Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/859

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 75. 1915. 841 The space now occupied b the Bureau of Co rations in the build- Q°*"°” *¤ °°¤· ing rented for use of the Dgpartment of Comxliiiiice is transferred to mm°mmm" and for the accommodation 0 the Federal 'I‘rade Commission, and the Secretary of Commerce is directed to transfer to said commission any ggditional rooms or space in said building that may be required for 1 use. Estimates in detail for all expenditures under the Federal Trade nsanqnmmnqu Commission for the fiscal year nmeteen hundred and seventeen, and °°"'°"""°°‘ annual? thereafter, shall be submitted to Congress in the annual Book 0 Estimates. WAR DEP War Dupartnwnt. smronms ann ansmmus. M-;{¤¤¤·¤ •¤¤ •¤•· Benicia Arsenal, Benicia, California: For increasing facilities for a•¤ma,c•1. fire protection, $10,000. A Frankford Arsenali Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: F¤¤¤¤¤» !’•· Extension of doub e-action press shop building, $6,000; A Improving facilities of the boiler plant, $15,000; For one tm shop, $72,000. Extension of lumber shed, $22,500. In all, $115 500. Rock Island Arsenal, Bock Island, Illinois: aeeanamam. For increasing facilities for fire protection, $5,000; For road repairs, $6,000; ' For a storehouse for the storage of oils, and so forth, and its equipment, $15,000; ggr repairs to girslenal builcgiphg, $2,400; f { hce un V o e appropriation o $5 500 or r su•nr¤,m. ing repainting all metal work of the bridge begeen ?4°}?Z°;i%Y£.mw' Rock Island Arsenal and the city of Rock Island, Illinois, made in the sundry civil a propriation Act for the Escaltyear nineteen hundred and Efteen sgall continue available during e Escal year nineteen hundred and sixteen; For repairs to wagon bridge and viaduct, $12,500; The imexpended alance of the appropriation of $3,600 for a sys- g ,,"u§’§,’·;{f· tem of semaphore for the protection of the draw span of the am, p. on — bridge at the Rock sland Arsena , made in the sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen, 51111 continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen. The unexpended balance of the approlpriation of $65,000 for repairing the foundations and walls of shop at the Rock Island Arsenal _“mb,__ made in the sundry civil a propriation Act for the fiscal lyear nineteen am, p. as. hundred and fifteen shallpcontinue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen; For maintenance and o eration of power Iplant $12,500; For operating, care, and) preservation of ock Island bridges and BNF °*P°¤°°·- via.duct· and for maintenance and repair of the arsenal street connecting the bridges, $18,000; Pu au, $71,400d Sa d H k N J F l filling` roving groun , n 00 ew ersey: or rmanent y Ss¤<1yH•>¤kvr<>vi¤: a portion of the railroasd trestle connecting Sang; Hook Reserve- ”°"°°'N"‘ tion with Highland Beach, including necessary concrete culverts, $25,000. . Springfield Arsenal Springfield, Massachusetts: For the erection B°"°°°°m’M°°°' of new coal bins, including conveyors and hoppers for transferring coal from cars to bins, $14,500; For repairing streets, $7,200; in all $21,700.