Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/967

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 83. 1915. 949 gpginery sergeants, twenty-nine quartermaster sergeanis, thirty-six t sergeants, seventy-one sergeants, twenty corporals, twenty iirst-class musicians, one drummer, one trumpeter, one fifer, and Htvyeanlty-six ppivates, and for those who may be retired during the c ear, $ 60,857. 1Ulp1ch·awnd1clothing: For payment to discharged enlisted men for U¤•¤‘¤'¤ ¢l°*¤¤¤¢· cot `ng un awn, $120,000. Mileageg For mileage to officers traveling under orders without m*°°¢°*°°m°°'¤· hoops, $4 ,000. For commutation of uarters of oficers on duty without troops ,,°,°,¤m¤m*°,**°¤ °‘ where there are no publiiz quarters, $46,000. gumtqie. wm" PAY on crvn. 1¤·0RcE: In the office of the major general com- °"“‘°'°°· mandant: One chief clerk, at $2,000; one clerk, at $1,400; one messe r, at $971.28. , In liii: office of the paymaster: One chief clerk, at $2,000; one clerk, at $1,500; one clerk, at $1,200. In the office of the adjutant and inspector: One chief clerk, at $2 000; one clerk at $1,500; one clerk, at $1,400; one clerk, at $1,200. In the office of the quartermaster: One chief clerk at $2,000; one cleiik, at $(11,:300; two clerks, at $1,400 each; two clerks, at $1,200 eac ; one tsman, at $1 800. In the office of the assistant quartermaster, San Francisco, California: One chief clerk, at $1,800. In the office of the assistant quartermaster, Philadelphia, Penns$- vania: One chief clerk, at $1,800; one messenger, at $840; in e quartermastefs department, for duty where their services are remiuired, four clerks, at $1,400 each. _ M t md I1 all, fot pay of civil force, $35,711.28, and the mers? herein mmm '“ specihcally appropriated for pay of the Marine Corps sh be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law as pag of the Marine Co , and for that purpose shall constitute one fum . In all, pay, lgsarine 001115, $4,510,834.33. uamrismascs, QUARTERMASTER,S DEPARTMENT, ummm cones. Y°°""°' Pnovrsxons, LIARINE Coars: For noncommissioned officers, musi- *’*°'”‘°”· cians, and privates sewing ashore; subsistence and lodging of enlisted men when traveling on duty, or cash in lieu thereof; commutation of rations to enlisted men regularly detailed as clerks and messenglenw payments of board and lodging of applicants for enlistment while eld under observation recruits, and recruiting parties· transportation of provisions, and the emplognent of necessary labor connected therewith; ice machines and their maintenance where required for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storage; ice for Shmm mmoflices and preservation of rations, $890,000. No law shall be con- Y ' strued to entitle enlisted men on shore duty to any rations or commutation therefor other than such as are now or may hereafter be Pmw allowed enlisted men in the Army: Prowkled, however, That when it Navy new mama is impracticable or the e ense is found greater to supply marines "‘*““"· serving on shore duty inxihe island possessions and on oreign stations with the Army ration, such marines ma be allowed the Navy umas M me in ration or commutation therefor: Promkied, That hereafter so muc mmm. of this appropriation as may be necessary mag beapplied for the purchase, or sale to officers, enlisted men, an civihan employees, of such articles of subsistence stores as may from time to time be designated ulnxder Such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secret o the avy. _ CLO’i'.‘;yrNG, MARINE C0m·s: For noncommissioned officers, musl- °"m"¥· cians, and privates, authorized by law, $620,063.