Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/747

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728 srxrrrrrrrizn ooNGR1·:ss. sm. II. css. 316-318. 1914. °°¤*m*·’ iwm ’”*· Sec. 3. That for the ose of carrying out and effecting the °iigii :·.z,p.assii°m` objects of this Act the of the Interior is authorized to enter into a contract with the organization formed by the owners of the lands irrigated within said project or project unit pursuant to section six of the Act of June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, stipulating and roviding that the o anization will maintain and use such of the lands so reserved for the &urposes prescribed in this Act as such organization may desire, and at upon failure to so maintain and use such lands, or in the event that same shall be permitted to be used or occupied for other purposes than those satiipulated in this Act, the control of the lands shall revert to the Unit States. ¤g§?°“‘°"“"°’“°t _Sec. 4. That any of such lands not contracted for in accordance with the provisions of section three of this Act within ten years from the time water is available for the same, or sooner, if the Secreta? of the Interior ma deem it desirable, shall be disposed of in accor - ance with the public»land laws applicable thereto, and the proceeds from the disposition of lands reverting to the United States under the provisions of this Act, and from sales of water rights,_shall be covered into the reclamation fund and placed to the credit of the project wherein the lands are situate. Approved, October 5, 1914. °‘}°§b&'$j;°“• CHAP. 817.-An Act Toauthorize the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railway ..;_;_. Company and the Chicago Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company to [Pubns, Ne. 209.] conmruct a bridge acrom the Mimisaippi River at Saint Paul, Minnesota. . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United Miss 1 . . , , , m%hi§§p11g States of Ame·r·wa an Congress assembkd,11-`hat the Chicago, Milwaulzee way c`.?mp§y, ered and Stunt Paul Railway Company, a corporation orgpnized and exist- ',§‘,§,§’,,"Q,‘}g· °° mi ing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and the Chicago, Saint · Paul, _ and Omaha Railway Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and their successors and assigns, be, and the are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, an operate a bridsge and approaches thereto across the Mississippi River at a point suitable to the interests of nav1gation, in the east half of the southwest quarter of section twelve, township twenty-eight north, ran e twenty-three west of the fourth gnncipa meridian, in the city of Saint Paul, county of Ramsey, and cmsmcmn, _ tate of Minnesota to replace the brid e and approaches there located, V¤*·34»x>·8»*· in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “AI1 Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. ·““°°°¤¤'- Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby reserved. Approved, October 7, 1914. (ii·i?bf;5·,§%{j' CHAP. 318.-—An Act To amend section ninety-eight of an Act entitled "An Act

 to_codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary," approved March

’ third, nineteen hundred and eleven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 the United $$ig°ds?sfti;iic°i’it¤i[ States of America in Congress assembled, That section nin`dty-eight of mm °d' an Act entitled “A¤. Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to the judiciary/’ approved March third, nineteen hundred and eleven, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: ,,,,§`[‘,§‘Sg,,$ggj>“¤¤ !¤*’i· "Sec. 98. The State of North Carolina is divided into two districts, Eastern umm. to be known as the eastern and western districts of North Carolina. The eastern district shall include the territory embraced on the first