Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1104

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INDEX. 2407 Steel--Continued. Page. ,3;,,,,, Pass duty °“’ bmcm ················- · ·--·-~- 124 duty 011, nrtiicinl, for miliinery ornaments. 148 blooms . - .. 124 drugs ... , . . ug c8Sungs··•*;•; ···-- · ·-•·•· -· ·--·--· ·-. 124 f]‘99ljs an-U-N-N·°m2"'u||"N" crQ¤gbg¤¤;)¤,;1,=;¤¤s ¤¤<>>·¤ --------- - ------· 134 on visls°iE1$i°iiYifi?i’.f?l.l‘1 XY'? 157 C 8 ... ._, _ _____ ____ 14 {usgs die blocks or blanks .. . ... 124 Swwgragxrgégucomm ’ Hm °f RW"`

 molds, not ill b3l‘S, DOE COI].- gp rgprigtion f(;l·_________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    

t,.m...‘“%?.}§?X°.‘.1.11;;:1;:1: ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ iii ‘*°g°i°.;‘;;’“*’*"°*"‘““i°“‘°'°"*‘*‘ mm, . ¤<>t; ¤<>¤¤¤i¤i¤e ¤11¤y¤ ----·... . . ZY sr§mLyq¤pz.e}§`»K '°°‘'`` 22% 327’ 575’ 1153 ‘‘‘' 1 ‘‘‘‘‘·‘•··· · :· 1 ···· · ······-· ` f .. . . . . , mill Slliilhllg, not contaming alloys . 124 Ste;h¢$tl?Il§o;n:¢i)4l:mpmu0n or 226

Y P!`0V!d9d fo1' ··-·---·- · pension increased ,,____ , _____________ _ _ _ _ 1297

ggtéiignsé,é%&a£éZZ]ZZ]jZZjjZ[j[jjj S‘;,*[,",f;;,,;l“"'” _____ fj _____________ 1437 . S. . · --.. . . . . .. • · ° ``°' . ` ' '

 _____   _________________ E 7 S"P""" 02*;*/cz Sixth; ¥¢”*°d”¢ EMMMI

1'0 WIIB . . .. . .. , ,,,_,_,, 4 · · pa ent of Court o Claims ii to 992 ?1:°& ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ i "BH ‘‘·· 11 1 éié ··········· gg Stepm City Va., Trinity Lurhemndlrllgclhurch, Jie e.}Z.s.-mtg ,.110,..: 11111 1 1 1 1 11 in Sggeggg ·;§,?;v*;,°* Gem, ¤¤¢*¤¤¤ ~·· ---- M shavings°°°°°°°"°"""°"""'°""" ), ““§Z'€aa;i;.m-‘ at 1111.;,;.1.1.11 1 1 1; 11 1 1 1 1; {E2 S*#·’·m·"·» JM M·» . `I ```````"` bb · payment of Court of Claims findings to 994

ws;é£1`.`.`.`.'..ZZZf.`.`.ZZZ Z Z I I I Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I I Z ZZ iii $*¢P'·¢"!”’b Wilbbm H-- .

ms,·m·¤ g su ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 12 pension increased . .. l 1263 »§jiiY.Y?w ... °Y Y? .. L, ni S=g,ggyg;P¤M· M5 on list, i ets not containing loys,etc. 162 ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· · ·········-· - · · · · · - blooms, not containing alloys, etc ... 162 S*fs"’°‘W’° PIM"! cogged ingots, not containing alloys, etc. 162 Swgly °I§i"." ‘‘‘‘ : ···········---- · -··· 127 die :§ocks or blanks, not containing 6 pagan mw · (”'*d°w)» · 1400 . <·v¤· ¤=¤·-e-; --··---·----·------- 1 2 8,,,,,,,, 5,;,;; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘1‘‘‘1··· · ········ §1gigg;’1§? :gm:i:§fi’BZt;&LQ§&ZZ ig; d°E°i°P°Y °PP*°P’i°*i°¤ *°* Public build- 564 s, not containing a cys, etc . 62 '‘‘‘‘'‘'’'‘ 1 ‘‘‘•‘‘‘•··· ·· ¢ ·····- productions of iron, cast and malleable, _ S mgm D'l§Td°w)· 1252 seEt¥33$2h“%“m”1; ······1r1··1··111··· ”° S“““°{,}"if{§;,‘§”l;’;, ,,,,, ,, .,,. `‘```°`‘` _,°·;*;5¤¤~¤,,;¤r*;¤;;d~· eh; ·-··· , --·,,-··,;,;,-·· *62 %§3%.J2¤ enf; e»—";uw$g L‘3n§“i1;1 **1 °"*1?§§ tec ant, ava rmar see or nt, b ’ { - fed * ·‘····· Naval), S court Tu; to 2 u ... . . , mg Steel, Sh‘p Plates, Amor, em, Mvmq, qn ou ., no purchases for the Navy to be made from pemmu mYr°2°°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘· ‘ ····· 1297 trade monopolies in ... 415, 953 S¢¢“*'¢”·{· B€'*}¢*mm» at s price in excess of a reasonable penmon increased 1422 profit _____ _ _____________________ 415, 953 Stevens, Charles L., not applicable to any existing conil 953 8t];:;|;:0;;r& --·-····-· . ... . . . . , 1269 tract-•·•--•••-•·-····· ···· ••·•·-- 5v .’ . ’ Steele, Bellevadorala, pension increased .. . . 1260 payment to, for injuries to husband ... 1245 Slfvmb E~» Steele, Emma (widow), pension increased .. . .,.,, 1240 pension .. . ... 1248 Stevens. George 0., Steele, Hamilton M., pena10%1nci·eased .. . . 1509 pension increased ... . 1282 Stevens, gnrmvn, Steele, _Wzllwm O., pension creased.: .. 1428 S P°l;¤¤*°¤ i¤°¤‘°¤¤°d -·····-··--·~·-·--- - -··· 1237 Smenngioglilw W (widow), 1364 tee , pe ¤_ -·-···----·.- . . . duty 011, with h8l1dl88 ··-·---·. . . . 127 Stgvgns, Leung, without handles .. . . - -·-- I2? P€¤¤¤°¤ \¤€¥€¤¤€q -·-·—·--—-·· — -··------·· 1416 cm-sen; or dress .. . .. 12a Scevenq, Lqvms (widow). Steeltlm, Pa., _ . pension increaséd ---·-·-·---- - -·. 1507 approwsriation for public building ..--·- 14 Sl€U€ll•{0"l: _C'l¤'¤’¢0Pl¤¢l' C-, Stem, illiam, M., penswn mcrenwd- - -_ -------·-----·.·..<.. 1297 pension incmsed _________ _ ______,__,,,. . 1558 Stevenson, _Elua A. (zmdow), Steinberg, yang, _ penmon increased . ... 1298 S repayment for timber and stone entries by I475 Stwegizfl; William (3071), 1378 MM, Pe ············ : ·················--· · duty on, china, etc., not decorated, ctc... 121 Stewart}, Jlfancy J. (widow), dscOmtsd_ ___________________ _ _____, 121 pension increased .. . . 1346 esrnmwsre, not decorated 120 S¢ew<m?» Wlwm F·· dscomtsd, sts ______ _ ______ _ ________, 120 pensmn increased 1409 Stemm, Frank, Stewarg ‘4Uetha (w1'd0w)’ pension iucrssssd ________ _ ____ _ ________ _ 1449 pension increased 1390