Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/672

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. SessAI. Ch. 223. 1914. 653 Enforcement of A ts to regu] te mm : F f §,”‘° ”*°°”*°*° resenting the Goverrisment in ahamatgers Sizing `I(:]1Zl.(§§‘p ddtli; ;V %»§7V·>L tlfiiilt A¤hAct to regndatletcommerce, applgzleql Ffbrpuytrfoultth, mi · » · · 1>· eig een un an e y—seven, as amen , mc uding avelmg expenses, to be expend§ under the direction of the Attorney General, including salaries of employees at Washinion, $15,000. hSI11l3S affecting title to Seminole allottgd lan in Oklahogiailglipr 0E,•;_}¤*¤¤¤•¤¤¤*¤¤¤¢¤» t e payment o necessary expense inci ent to an suits ro t, mmm . ipicluding the salaries gg atttimpxs speciglly emplogredhto set aside '°°““‘· Dimmu conveyances o _ mine e otmen to protect the ossession ofegellxnmple allottees_m their allotted lands, or in the prosgcution of any cnmmal proceedings based on frauds perpetrated upon Seminole allottees with reapect to their allotted lands, to be expended under the direction of e Attorney General, $15,000. _ Federal Court Reports and lzrgests: For one hundred and_eighty rms; Ipemmm copies of contmuatrons of the F eral Reporter, as issued, estimated ’°""" '“°° at ten volumes per year, to continue sets now furnished various oHicialis, agf$2 per volume, ¥3,600éft _ f th L8 000 IA Cm or teen co res 0 vo ume y-erghto e er·s’ perativ °”’ P•¤·· Iltdigpnfof the Stat? Reportp, to gogratinnlhy sets now in thi: uvolliuéiigsif an ocertaino c at 6 ervoume . ‘ Fo; two hplndra;•gd:.1nSddsevenItly copies df Zach of fou1;1v£lru'rneE— P°§,*g>*°¤¤ °°¤*‘° B•· nam ,two un an y·twototwo un an t' -ve ruismer. og ilgtes Re};orts—to1contir§1;e8t;’1(3e sets now in the llands ° o certaino c' at $1. 5 vo ume .

 iuteiests or  United States in suits atteetiuig Pacific m}’,g{~**¤¤ ¤¤=¤·¤=

régilrpads: 0 ¢;ntaipleUthe;6fi.tgomey General to retpresentaain protazt ¤xp¤¤¤¤¤· e mterests 0 ni tates in matters an suits ecting e Pacino railroads, and for expenses in connection therewith, $75,000. JUDICIAL. ’¤*“°‘*'- Ummn srarns cormrs. ,,,,E,§{“‘* “‘°°“ For pa ent of salaries, fees, and expenses of United States mar- _ sha] dmzh de ut'es inclu the office expenses of United Statisarlliarshaillslill in dhs l)istrict oglggaska, $1,530 000, .to include pay- mecpt for services renderedAiln behalfdog $211 United Staltes or otheréwrse, ' ldlllg- erviesin an omainco ectingevi ence all- 3113 lllnited Staftes when so specially directed by the Attorney GeneraL Advances to United States marshals, in accordance wit Aevms. existing law, ma be made from the proper appropriations, as herem provided, immediately u_pon the upassage of this Act; but no disburse- ummm. mentsbshaH_(peiL1};1de pnoréo J fv iirszil n1ir1et(¢;Sent1l:un<‘lrded anodl fouré ten sar 'ursinocersromenm us vane an nl) disgursements shallgbe made therefrom to liquidate expenseh for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen or prior years. _ Bmw 0, mlm From and after October first nmeteen hundred and fourteen, rt amiss. shall be the of die Iinited Stagg mglrshails t<;Ipay, u1;_d3·1reg(plga· ,,“6',,,,"3‘§,'§,*§ }’§§;"` tions rescri ttome ner , the s aries o ju es of tht? United Stztes Bcourts, egrcept the 'ustices_ of the Suprerne E==¤¤r¤¤¤¤s- Court of the United States, the salaries of j udges retired under section seven hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes, and the judges, giicials argdceinplgyees of all gpurts :ihH1sebsess1o(§1st1a.rr•eulé}ed<l;hm gs `tito oumra, oses °es epai Q bdlsin; officer of the vlgepartmeihrtl of Justice as hitherto lprovrded Uniteg States distrrct attorneys, their rgular asistants, c erks, and messen ers, and United States marsh and their deputies: Pro- §r¤¤¤b·;ud umd vided, 'Ihat every United States marshal o ting under a bond "' '°" ' executed prior to the assage of this Act s§l1la 've bond effective thereafter for the faitlliful performance of the rgrties of his omce, including the payment of the salaries above mentioned.