Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1140

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INDEX. 2443 Webswr Swings, W Va-, _ P¤s¤- Wells, Orrin J, Page. terms of court, at; rooms requxred . 702 eugiqm increased ________________________ 1483 Webster, W Va., Methodist Episcopal Church, Wgls, Susannah (widow), pavment of Court of Claims findings to 995 eugigm ___,,,_,______ _ ,______________ _ _ _ _ 1565 Weddlez Harriet J (willow). Wgls, William, d peumou . . 1525 ension increase ...,,,,_,,,,,,, , ____ 1327 Iwdges, _ Wgls, Wilson, duty on, mm or steel . 126 pension increased ...,..,,,,______, _ ______ 1239 Weedm, Hemi N- (www), mmm-g, uh Va., WP€¤¤i°¤ m°'°88°d --·-—-·····------·~-···- 1560 appropriation for public buildi , . 614, 829 ¢¢d·$, Wenaha National Foresl, Wash. arg Oreg., dutY °D» d¤1g¤ --···--·----····---·---···· 116 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of, 429, 1099 ¤1¤·¤uf¤·€tU1’€¤ of ----—-··-··-·-»---- _ ·--· 151 Wemxtcluze Natakmal Forest, Wash., 011 f1‘€9 115% ¢!'¤d¢» d¤18‘¤ not SP€<¤¤¤uY appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of. 429 1099 W ks Itarovided f¢}€.&H ... . . . 157 Wenatchee, Wash., ’ ee Tm ML 0 L- ‘u { bu b ‘1d1 . s min ix; emma, on Aim road mm. 366 w2,Ej,§{°_*}§‘,?l€,°1‘§r_f" "“ ° ‘“ “g Z9 m1¤¤0¤ ···-·----·-·--··----------·· ension increased , . ...,.. 1564 WECSRCT, George B., `W§n¢w0rgh’ Benjamin, Wpensmn { . 1352 ngign _____________ _ ____________________ 1243 eight.; and Qleamres, Intematwnal Bureau qf, Jam; KW appropriatxon for annual coutrilgution- . 446, 1120 nsion increased . ... 1415 Wezghts aqui Jljgasures, Inuzmatwnal Com- W£§ey_ Samuel, vmttec 0 , ' eased .. . . 1390 appropriation for expenses of member- . 502,1043 W£)s§?E»§g1I?a;1D§{ (wrllow), Wezghzg, Measures, and Markets, D. C., nsion . . 1272 Superingendent qf, 9 8 6 Wg; Creek, N. J., u ro riation or inspectors etc ... 57 , 9 reli 'nary e aminatiou et ., of t be we.*2M’ Cm, ’ _ ’ _ P “°imd.,..f . in.? 1 . K . .. my payment of Court of Clmms iiudmgs to West Fork River, W Va.! administrator of ... 967 Wprelimixmry examimmou of, to be made. - 1060 Wei¢\ .[0Im_, est, Qeorge S., Wpcumou increased 1338 Wpensxon increased . . .. 1329 mlscr Mztianal Forest, Idaho, est Indzks, _ _ appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 429, 1099 appropriation for weather B€1'V1C6 expenses Wenzel, George F., in .. 416,1088 uypnséioiul increased 1577 West, Jacoir, {Coun fc _ 6 d_ t 980 mze , mry, aymen 0 0 ll 11185 0 Wpengiou increased 1253 Wyse Philadegphia, Pa.: _ elch, Edward, condemne Armly pfles gmnped to Jumor purchase of allotment for, interpreter to Qrder of mted Americau Mechan- Wl h HApache prisoners, Fort Sill, Okla. . . 94 W P ms-6 .. . .. 1211 , , est uint, a. _ Wggndosqgiggased Z ... 1533 gieficiency appropriation for public buildeld¢m Springs Landing, Mo., _ _ _ mg . .: . _ 564 time extended for bridging LIISSOUYI Rxver 309 West P01ng,t§Jas.;., by b ld_ 15 t __________________ _ _____________ 3 ro rm non or u IC ul HRK . WeLfo*rd,%Zizabeih H., _ _ We.£pPo€nt, N. Y. gee Military ;\<·ud0my). payment of _(`0urt_ of Clmms tiudmgs to West Pomg, Ya., _ _ _ admimstramx of ... 977 apprqprgapou for public lgu_nI<Img. ._ . . 615 Welker, Charly; Eq 1328 West Vgygmza Judwzal Dwimrt, hoo pe _· _____________________________ _ ____ coun wg Cone 1 . ; .. Well:-jujvgelsgn _L_ terms of court, Clarksburg ;02 Wpensiou increased . . .. 1297 E}k\{1¤; 1'00m$ ·····---·---- - ····-·---··· im elling, Edward, Mf=\Tt1¤Bb\1i’8 ······ ~ --·-···-··-··-···--· 102 Wpension increased 1387 P8-!:l§€l'$b\U`K -····-·--—- - ······~-----··· [02 ellingtcm, Kam., Phnlngpx; rooms ... LO? Condemned cannon granted be Grand Army 1200 W t“I/'};§99_1¥§g ---· ···-· ’ 0*- ost ..-- - - 68 *Z`9””~“ . . » · - Wells, Afecmnder W., Counties mnmmung ···············*···· ‘ Lgg Wpension increased . . . . 1300 t91'm$» Bluefield ~·--··········· · ········· L ; ella, Austin B., , ChN’]?8t0¤ ·-····· · -·········· · ·······‘ Wpension increased ._ . . 1282 H¤¤pmgw¤ --··-·-~···· · ··············‘ LOG aus, cmu A. (widow), L¢w¤¤b¤¤z--;---; ·-—~--—···-··-··~—·--- LO; _”)'>0nsion increased ,.,.. . .. . . . . 1428 wi?b§t€1` Spfingsv r°°mS ···‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ,90,, cus, pm E. (u-ww-), Wéjhmggi rgom -·-———-··-—~-·--—---· ~ Wpensxon 1¤crea.sed .,...,.,.. . ...,. 1566 West arwnc , . .. ted to 1199 dk, James JL, 1970 cannon gran ‘° `‘‘‘’ ' · · - ~ 69 · ·v . . . .. 7V§€;;s§3CLn?;»?$,i;%; ``'``````'`·``` 1290 Wagggrili/a,E;n for public bmlding . . . . 1.; ` eased . . . es v ·r . . . WEZ$;E§;;v:¥ncr - . . · I I I U U . i U - - . I I · · · appropriation for public building. . - ; 15 €0¤‘~’eyar:ces of lands in right of way of Wéstover Church, C'har‘leé¢ Qty (é01g;f£l~ ia-, 989 Central Pacific Railroad in, legghzed 1198 payment of Court of bums ¤ BES 0 --·-