Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/831

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 60, 64. 1915. 813 CHAP. 60.-An Act For the relief of certain persons who made en under the F°l¥1131’Y 25, 1915- pmvannnn of section sx, Act of my twenty-ninth, nineteen nnnan-to ntiiieignt. 18-*2**1 [Public, No. 255.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United _ _ States of America in Congress assembled, Thitt all entries made by m°§§,$,‘{,“’,;}‘,,,§’,§}"’“* beneficiaries imder section six of the Act of Congress approved May Petggitv {¤s¤·> f<>r twenty-ninth, nineteen nnnantd and sight, enticed "An Act author- °°%‘.§’t°tt, pilisiiim izing a resurvey of certain townshi s in the State of Wyo , and for other purposes’ ’ ('l`hirty-fifth Statutes, age four hundreil and V°*· 33» P· 18*- sixty-Eve), m connection with which such qaeneficiaries have submitted proof of their compliance with the homestead law in Wisconsin, and where such vproof shows full five ears’ residence and improvements on the iseonsin land, to which their title failed by reason of the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company against Forsythe (One hundred and fifty-ninth United States, page orty-six), whether such entry is now being asserted by the o entryman or by his transferee, be, and the same are hereby, co ed, and the Secretary of the Inte- _ rior is directed to issue patents thereon: Provided, That this legis- §{,'}{,”,§,2$,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_ lation is to be construed as only removing the objection with relation M ¤¤¤°*’°·1· to transfer, heretofore raised by the Interior Department against said entries, and is not to be construed as confirming entries, if any, made for lands not subject to entriy or entries made by gersons not entitled thereto: Provided further, at if any of the said entries under the °““"‘“ “°* remedial Act or amendments thereto have been canceled and the lands embraced therein reentered b intervening adverse claimants, such canceled entries are not to lie reinstated and validated by this Act. Approved, February 25, 1915. CHAP. 64.-—An Act Granting to the town of N evadaville, Colorado, the right F¤1>f¤¤fY 27,1915- to purchase certain lands for the protection of water supply. [Public, No. 256.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o' Re esentatives o the United _ States ty' America in Congress assembleti Tlizt the townhf Nevada- £‘§§’§1“.’§°°§‘,;,,.;, tt, ville, a municgpal corporation of the State of Colorado, is hereby §,g{_#§g_jI*}1§{;,P°1°··'°’ ranted the ri t to purchase the public lands situate in the county of Clear Creek, (§>1orado, described as follows: Beginning at corner num- D¤¤¤¤¤pw>¤. bered one, from which corner the south one-fourth corner section thirty-two, township two south, range seventy-three west of the sixth principal meridian, bears north sixty-five degrees eight minutes twelve seconds east seven thousand two hundred and twenty-seven and seven—tenths feet; thence south forty-six degrees forty-six minutes east six hundred and eighty-one feet to corner numbered twothence south forty-three degrees fourteen minutes west one hundred and seventy-tive feet to corner numbered three, from which corner numbered three corner numbered one of survey numbered sixteen thousand three hundred and eighty bears south seventy degrees twenty-two minutes east two hundred and twenty-three feet; thence south forty-six degrees twenty-three minutes east two thousand and nine:1y—four and ninety-seven one-hundredths feet to corner numbere four; thence south sixty-four degrees twenty-two minutes east seven hundred and thirty feet to corner numbered five, from which corner the south one-fourth corner section thirty-two, township two south, range seventy-three west, sixth principal meridian, bears north thirty-six dc ees thirty-six minutes twenty-one seconds east six thousand sevengiiundred and nineteen and seventeen onehundredths feet; thence south fifty-two degrees fifty-five minutes west two hundred and fifty-six feet to corner numbered six, from which corner numbered six corner numbered one of survey numbered