Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/607

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58S SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 222. 1914. 0 v . ° ted, t f ° th Treas

Tr n..?22}§H£t“.$§$B§£££'£PIiL1 a 2§‘c.‘2d“”r1Zt“2,‘L'I§’ O? $2§,b¤¤, .“§§

in no event more than one-third of the sum that may be necessary for the construction of a bridge across the Colorado Rrver at or near Topock, in the State of Arizona, to be exprlegdted unda; tliihdirection Pr°°‘*°*- of the Secretary of the Interior: P , 8. 110 P8! 0 6 m0¤6Y Divisirmdetlt. . . · h ted shall be expended the_ Secretary of the· Ir(iElrl1ora{d£;l)ll)l1ixsilve approved the plans of said bridge and obtained from the proper authotrlitieg of th? gtziie of Ar1z§§a abxgd the Couirty fS B din ° tte a orrnasa ae_ryguaran1es. gf tha: axe-ilit, lgylllhe seiiid States, of at least_two-thirds of the cost- ¥¤*¤¤•¤¤¤°°· of bridge; and that the proper author1t1es_of the sa1d_States. assume full responsibility for, and will at all times mamtam and. repair said bridge and the ap roaches thereto: ¤¤g¤¤¤¤¤·& That the bridge shall be built in accordance e PTQVISIOIIS ol` V° '34’p` the Act entitled "An Act to rggulate the construction of bridges over nagigable waters, approved arch twenty-third. nineteen undred. an six. _ R¤¤*· F mam' ta1n' ing, tr nat}; mn' g, d ra1smg' the dike constructed `mgéelfujilisvilwspbxe to grlotect the irrigsablae arigds on The Fort Mohave Reservation, "‘“"s· Arizona from damage by iioods, $5,000,_ reimbursable out of any frmds of, said Indians neg or hereaftfr awblrxaunti f _ P¤ ¤1¤¤*¤¤*‘¤· F t smkmg" owe,ms 0nopumphggvgspmentel wb- mac%n]§•1!}_yl;r(¢i§i;1n1z·?nicti8oIi1 of tanks for domestic and stock water, alrlid “°”“¥’P"’· for the necessary structures for the development of a supply of water for domestic use for eight Papago Indian V1118g6S in southern Nmios- ATCl‘z¢;)ldi3J1i1.lTl?d)tl)1(:>0 of the Interior to carry into effect the pro-

 visions of the sixth article of the treaty of June eighth, eighteen

hrmdred and sixty-e` ht, between the United States and the _ avajo Nation or Tribe ofldndians, proclaimed August twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eikght£hwheL1i3(l;1y the} State'is.x'ie{.)gre<;sItc:liprovideschoolfacilitres or ec' enc te avajo e0_n ans, ‘°'°""°‘ 100,000: Provided, Th t th °d Secret may expend said funds, mmmmryml his discretion, in estalilisbiligaolr enlarginugy day or industrial schools. myubpxng water For contintriingléhe deveiliopmentll of a ggtgrbguptglybfor theolgiazig '°”Y‘ I di a a` eserva 'on, , e 1mm a alwlailadlieodlnd so re(§i•.Ii:r§1ava.ilable uritil euugfndedhrgifnbumabh out f f ds f ` e r av a e. _ %‘,;"§§’,,2;,?°‘Z,i"°°l;}‘¤"§; 0 PE21? thlgipurizhgg of lanndgsfggvtherusgrmd benefit of Indians under M- the jurisdiction of the superintendent of the Camp Verde Indran pmsm. School, Arizona $20,000, to remain available until expended: Pro- $‘§“°2’§“‘§"§§§”v,L vided, That the lands purchased fog arid Ind¥;lnsa§h:ll betheldi 11; firugt ··· ’ dbe b'tto the " eene omen co e N P 794 gunary esilghlg eighweldmllluhdllgdo and I-zighty-seven (Twenty-fourth Statutes at La e, page three hundred an eighty-eight), as amended. m§:j*C°**°“ That so mag] of tl3;6{_1¤dia&1 approprizatlqu Act l;1g>1§>t;2dtgSm?; Reimbursemen or th, we h tblrtgou .6lg u - 3 ”’£7·°Z’5”€¤“?°°‘ is sgml bliy.d1$e>i mailers reimbursable out of as tribal f unrds ofpghe  ;>lfutht;a0For§ gpacihedlgidian lihesegrvatéonlan ' tj o o ri es on e an ar os ¥tI;;er(:r1:i.til)>Inin6Aci)i¤2i;’>na(l>e,Iia.nd the same is hereby, repealed.

  • ¤'¤**¤¤**°¤ ‘°* **· For inves ation recommended by the Board of Engineer Officers

mtbnswm of the Unitg States Army, as set orth in paragr€$>h two hundred and severiteen of their reggrét todtlge Srzgzretagr o Ds:-C on Fezblrxuag frtet,`teermanouen,onse umen bilied fglevenmlilribndrlgd and ninety-one, Sixty-third Congress, second Dehilscfmpurt. session, and re crt as the supgly of the legally available W8li0l£i acreage available for irrigation an titles thereto, the maximum an minimum estimated cost of the San Carlos irrigation project, mcludmg