906 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 80. 1915. m£gj=¢¤·=·¤ ¤·¤=¤=- ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. s°““’*°°- Electrical engineer, $2,500; assistant electrical engineer, $2,000; four electrical inspectors, at $1,200 each; inspector, $1,000; electrician, $1,200; two draftsmen, at $1,000 each; three telegraph operators,$zrt2%0(;0hreacl1; four inspectors, at $1900 pacllr; expert repairman, , ; ee repairmen, at $900 eac ; te ep one operators-— three at $720 each five at $540 each one $450; electrical ins ect0rs— one $2,000, one $1,800, one $1,350,; cable splicer, $1,200;Passistant cable sphcer, $620; clerks—one_ $1,400, one $1,200, two at $1,125 each, one $1,050, one $750; assistant repa1rmen—one $620, two at $t5(;10§acl1; la$lg¢;1;rsy—<;£e §23%1ghree at $600 each, two at $540 each; s re eeper, ; in , 9, . ,8“PP”°¤»°°°*'¤¤¤·* For general supplies re airs new batteries and battery su lies ’°t°` ttgeprilone rental and p11r<%_ia1s;; wirei for extension of tlelegraplipzrnd e one service repau·s o es an instruments, urc ase 0 as tools, insulat0rs,,brackets, pins, hardware, cross larms, ice, rggord polpoks, statlrcgnery, pcrmltrlng, livery, watghmgélhlgglgsmthmg, extra. a r, new xes, an 0 er necess 1 ms, , . P'°°*¤8'¤•° ”¤¤¤— For placing wires of iire—alarm, at:-legraph police- atrol and tele- U°`md` phlgne service8lur)1(rlergrourid in existing coniluits,di€cluding cost of ca es termin xes an ts connections to an etween exis ' 0or·1;lu%tsl,011r1anlr1ole1s1, l1ll.I1(ll1(Hg§, posts fo; fire-alarm and police boirlgsg exaa an o ernecessaryitems 7000. P°"‘°°"°"°’”'““"· b0For exteiision og police-patrol system, ,i1rcluding purchase of new _xes purchase an erectiono necessary es crossarms insulators pms, braces, wire, cable, conduit connectiiihs, ’extra laboii, and other USM necessary items, $1,200. _ _ _ ‘"" Lrorrrmoz For purchase, installation, and mamtenance of public glmtrgs, lamupeggsts, street deségngrzrons, la.r11ter1r)s1, and iixtureg fof $ ons avenues roa _ eys, an u cs aces an necessary expeiises m connection therewillh inclliiding rentiili of stables storerooms, this sum to be expended in accordance with vm. as, p. mus. the provisions of sections seven and eight of the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the Hscal gear nineteen hundred and twelve V¤l- 37.r-ISL 2L.ntfw1tr1htlr{¢;c];r·ovw10ns of theh igrtrigt or'iC}rL>lr11mbia. agprolpriation c or e year nmeteen un `e an t teen an other laws Sharm puma of u_ applicable thereto, hvery andtgxtra liibor, §395,¥0. , mmmrmnpamated, e commissioners are au orize in their cretion to maintain part of the lamps on any street, avenue, alley, road, or public space, or portion thereof, for a shorter period each night after the hour of one 0 clock antemeridian than that required by the provisions of the aboveimentnorrpd acisr., gt such rednrred rates for said arriptsh as may be agree upon _ y an etween said commissioners an e lighting compames mamtaming them. F°°`°1°”“ b°‘°" ger putrchasq and installatipn of ten_iire·ala.rmulfoxes, and purchase an erec on 0 necessary po es cross arms ins ators, ins, br ces w1re,_p;.ble,$<é0r)1(d0mt connections, posts, extra labor, andlbther ngcesi sary 1 ms, , . Washington A q u e- ‘l°°‘· WASHINGTON AQUEDUUI`. Maintenance. For operation includin salaries of all necess em I ain- F,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,1,, tenance, and replair of _¥%'as ton Aqueductmalind il)sO§;SessI<1iries, ¤w.,i¤¢1¤a¤¤. McMillan Park eservoir, Was vton Aqueduct Tunnel, the Filtration Plant, the plant for the pre ary treatment of the water supiply, authorized water meters on Federal services, motor trucks, an for each and everiv; purpose connected therewith, including the erection of a new store ouse at the Filtration Plant, and includmg cmdmmd maintenance of mot0r_ truck,_horses, vehicles, and harness, $119,000. For widening and improving Conduit Road, $15,000.