Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/84

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1913. 65 For inclosingl in glass the two—st0ry corridor of contagious·disease hosipital, toget er with incidental work, $28,000; _ 0 complete the sea wall on the northeast side of the basm, $16,000; Fn8H,$184’0c(lOdingh t dfrnishin d tf th <>hi¤¤z<·¤¤~ or rent in u ea , an u g an uipmen or e », immigrant station at Chicago, Illinois, $20 000. Bq R°°t’°q° pm°°t'°°°" Immigration station, Galveston, Texas: The Secretary of War is §§’§§$@°,'§,;,,'f,§‘,;,,, hereby authorized to use for replacing and repairinglthe electric-hght 37V<>¤·6¥§· P- 764: V¤1- and telephone cables and the water main between e city of Galves- ’P' ` ton, Texas, and the immigration station on Pelican Spit, the unexpended balances of the appropriations for construction of water main to supply water to the immigration station at Galveston, Texas, and for locating and correcting eak in said water mam; and said unexpended balances are hereby made available for said purposes. msmomsrrou snnvron. I¤=¤¤s¤¤¤¤¤¤¤rvk=¤· Expenses of lating immi ation: For all expenses of the en- ng wtlor¤°i% forcement of thlamlgws reglatinir the immigration of aliens into the ““{’,'g{j3.,_P_ ,8,, United States, including e contract-labor laws; for the costs of the reports of decisions of the Federal courts, and digests thereof, for the use of the Commissioner General of Immigration; for salaries and expenses of all officers, clerks, and employees appointed to enforce vom, p_m_ said laws; for the enforcement of the provisions of the Act of Feb- V¤I.36;|>·Q3._ ru twentieth, nineteen hundred an seven, entitled "An Act to · regalillate the immigration of aliens into the United States, " and Acts amendatory thereof; for expenses of necessary supphes, including exchange of typewnting machines, alterations, and repairs, and for all other expenses authorized by said Act; also for preventing the °m°°“°°‘°h'"°"’ unlawful ent of Chinese into the United States, by the appointment of suitable oilrzlbers to enforce the laws in relation thereto, and the expenses of retumi:5 to Chma all Chinese persons found_to be unlawully m the Uni States, mcluding the cost of imprisonment and actual expense of conveyance of Chmesefpersons to the frontier or Rmdmhmu seaboard for deportation, and for the re unding of head tax upon presentation of evidence showing conclusively that collection was made through error of Government ofiieers; all to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, $2,550,000: ,,,m,,°_ Provided, That from and after July first, nineteen hundred and thir· d1>·p¤n•¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤• teen all Chinese pprsons ordered eported under judicial writs shall n$,*{,"$,E°g.,§,° """°"" be delivered by the marshal of the district or his deputy into the custody of any officer designated for that purpose by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, for conveyance to_ the frontier or seaboard for deportation m the same manner as ahens deported under the imnngratmn laws. _ Miscellaneous expenses, Division of Naturalization: For comipen- ,,,,§,‘{*““"‘“*’°“ B"' sation, to be fixed y the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, o ex-- ¤,§v¤¤i¤1 ¤=¤=¤¤1¤e¤» ammers, interpreters, clerks, and stenogralphers, for the urpose of von. sv, p. 737- carrying on the work of the Division of aturalization, Ihureau of Immigration and Naturalization, provided for by the Act of Congress V°I‘ 3** p' 5°°‘ approved June twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An egrawlins ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤» Act to establish a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and to provide for a uniform rule for the naturalization of aliens throughout the_ United States" and for their actual necessary travehng expenses while absent from their official stations, ineludinistreet car fare on oflicial business at official stations, subject to suc rules and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may {prescribe; and for the actual necessary traveling expenses of the officers and employees of the Division of Naturalization in Washington while absent on official duty outside of the District of Columbia; for telegrams, 91006°——vo1. 38——r·r 1-$5