Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/655

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636 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 223. 1914. l1§;*;¤*¤¤8g7¤*P°¤¤¤S· For unveiling and dedicating the memorial to General Ulysses S. ’ p' Grant and for each and every prupose connected therewith, including

 ang taking down viewing stands and putting the grounds in

` t y con ition $5 000. mmm rremomn. Slgliincoln Memoi·ial Commission: For continninghwork for the erec- $‘{}j'?'§6P°{,“f’§g8. VOL tion of the Lincoln Memorial in accordance with the plans and design 3M>·102§~ ’ and on the location approved by Congress and for each and every U purpose connected therewith,_to be immediately available, $400,000. ·~·#“?i»‘#"m~$’°“°““ t- A“‘“%t°“tE‘°&‘i$“€} AK1spmth°°ti”aF°Z¤b°g`tfQ1°§rliZ s°‘$§“{“°` '_ 1on,un er e ec on acomrmsson nsis re a 3,,€’%l?8§glcg?g*°= V°‘- of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and Superintendent of the United blk, pl sc. States Ca itol Building and Grounds, Iwgy G. Kimball, representing _ the Grand A1_[']I11y caf g e Rcipwlélic, {sind arle? W. Newrlzn, mpgsenting the nite anis ar eterans o a memo amp · theater, including a cgapel, at the National Cemetery at Arlington,

 and   ac<%or¢;ané;=ie witlii thtgpians Inf Carrere andlgastings,

`tects, o ew or ty, a op y the commission reto ore appointed $250 000. _ Gm B°““ Hbrse Shoe Battle Groimd, Alabama: For the erection of the EMM: ¤¤¤¤°¤¤¥- memorial to the men who fought under General Andrew Jackson in Am, p.311. the battle at the Horse Shoe on the Tallapoosa River, in Alabama, authorized by the Act approved April second, nineteen hundred and fourteen, $5,000._ _ °°,*},§;.,”,,‘§§’k}‘“°°”* Harbor and rivers, contract work: Toward the construction of works on and l'1Y61'S, under contract and otherwise, and

 M P lm ‘"§%““ ""°é'i.“£?.§;?23i’¤“;‘%t‘Z’.%$Z? and dit, Act of an an h

· » · · or wor r e undred and seven as follows: P¤¤¤¤i¤ R*'°¤’·N·*· Improving Passaic River, New Jersey: For continuing improvement of charlniel m Newark Bay and Passaic River, in completion of contract authorization, $92 000. V¤*- 36· P- 665- d 1:pr wiork autlporilimd by lzhc river and harbor Act of nineteen hunre an ten as o ows: w1j`Y,,§,‘§{°g&Y,,T’”d,§,§‘$°i Puget Solnnxgigako Yrgsniingtoin V§at;:)§·wsfy:kFort;o;:i1tinuing im-

  • ¤Y— provemen y _ cons c_ on 0 a ou e oc ,_ w1_ e necessary

accessory works m completion of contract author1zation,_$375,000. V°" 36* p' m' For work authorized y the river and harbor Act of mneteen hun- Cmmgo Rim’m_ drgd and eleveinlii as follows: I _ _ • _ _ _ mproving cago River, ll1no1s. For contmuing improvement, D“°k m“°d’ °°°°° $4l)-liiiigor of refuge, Duck Island Harbor, Connecticut: For complet- _ in improvement, $7,000. M“"’“°“°’ M`°h‘ Improving harbor at Marquette, Michigan: For continuing im- Om mm provenrent, $211,0002 _ _ _ r..,e.,a..a ams. For improving Ohio ilitiverkhbelow P1tts§>urgl?1Pe{{1Snsy1§a(r1na: For continuing improvemen e cons ruc on o oc an ams in Sabiuawcchcs completion of contract autllorization, $1,976,000. _ _ _ , ¤¤¤¤1. Tu- Improving Sabme-Neches Canal, Texas: For continuing improvement of sections "a" and "c" from Port Arthur Canal to mouth of Neches River and from mouth of N eches River to Beaumont in com- . . . » pl%tion of contract authorization, ?93,000. or continuing improvement o section "b" from the o th of Neches River to the_mouth of Sabine River and up Sabineullfirer to Vol T P 201 their town 011; Orange, 1IZ:10§IH}%8l510I1 of ccingaclto authorization, $43§00.

 ‘ or wor authorize y t c river an ar r Act of nineteen uudred and twelve as follows:

§§_§§ff,f§",,m_ Im roving Ohio River below Pittsburgh, Penne lvania: For contin- . P . Y uing improvement by the construction of locks and dams, $2,200,000. V°*· 37- ¤· 8**1- For won-k_author1zed by the river and harbor Act of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as follows: _