Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/729

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710 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cue. 290-292. 1914. Lmds °¤·°P°¤°‘”° subject to appropriate entry imder the land laws of the United mgrliatt. States: Prom}dgd,Bl’hat nothing in this Act shall be held to provide M" l"’""""’°°°' any refundment of moneys heretofore paid for lands in the said reservation or to relieve entrymen from payments due or to become due on entries heretofore made. Approved, August 27, 1914. A *”·m*‘ CHAIRS 1.-An Act Toamendanact of Congress v Marchtwent hth

 nineteen hugdmd (volume  Statutes at L.;-1%; (3% iiflz-gwo),yiii1]§tled

lP¤l>i|¢, N°· Wi-} "An act granting to the State of the abandoned crt ys 'tary Reservation, in sid State, for the p of establishing an experiment station of the Kanme State Agricultural College, and a wemun branch ot the State Normal Sclmol thereon, and for a public park." Be it enactedbyt}aeSe1aateandHouseo Re cntativeaof the United B§‘f,{,?_*§,°0{,f,§}*‘nS'f” States of America in Congress assemb , 'fhisila an Act of Congress _Y•¤.=n.p.5¤.•m¤¤¤- approved March twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred (volume thirtg ‘ one, Statutes at Large, page fifty-two), entitled "An Act granting the State of Kansas the abandoned Fort Hays Military Rmervataon, iu said State, for the of establishing an experiment station of the Kansas State College, and a western branch of the State Normal Schlrzzdtherpon, and for a public park/’ be, and the same is, am to as o : g,'Y',,T,,,§,¥’,,lF,,‘{,.‘}?“‘,,g_ "'l‘hat the abandoned Fort Hays Military Reservation and all % improvements thereon, situated in the State of Kansas, be, and the same are hereby, granted»~to said State u n the conditions that P0 said State shall estabgislgihanili maintain péclipetuaugofficrwn, iirsg, an exper1men` t station o e ansas Agn or a tate agricultural college and exlperimenta station; secoiglz a western branch of the Kansas State ormal School or a State normal school and that in connection therewith the said reservation shall be used Pwvelggi G t_ and maintained as a public (park: Prmnkled, That said State shall mgilgqueie. °°°°° within five pears, from and a ter the passage of this Act, accept this grant, and s all by proper legislative action establish on said reservation an experiment station of the Kansas Agricultural College or a State agricultural college and experimental station, and a western mmm sm mm. branch of the State Normal School or a State normal school; and “’°" whenever the lands shall cease to be used by said State for the purpose herein mentioned the same shall revert to the United States: roven me not am- mlled further, That the provisions of this Act shall not xplply to any l""°°· tract or tracts within the limits of said reservation to ch a valid claim has attached, bysettlement or otherwise under any of the publicpggwémw ¤¤P*°· land laws of the United States: Provided, That nothing contained ' in this Act shall be construed to entitle the State of Kansas to any additional appropriation out of the Treasury of the United States. ’ Approved, August 27, 1914. A 2%*9**- CHAP. 292.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act c ` ’

 amembly in the Territory of Alaska and conferriichg legislative rp`a‘v?di·gtl}1drego 

(Public. No- 192-1 for other purpose•," approved August twenty-four , nmeteen hundred and twelve. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentativee o the United %‘,§f‘§’?,; ,,_ m States of America in Oongresa assembled, Thi); nothing inJt'hat Act of Teoma to enicrce Congress entitled "An Act creating a legislative assembly in the Ter- °"`“°“‘“""* ritory of Alaska and conferring egislative power thereon, and for other purposes," approved August twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred and twelve, shall be so constru as to prevent the courts now existing or that may be hereafter created in said Territo from enforcing within their respective jurisdictions all laws passedrhy the legislature