engineering and_other expenses, exclusive of personal services, incrdeutal to on such work and necessary for the proper executron thereo , said laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and expenses from the appropriation imder which such services are rendered _ and expenses mcurred. _ _ I mnosimanwu ¤-ust Sec._ 5. That the commnssroners are authorized to employ in the Emma ,,,,,.,;,1, execution of work the cost of whrch is payable from the appropriation "'§g,_,,,,, p_m_ account created in the District apprppriation Act for the fiscal year ‘ nineteen hundred and live, approv April twenty-seventh, nineteen and four, and known as the "Miscellaneous trust-frmd deposits, District of Columbia/’ all necessary inspectors, overseers,